The Players Who Probably Won’t Go Online Again

In the desolate city, few people were left alive in the ruins.

"Wu…Wa! Dad! Mom!" A cute small orc with a bull head stood in the middle of the ruins and bawled, looking like a small lonely flower that was growing in the ruins; this flower was so weak that its tender stem would be broken by a gust of wind.

A hurricane appeared in the sky and knocked this small orc down, and his cries got louder.

A huge shadow slowly landed from the sky.

It was a huge demon-like dragon that was over ten meters long, and it had two horns on its head.


A huge figure which looked like an iron tower got off from the dragon.

"Cackle…" This figure let out a series of gloomy and cold laughs while it lifted a huge sword.

Then, the sword slashed down heavily!


The sword hacked open the ground and left a huge crack, but no blood dripped down.

"Huh…?" This figure looked up and saw a tall lion-man dragging the kid to the side.