The Gathering of Masters

 "You mean you watched the broadcast with the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection on White Pigeon Square and saw that the Orc Kingdom is in trouble? The players over there might be in trouble too?!" Fang Qi's hands shook, but he quickly covered it.

He would still behave wildly once in a while in the shop, but he had generally acted more maturely than before.

Hearing the fragmented and messy explanations from different people, Fang Qi finally understood the situation.

He realized that this was a real disaster compared with previous incidents.

"Sir, I've decided." With red eyes, Sala said, "We'll return to our elf forest today to gather our people, and then we'll go to the frontline…" 

"I've decided too." Beside Sala, Assassin Harrison said, "When we played Assassin's Creed, the master assassins taught us that the assassins' creed is free will. Now that some people are even deprived of the right to live, how can we have freedom…?"