A sudden change for the worse!

Ever since she began playing World of Warcraft, Helen had felt a nightmarish power growing inside of her. She was troubled by nightmares every night, and those weird and creepy scenes in her dreams woke her up, making her too afraid to sleep.

However, after Sala recommended Outlast to her, Helen began to change…

Previously, it had been hard to sleep, and now she just didn't dare to close her eyes. Whenever she remembered that the fat demon-like man who chased her around throughout the game was finally turned into meat paste by the supernatural existence that worked above the laws of nature, she would shiver involuntarily.

The scarier thing was that the supernatural existence had crawled into her body!

As for the previous nightmares…

For some reason, Helen felt that the power which caused nightmares seemed to be stirring in her body again, but…