For the Alliance!

"What's that?!" Even the loftiest saint-level masters sitting at the Nations Summit couldn't hide the shaking in their voices.

It was probably the first time in their lives that they couldn't control their emotions, or in other words, couldn't keep the emotions from showing on their faces.

Even the commanders of the Shadow Legion stared at the scene intently.

They had never imagined that such a scene would appear on this battleground!

"What happened?!" World Mage Hematon looked at St. Dulan in horror and asked, "What did they do?!"

He looked as if he didn't believe his eyes. With widened eyes, he looked at the scene in the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection again to make sure he had seen it correctly.

At this moment, the fallen soldiers in the human alliance had almost all stood up, joining the few comrades who had remained standing. In a short time, they formed a huge army of iron strength!