League of Legends - the Glorious Chapter in This World!

In the endless starry sky, the river of stars spanned across the void like a colorful band, displaying a radiance that people had never seen before.

The vision was a bit blurry but beautiful like a brilliant dream.

The cultivators who had entered the immortal palace in the Cultivation Realm looked glassy-eyed as if they were dreaming.

Each dream was different, but one thing was the same - the sense of extreme pressure.

It felt as if huge mountains from the prehistoric times crushed down on them one after another without stopping.

Standing in between the blurry palace, these cultivators vaguely felt like they were in a huge colosseum, and they seemed to be inside another vast space.


With a strange sound, those more than ten ancient swords hanging before the Yuanyang City Shop seemed to emit waves of strange energies.

The ancient swords that were in deep sleep all gradually woke up.