E-Sports, Here I come!

"Sir, as for the E-Sports that you mentioned, when will it be released?" After watching the Turbulent Homeland and Wind and Cloud 3, the players in the branch shop at the Dongxuan Cave Abode were still thrilled. However…

The shop owner had told them that the so-called E-Sports could turn them 'god-like' and into 'demon kings'.

It sounded ridiculous, but…

Even peak saint-level masters like us are scared by the stuff in the shop. At least, none of our artifact masters in the East Continent can make such mystical realms or TV Series.


At this moment, the white-bearded and white-haired Grand Elder of the Heavenly Faction summoned some elders for questioning. Meanwhile, he turned to the last page of the ancient golden scroll.

"But there are exceptions to everything…" This fragmented line of ancient words had been deciphered by him little by little.