The Turbulent Homeland: the godly battle at the peaks of Eight Mountain Pillars begins!

- One day later -

"What's the damn Sitting Five in a Row in the Internet Café?! We didn't have a single victory!" Having been defeated all day long, the Xiaoyao Ancestral Master slammed his hand on the desk and stood up.

"You…" He glared at Li Wu in anger. "We were wrong from the first match!"

"When the five of us charged at the turret to kill the dog-headed man, where was your crowd control?! Why didn't you stun him?!"

Since he had skipped the tutorial for the new players, he didn't know what class of champions offered crowd control. But after one day of playing, he had obtained lots of knowledge.

"I…?!" Li Wu's face turned red, and he took a moment to organize his words before saying, "We have five people! I thought that if I went up alone, he wouldn't run. I could injury him with spells and lower his HP. When he sees you guys coming up and decides to run… I would cast Rune Prison to freeze him!