Time Boils the Rain

"As horrifying as that!" In the new shop at the East Continent, a demon dragon put down the virtual reality headset and pointed at the screen in a daze. He shouted, "Ah…! A god-level master! He is… so horrifying!"

The whole shop was silent except for the wild roars of the demon dragon, who was shivering uncontrollably.

At this moment, Mr. Fang walked up. "I say, what's wrong with you, Dragon?! Look at the people around you; they are all watching quietly, and only you are screaming in fear!"

"As a dragon, how come you're so cowardly?!"

Gulth immediately shut up and looked around cautiously.

Sure enough, everyone was watching the TV Series earnestly and motionlessly.

None of them screamed in fear.

Gulth turned silent.

Then, he glanced at Swein and Hematon who were sitting across from him. They were also silent.

Is the great Gulth the most cowardly one?!

"I… I'm going to the bathroom!" Demon Dragon Gulth yelled.