Shatter Casually

- At this moment, in the new shop at the East Continent -

Elder Xiao Yunhe and Elder Dugu Xiao were supervising the Heavenly Team in the regular season tournament in their region.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyue, with excellent talent and abundant experience from working with and playing games with Mr. Fang for years, had very good skills in the game.

Since this was only the first season, only a few masters could reach diamond.

In the system version, players needed their league points to reach a certain level to activate the Challenger rank. That was why there weren't any challenger players right now.

On the other hand, since it was the first time that the players could compete in the ranking system, they continued to develop and expand their skills and strategies even though they were in diamond. 

Reaching this level only showed that these players played better than others; it didn't mean that the players could use any techniques freely.