Trailer of Wrath of the Lich King, and Countdown of Journey to the West and the Beginning of the New Era!

[System upgrade progress: 45%]

At this moment, Fang Qi received a message from the System.

[Task: Challenger's Tutorial School (Intermediate)

Task Target: 1) Help the muggle students become masters, 2) Help 80% of the students reach Grandmaster Level (Battle Skills), 3) Help the best students become challengers

Completeness: 1) 65%, 2) 33%, 3) 0%

Task Reward: The Soul of Cinder*1, System Upgrade Big Gift Bag*1, 5-day access to the new upgraded system cultivation room]

[Synchronization Pendant Upgrade: After upgrading, it can store energy. The limit of stored energy is broken down into ten levels, and 10,000 magic crystals will be the equivalent of one level. Each level can be used to reduce the synchronization percentage requirement and increase synchronization time.]