I’ll Show You How Real Gods Fight!

"They even…?!" On the watchtower of the godly palace, one of the priestesses who was serving Isabela exclaimed, "They even defeated St. Heinz?!"

"This…?!" They watched the scene outside the palace and fell silent.

It must be noted that St. Heinz's opponent was only a pinnacle stage saint-level master, but St. Heinz's true power ranked high even among the average gods in the Godly Realm. Few people dared to block the strike that he had launched just now.

Eternal Psalm? It was a powerful godly spell from the noblest royal family of gods!

Who is the Father of Olympus that they mentioned!? A god from nowhere dares to brag about…'the greatest power among the gods'!?

There is also the so-called Kratos, the God of War?! Pooh! This is an insult to our Valkyrie!