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Wounds continued to expand. Valkyrie Isabela had never been so severely wounded.

Under the support of her tremendous godly power, Isabela's wounds began to heal, but the excruciating pain almost drove her to insanity.

At this moment, the Blade of Olympus was taken out again. The strength of the Blades of Chaos wasn't enough to hurt her core, but the following strike would threaten her life!

Yes, if this sword didn't appear, her opponent wouldn't have the slightest chance to defeat her. The most that he could do was subduing her temporarily.

But the appearance of this sword could turn every temporary suppression into the fatal blow!

She understood her opponent's intention; he wanted to slay a goddess, and it was why he saved the strength to launch the last blow.

It seemed like he was very familiar with this process and had calculated how much godly power he needed for this strike.