The God of War and His Illiterate and Humiliating Old Father Who Has No Sense of Direction

"But… What miraculous skill is involved in this Strong Locking Man? How can it kill gods?" Valkyrie Isabela stared at the scene suspiciously, feeling like something wasn't right.

The strange god didn't get up again from the valley after dying. Even if he wasn't dead, he was severely wounded by this combat technique.

As Valkyrie Isabela mused over this, Kratos in the game walked back exhausted with blood all over him. He even dropped to the snow on the ground due to exhaustion.

Only after a long time did his injuries healed. Obviously, they couldn't stay here anymore.

Following his wife's last wish, Kratos took his son and his wife's ashes, embarking on the journey to the highest peak of the nine realms.