Mr. Fang’s Task

"Investiture… Investiture of the Gods!?" Right now, the players still had no idea what the four words represented, but an indescribable feeling rose in them as they saw the antique characters on the tablet and understood the meaning of the investiture of the gods.

The scene turned to the top of Mount Qi where golden phoenixes sang in harmony. Vaguely, the players could see the extremely ingenious ancient array built by the troops dressed in battle armor. The wind and clouds swept backwards as the Heavens and Earth dimmed!

The vast immortal palaces stood upon the stars and above the Great Dao, immortals bowed to a human dynasty, major demons created catastrophes in the mortal world, and the Gold List of the Gods' Investiture was born in accordance to the operation of the Heavens and Earth!

The scenes flashed before them like a vast endless mythical scroll.