Shen Gongbao Instigates Profound Spell High Holiness’ Defection

Despite his surprise, Profound Spell High Holiness wasn't alarmed with his hands resting on his belt. After all, he had quite a few spiritual treasures that were even more powerful than the Saint Spiritual Gold Stamp!

To ensure that they could hit Fang Qi's weaknesses without error, the immortal masters had given several excellent spiritual treasures to these elders.

With these spiritual treasures, he was sure that few people in this world could harm him.

Therefore, regardless of the stranger's cultivation strength, Profound Spell High Holiness looked back with great confidence, thinking, Humph! If he dares to show any ill intentions, I'll test my new spiritual treasures on him!

He turned around and saw it was a Daoist riding on a tiger.

Profound Spell High Holiness said cautiously, "Daoist friend, who are you? Where are you from?"

The Daoist said with a smile, "I'm Shen Gongbao from the Kunlun Faction."