[Savannah's Point Of View]

Meet me in front of the school library today at 1am.
That was the next message he sent me after I had ignored most of his messages earlier.
I gave my number to him a month ago when we worked on an assignment together for a class presentation. I haven't taken a glace at him again after the presentation.
He kept on sending me messages and I kept on ignoring it but this new one got my attention.
Why would he ask me to meet him up that late? I wondered.
What for? I replied.
Then he answered:
Well I anticipated, I didn't show up at the proposed time. I didn't want to give him the attention but I couldn't help my curiosity. I approached him when we met in the class the next day.
"Why did you want to meet me that late yesterday?" I slapped him with the question right away.
"Oh hello Savannah. I just needed someone to study with. Hope you didn't mind?" he answered wearing one of the beautiful smile I have seen yet.
"Ermm yeah."
"So... Would you study with me this evening?"
What? I literally screamed that.
"Just give me a call when it's time." with that, I got my nervous self out of there.
I really had a lot of questions to ask him.
Questions like: Why me? Why do you want to study with me among all other people?
Sadly enough, I couldn't gather enough courage to ask him all that. How could I when all throughout those seconds of conversation I had with him he kept on smiling.
I went straight to my usual sitting position at the lectures theater.
"Who was that guy?" Adobi slammed the question at my face the minute I sat down.
"No one that will interest you." I shrugged.
I didn't want her starting her usual. To Adobi, every guy we cross path with likes me.
"But I saw how you two___"
Good morning people. Let's continue our discussion on introduction to psychology.
Great! Prof. Ellis was right on time to save my life.
Hey😊. Are you there?
His message arrived seconds after we left school.
ME: Yes. What's up?
HIM: Nothing.
Just wanted to remind you of our studies today.
ME: You don't have to worry. I promised you and I shall show up.
HIM: That's great. So what are you doing?
ME: Nothing much. Just writing and listening to music.
HIM: Cool. 😎 you write?
And what song?
ME: Yeah I do. I mean I try to write lol 😂. I'm listening to Bumper cars by Alex & Sierra
HIM: Haha. What do you mean by you try? I'm sure you are great. And I love that song too. 🔥
🎶 You and me, we're bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart,🎶
ME: Lol. What are doing?
HIM: I'm singing.
ME: lol 😂 you sing?
HIM: not really. You don't want to hear me sing.
ME: no. I'm sure you are great too.
Hey I gtg. Meet you tonight.
My phone vibrated again but I didn't want to check it again. This had been the longest I've talked with a guy since I joined the University three months ago.
"Don't tell me that was him."
"Oh my! Adobi you scared the sh*t out of me! You don't go around sneaking up on people." I threw a pillow at her. Thank God I didn't have a knife with me.
"Are you going to answer me or sit there and complain?"
"No it was my brother Cliff ."
of course I wasn't going to tell her. I don't want her starting another of oh-you-are-in-love chat.
"You know I can see when you are hiding something right?"
"what do you mean?"
"That look on your face." she winked.
"Well you can think whatever you want ma'am. The rice I cooked is in the fridge." I rolled my eyes and left the room.
"Well You can also lie all you want!" she shouted. Her quirky voice echoing through the room.
Jeffrey and I met in the library at the agreed time.
Although we went there to study, we did less of that. We talked about almost everything. From our favorite movies series to music. From favorite brands to favorite food.
We had a lot in common. Well except the fact that he is a guy and I'm a girl.
For once, I saw him for what he truly was - a harmless young guy trying to be friends.
Meeting up at the library every evening to study became our thing. We would take turns with the courses we studied. I would sometimes lead the discussion if it's a course I really understand and he would also do same.
We were very close now. We sat together in class and go to the diner together. We were seen together each and every time.
This continued for days.
Even after we'd left the library, we would text each other through out the night. Every minute without him became a nightmare.
After our every conversation, I knew he had something to say but he'd never had the courage to. He always left me hanging.
He would sometimes call me to meet him up he had something to say. I would meet him and all he could do was ask me if I understood what was taught at lectures that day.
It became unbearable with Adobi at my neck always asking me to tell him how I feel if he wasn't ready to.
What if he wasn't feeling the same way?
Besides we are still friends. I don't want to spoil that.
I'd always use these lines to stop myself from doing anything stupid.
After few unsuccessful attempts to tell me what he really wanted to say, I made it a point to get it out of him no matter what.
I texted him at one of our usual study meeting at the library.
ME: Hey...
JEFF: Lolx why are texting me when I am sitting right next you? 😂
He raised his eyes to stare at me but I turned my eyes away from his gaze. He'd always had this gaze that could penetrate through your soul.
ME: You remember the recent message you sent me?
JEFF: Yes I do. What has it done?
ME: You asked me to "anticipate" something you wanted to tell me.
JEFF: Oh that? 🙈
His mouth twitched, and I was pretty sure he was fighting a smile.
ME: What was it?
JEFF: Anticipate. 😂
ME: Again? Naa. Tell me now. I'm not letting you off hook this time. You keep on leaving me in suspense. 😑
I stole a glance at him.
JEFF: Do you really want to hear what I have to say?
ME: ha. Isn't it obvious?
JEFF: Promise you won't get mad? 🙏
ME: I won't. 🙅
JEFF: OK. I like you.
I sat at the table as white as chalk. My eyes and my mouth were frozen. Although I knew what he wanted to say before, I wasn't expecting it.