The Fire And Water Elemental immunity

As soon as Ye Jan took his first step forward, with a 'Swoosh' he found that all of the surrounding space changed just like the water surface would tremble if one touched it with his finger, he found that the surrounding space trembled non stop for ten seconds before coming to a stop.

And with that, the surrounding space changed as a whole and Ye Jan found himself in a strange and new place, he found himself in a single paved road that urged one to only move forward with two walls at the side and one wall behind Ye Jan limiting his movement.

However strangely enough Ye Jan did not take a single step forward, he who was dying to return to his sister, in fact he now had his whole body drenched in sweat, as sweat kept pouring out of him like a fountain that it soaked the ground, but actually the sweat did not even manage to hit the ground before a strange wave of heat swept by and it strangely evaporated.

Ye Jan stood at his place still as he felt the overwhelming heat sweeping his body through, and as he furrowed his brows for a moment, he quickly relaxed his furrowed brows again as he cut a piece of tattered clothes out of his clothes and throws it at the ground and strangely nothing happened.

He repeatedly throwed all the things on him to the ground and nothing again happened to them and they remained intact, the he suddenly opened his mouth and spat on the ground and as soon as he opened his mouth a wave of heat swept through his body again and before even the spit to touch the ground it evaporated.

Ye Jan looked at the place of where his spit evaporated and his beautiful eyes kept flickering non stop as he imagined countless possibilities and kept calculating while tapping with his fingers on his other hand.

He figured out what happened, earlier before stepping forward, he figured out that he came to this place with his real body and not just his soul, and now he reconfirmed another thing, this place is a trial that only his body and all of his body's parts are taking this trial, and anything else than his own body either his clothes or belongings does not actually matter, as the heat simply ignore them and passes through them.

Even his small shrinking pickaxe did not evade the melting process.

His only thought was 'it happened again'.

Ye Jan took a deep hot breath that made his lungs hurt and took a step forward.

And with just this step and it was as if he took a step into a huge furnace, the heat simply made his body melt and he felt an overwhelming pain that amost made him shriek in pain. But he gritted his teeth that he almost broke them from the hard gritting.

Ye Jan kept walking without stopping, as Everytime his body melted, a strong strange wave of energy would erupt from within his heart and return his body to it's original form before the melting.

Ye Jan knew for sure that this was called body refining, and he also felt that Everytime his body would melt and be restored again by the strange energy, his body would grow stronger.

But he did not feel any kind of joy in the fact that he grew stronger and that his flesh and bones grew tougher and tenacious as well as he did not feel it was strange to him, in fact since he restored his lost memories, he remembered that time when he was an infant and when he first felt that touch of intelligence and that taste of death.

Ye Jan still remembered clearly that suffocating feeling, he did not know why but at that time before that strange wave of white line swept them, that white line in the deep darkness that separated his and his sister's fate and memories, it was as if it was predestined.

It was again that damnit destiny!

Ye Jan of that time did not know how to walk or talk, he was just an infant, it was just that the despair he felt made him want to cry but no sound could be transmitted in space, and if it was not that he somehow heard that sound of another baby, his sister, he would have blunged into eternal darkness of despair, it was his sister's voice that wone him up alas somewhat late but not so late also, she died more than once.

That thing or that feeling almost took his whole body, he felt an overwhelming anger and self blame, he tried to move his body but because he was in the space, he was simply floating, if it was not for the box they were in they would have died even more, it was just that magical.

He floated into her leapt above her and blocked the open place that the space elemental waves passed from with his thin weak and little body, hr still remembered that he became a skeleton then that even his strange energy could not keep up with the damages that was made then.

But he kept being above his sister, no matter how the pain no matter how the fear overwhelmed him, it did not manage to overcome his hatred and anger and unwillingness, he was unwilling, just simply unwilling to be under this fate, unwilling to see his sister be hurt, even if he did not know what kind of feeling is this, he did not care, he only knows one thing and that was to protect his sister from getting any harm.

Even though he did not know anything, he still felt that some kind of shackles broke from within him, he did not know from where came those shackles nor where were they, he only knew one thing, and that was that once they broke, he felt a sudden gush of huge informations break through his head and made him knows more and more, he felt his body becomes more and more thirsty and more and more hungry.

He felt his body's thirst and hunger for more knowledge and for more of this strange energy, it was like a huge blockage was torn into shreds, and the strange energy in that was in his body began to increase gradually and then his flesh and meat and blood began to grow on top of his bones again, it was this one time, that he stopped his continues deaths, he did not know how many time had passed nor how many things has happened, but also he did not know some things, he discovered that now knows a lot, he now has a huge amount of knowledge in his disposal.

He felt that his body began to becam adapt the space storm or rather the space element, and the he began to organize this huge amount of informations and knowledge, and after doing that, he turned around in a spur of a second and finally got to take a look at his sister, he found that she was no longer crying, in fact she was now looking at him with a rather complex look that he could not understand even with his huge amount of knowledge.

But still He will always remember those two little eyes that were like the deep of the ocean that devoured his pain and tiredness and his little body that was reflected in them, alas he did not miss that spark of intelligence that was sparkling in her almond eyes.

He still remembers that those eyes almost took his breath away, even though he was not even breathing.

He knows that his and her body's were different from any normal humans or even non humans, his bones after the space elemental energy's refining became golden jade like in color, his flesh became more even and tenacious, his blood held a deep shade of golden hue, even his finest hair held a shiny golden hue to it.

And now was no different from before, he now had an immunity toward the space element, and now was the fire elemental immunity.

And now Ye Jan kept walking forward while his body kept being tempered and being refined, until he arrived at a crossroad where the path he passed through was dark red in color, the path in front of him was deep icy blue in color.

And as he passed through it he felt a refreshing breath pass through his body, making him freez still, but still he moved his freezing and shivering body forward, he still has a lot of things to do, he could not be too late.

He kept moving and along with each step he took, the freezing breath intensified, it kept doubling and redoubling repeatedly, untill his pale face and his whole body took a deep shade of blue color that even his hair took the color of white from intensity, it was then that a suffocating feeling engulfed him, as the freezing breath disappeared and a feeling of walking through water swept through him.

That made him chock from it, alas he still kept walking untill the freezing breath came back and kept switching between water element and water freezing element and even the fire element came back.

Ye Jan for more than once felt that he could not endure this overwhelming torture, but that innocent smile of his sister kept reappearing in his mind and kept pushing him forward until finally after all the water element seeped through his whole body from the bores time after time again, did his body began to adapt gradually again.

However, Ye Jan still felt that he forgot something but it was just that the pain and torture kept him from thinking straight, also he gradually felt better but still it was not that better, and that feeling that kept bugging him of being watched terrified him, alas he was still a kid, and even the adults would fear the unknown.

It was just at that thought that he finally figured what he forgot, and regret finally engulfed him as he just arrived at the end of the path or rather the road and he also finally remembered what he forgot.

He did not come here on his own, but rather someone bought him here, and that feeling of being watched, if all the pieces were bought together, he forgot to ask.

He over smarted himself, he stood there awkwardly and did not know what to do, he felt really awkward, sometime being overly smart would not do good, he sighed slightly and decided to ask when he passes to the second array.

And as he took a atep forward into the array circle in front of him, he did not know that he left a more awkward creature here in trial, as originally as usual if any one enters here, he should ask about the rule here first, but alas a freak came here and did not even bother to open his mouth and kept just walking.

The owner of the golden eyes felt the for the far eons it lived through, it did not come across any incident that left it awkward like this, ahem at least not from a bunny little creature.

It felt so frustrated and indignant that it did not know to laugh ot cry, and to the end only appreciation was left and when it saw his awkward moment at the end, it knew that he finally figured out something and so it felt somehow that it was amusing at how this little creature thought.