Heavenly Body Tempering System

"I am talking to you punk. Face me when i-"

Wong punched him in the dantian, crippling his cultivation. The guy looked at him. There was only fear in his eyes. The people around started to have cold sweat on their backs. If this monster gets violent then he could have killed them ages ago. Wong went to the soul testing machine and crushed it with his soul power. It became powder instantly. Wong then held his body tempering pearl and meditated silently. Today he would break the seal on his meridians.

The energy from the body tempering pearl slowly broke through the seal.


Huh? Wong blanked out for a moment. What was that sound? Could he finally have another mental breakthrough due to all the constant insults?


Initialising the Heavenly Body Tempering System...





Congratulations host on successfully initialising the Heavenly Body Tempering System!


Skill~Parasite has been awarded to host.


Range: 750 km radius

The skill Parasite makes use of the host's cultivation to mark certain puny humans within the radius. As long as it is not forcefully erased, the mark should supply the host with Exp.

Note to host ^~^ Exp can be used to do everything.


System has detected that the host does not understand the function of the system. Would host like to receive information about the system?

Wong was tremendously confused but replied subconsciously



Information will be forcefully fed to the host's brain. Be prepared. This will be extremely painful.

Right after the notification from the System Wong was inflicted by a heaven defying pain on all parts of his body. It was as if he was used as a target for zillions of corrosive needles.


Mentality level up.

Physical fitness level up.

Bloodline level up.

Skill~pain resistance has been awarded.


After an hour of torture Wong's brutal transfer of information finally ended. When Wong gazed at his surroundings his once innocent and naive eyes had a profound look within them. For a flash, Wong's eyes turned red and green but were quickly back to normal. The spectators of Wong's transformation Were dumbfounded. This monster of cultivation!


The host has levelled up.

The host is now level 173.

Please relocate attributes.

Strength: 178





Available attribute points: 25000

For the god knows how many times that day Wong was dumbfounded again.

Spread attributes evenly between stats automatically unless otherwise.

Request accepted.


The host has distributed 5000 attribute points to each attribute and will receive an attribute fruit randomly. The possibilities are fruit worth from zero to infinite attribute points for one attribute. Permission to draw out random fruit?



The host has drawn out a fruit of-




A small sect cultivator ran into the testing chambers hurriedly.

"It's a disaster!" he shouted.

Wong reluctantly paused the system's announcement about what fruit he would receive.

"What's the matter fellow cultivator?" Wong asked curiously.

"The empress and emperor are here!" Replied the cultivator.

"What's the problem then?" Wong asked. Very confused.

"We have yet to find a strong and charismatic young man to guard the empress on her hunting trip next week!" The cultivator panted.

Wong suddenly smiled to himself knowingly. A chance to "farm" exp has come by. Wong was not going to miss the chance. But something was amiss. Although Wong was bulky and handsome, his appearance may not be able to please the empress. After all, there are plenty of handsome men in the world just as there are beautiful women. Wong was just one of many.

Wong frowned for a moment before his eyes suddenly lit up! The system!

Opening the system Wong asked the system to continue its announcement.

The host has received the fruit of...