
"It's just a light snack." Wong smiled.

"If that's a light snack then what is a main meal for you?" Juliet looked at Wong.

"I don't know." Wong replied blankly.

"So… two whole chicken and a plate of chicken drumsticks?" The guy taking the order interrupted.

Wong nodded.

A few minutes later the food was set in front of Juliet and Wong.

"This place is like a restaurant." Wong laughed.

"It's the way they serve the food." Juliet nodded in agreement.

Sitting down next to them was a mean looking boy and girl.

"I'm Joshua." The boy smiled.

"I'm Louise." The girl grinned.

"What is it?" Wong glared at them.

"We've heard that you are really strong and we want to have a spar with you." Joshua replied.

"We're in the school wresting team." Louise added.

"We would like to propose a challenge here to spar at the yard tomorrow." Joshua hissed and picked up Juliet's chicken drumstick.

"Hey, give that back!" Juliet shouted.

"It's mine now." Joshua laughed evilly and ate the meat of the chicken drumstick. He threw the bone at Juliet and glanced at Wong with pure provocation.

"You'd better come fight." Joshua shouted.

"No need to wait until tomorrow, let's fight here and now." Wong stood up to his full height and stared down at Joshua.

"We're fighting us against you now?" Louise confirmed.

Joshua didn't speak and simply punched Wong's chest. Wong didn't budge nor flinch. Picking Joshua up with one hand Wong flung him across the cafeteria.

"If the teachers ask what happened then say that Joshua and Louise provoked my friend and assaulted me." Wong shouted. "In an act of self defence I accidentally threw them too hard and they dislocated all their joints from impact.

Everyone in the cafeteria nodded like chicks pecking rice.

Juliet stared at Wong silently.

"My chicken drumstick is dirty now." She pointed at the chicken drumstick on the floor.

Wong burst out laughing. "So you're not going to ask how a managed to throw that guy across the cafeteria?"

"If you can then throw her too." Juliet dared Wong.

Wong said nothing and picked up the screaming Louise.

"What is going on here?" A teacher walked in.

"This murderer is going to kill me!" Louise screamed as Wong flung her towards the teacher.

"Oops, did I do something wrong?" Wong scratched his head.

"Young man come with me right now!" The teacher picked herself up from beneath Louise and glared at Wong. "You are in a lot of trouble!"

Wong blinked. "I'm in trouble?"

Wong walked towards the teacher. "Who are you?"

"I'm the form tutor of 10C." The teacher walked a step backwards. "My name is Charlotte."

Wong grinned. "So you're my teacher!"

Charlotte "Wut?"

"I'm the new student in 10c." Wong rubbed his nose. "My name is Wong."

"Come with me." Charlotte walked off. "Bring them with you too." She pointed at Joshua and Louise.

Wong picked the two up one in each hand and followed the trembling form of Charlotte. A little bit of walking later Wong came upon a sign that read 'Office of school headmistress' Charlotte knocked on a door.

"Come in." A grumpy voice appeared from the office.

Charlotte walked in while dragging Joshua out of Wong's hand.

The woman in the office looked at Joshua and sighed. "Who did he beat up this time?"