An Update

So let's get to why I haven't been updating lately shall we? First let's get into my writing process. I have a storyboard of sorts. I plan out events and have specific checklists in place. For example, [Andy meets his teammates] and then I write out the chapter to reach this goal(that would be chapter 3). In the case of last chapter, the check was [Show someone reincarnating] in order to bring about more clarity in regards for the transmigration process. But you see, last chapter we added a new character called Jimmy.

After adding Jimmy I thought, "Oh, wouldn't this be a great way to show more of the world Andy has made?" so now I've gone to the storyboard to incorporate more Jimmy chapters so that you guys would have a better sense of the world other than Andy's offhand remarks.

And while some people write really quickly and plan out their stories quickly, you see. I can't do that. Mostly because I dislike plot holes, so when I'm writing and planning, I try to not overlook things. That ends up with a really slow pace. I know writers out there can write quickly, update daily and not have plot holes, but what can I say other than I'm slow?

So yeah, that's basically why nothing has come out after two weeks. I'm still trying to figure out how to incorporate Jimmy and how important he'll be after his arc.