2780-Space City Iron Lake (044165)-Together

I aimed my pointed gun at the bodies present.

[put your hands up!]


They slowly backed away from the nozzle.

P.O.V Isaac Calaham's Mind

Today was not a good day; I was assigned to work With Alexander Sutra's team, for the rookie roundup testing.

I fucking hate that Bastard, he got his kicks off always hazing me, called me newbie like he was much wiser than me as a newer military teacher, like he was never once inexperienced.

Today because I was the youngest, I was assigned to do all the beyond menial labor of getting the drinks, the lunch, and the luggage of all the other members, while they go into fighting in the virtual reality world.

He was bullying me the most because of my baby face... Jesus, we were grown adults for christ sakes.

He could grow up sometime and lay off me.

We went around in the city robbing the student and accessing their reactions to incidents. I felt sorry for them, but the test was quite important for their training. It could gauge talent in Certain aspect about their skills, and it also thought them a certain hard-learned lesson.

Follow all protocol!

Anyway before leaving Alexander that bastard, he roped me into a bet, it was that I couldn't fail all of my students, below the sixty percentile rating.

I took the bet, most of the brats from the academy usually couldn't get a grading in this test. It was a right of passage to fail this test; even I failed this test, To get no more than a zero on this test, in the first part of the assessment, you only had to make two mistakes. But the kid in front of me, he ended up being a fucking natural.

I don't know if it was purposeful or not, but he didn't abandon protocol once when he was chasing me.

So far today not a lot of people were responding to well to the testing, and everybody Alexander ran into was bitching out and acting more like ordinary civilians.

Of course, I knew who assigned those rookies; it was Alexander Sutra himself.

He assigned all the school pussies to himself while leaving me with the elites based on their records.

I wasn't looking for no hero, a student who barreled recklessly in front of a gun would be reprimanded like this kid, but so far no one who had met Alexander had acted calmly during the situation.

All the students at one point had abandoned protocol.

But not Zatland fucking Zaulllen (fucking weird name).

I mean these kids went to the military trade school right, I knew fighting was secondary in the curriculum, but there was some training, how come I couldn't find someone with a backbone to stand up to Sutra.

Alexander was getting all the like... no names. And Joking like all the student were intimidated by him.

like he was the big bad wolf on campus.

I was kind of pissed off at this kid not sucking, maybe that was why I was making thing a little rough on this... Zatland guy.

Shoot him anymore, and I would have to be taking him back to the civilian area on a stretcher.

Anyways this guy was just unlucky. The test was more than part way done. I couldn't go easy on him now, could I?


Zatland rolled out of the crowd of people into another dark alleyway; he needed to find a place high enough. In the area to do his own reconnaissance. He wasn't so sure if he could find Zion in the mix of the people around the area, Especially when they had parted ways roughly 15 minutes ago, but they weren't that far apart from their original direction.

Zatland lifted his shirt to look at his injuries, but after a while choose to ignore them, there were just too many of these little injuries to contain now, he thought oh well they would all stop bleeding eventually, so he looked around, for something wrong with the city, the civilians weren't really panicking at the prospects of gunshots wounds and gunshots blast as they should have.

It was as if they were all a part of the test as well... Zatland needed to find Zion soon.

If Zion picked the right direction to pursue them from. He would have already been in the area. It was up to luck more than a little bit for him to find Zatland.

Zatland looked for a building with a really dark rooftop, and began climbing it seriously, then found some handles to pull himself further up. This building was the perfect height to stay hidden, and still be able to see the people in the crowd's general figures. He looked from the top and he could roughly see a vast half of the whole situation.

He would need a second and third vantage point, but for now, it would do, he gazed over the vast amount of people passing by, looking for a figure like a chubby redheaded bulldozer.

His eyes were working like a telephoto lens, darting about through the figures of the multitude's of people, but by now Zion wasn't seen. Zatland was going to need to probably steal a watch from somebody else to find Zions location.

He looked over the crowd and began tracking Isaac's direction.


Finding the man sooner than he expected, not too far away from him, coming directly towards him. Zatland was startled, he escaped from his hiding space, running into the streets and jumping into a crowd of the passers-by.

P.O.V Zion

It wasn't a long time, until I hit a point in the chase, in where I knew this search was impossible. Zoo was nowhere to be seen and I could no longer contact him. He was probably just like me dialing the so-called authorities every single second.

I needed answers to why were they so slow, I mean what the f@#K could they be doing that was more important.

This man just literally blew a woman head off in broad daylight, it was a danger, and nobody would hear me out.

I hung up the connection; it was already the 5th time since I'd been put on hold. This was a defenses base for god sake.


I growled and kicked a trash can. I was getting frustrated; maybe I would have to look for a vantage point. I remember Nearby there were a group of storefronts, that rooftops were high enough. I just hated, that I would have to climb something. In front of so many people.

I wouldn't say I'm fat, but big guys like me, we don't get the benefits of going incognito when we're scaling tall building.

When someone my size climbs a building, everyone wants the benefits of not being under them.


A skinny guy could crush you to death too for god sakes...

That why, I had so much to look forward too when I did.... but I had to find Zoo. He needed backup. That weird guy seemed a little bit strong.

I just had to deal with the fact that someone was gonna make fun of me.

Especially when I'm particularly agile. Some assholes use to call me the spider fatty in the academy.

I'm not fat; this is all muscle. I just have more muscle than everybody else.


If you could see an overview, of the particular streets, Zion and Zatland were on, they were not too far from one other. Less than 200 meters to be exact. And if they were in a field without many people passing by, they would have noticed each other immediately.

But so many people were blocking their vantage points, so many buildings to interfere with their sight. If the one instant when fate came together and put Zion and Zatland in a single line of sight. In which they could see each other just by turning their heads. That mere coincidence when they spotted each other, would be fate. Were they to spot each other from a mile away. And just run into each other's arms for safety.

That would be a love story, and for the both of them, it would be better off using that type of luck to find a girl.