Beast Tamer Guide

After 30 mins of walking, Ronald arrived at his house. His house was located on the Northeastern part of the village, the house closest to the entrance of the Everlast forest.

He looked above and saw the sun was still up and bright. So he decided to test his skill near the entrance of the forest as it was still early.

Ronald grabbed some hard bread from his food cabinet and ate it. Then he went to his backyard where his mother's grave was located and paid his respect before going out of the house.

It took him 10 minutes of walking before he got near to the entrance of the Everlast Forest.

Ronald looked around and found no one in the vicinity. He only saw some trees and small rabbits jumping near the entrance of the forest.

So he decided to test his skill now. He was nervous as it was only a one-time skill.

Ronald stilled his mind and activated his skill.

He waited for some time but nothing happened. He was so confused so he checked his status screen.


Name: Ronald Silvermoon, 15 yrs. old

Gender: Male

Title: -

Occupation: -

Race: Human

Lvl: 1

Hp: 100/100

Mp: 150/150

Sp: 100/100


Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Vitality: 10

Stamina: 10

Mentality: 15

Unassigned stat points: 5

Potential: 60/560

Exp: 0/100

Skills: -


Ronald was in tears when he saw his status screen. His only skill was gone.


As he was lamenting, he suddenly heard a female voice so he turned around but found no one at his back. He searched his surroundings but still found no one.

So he thought that it was just his imagination. That distraction caused Ronald to calm himself. Also, Ronald remembered what his mother once told him, "Calmness of one's mind and heart, lets you see the greater things."

He thought of what happened and think of the situation calmly. He was wondering if his skill was really activated and the effect is just something that can't be seen.

He thought of many possible occurrences but found nothing feasible.

He was very very confused.

"Hey, don't ignore me."

The female voice was heard again. Ronald was very surprised this time, as he was still calm at the moment, he clearly noticed that the voice he heard wasn't coming from his surroundings. As if it was directly transmitted into his mind.

"Who are you?"

The female voice sighed and said, "Finally you're responding. I thought you didn't hear me."

"Sorry I thought it was just my imaginations.", Ronald replied politely, as his mother always told him, "Always be polite when talking to someone, but when he/she had done something bad to you, then there would be no need to do so."

"Oh. I guess it's possible, who wouldn't think that it was just his imaginations when he suddenly heard a voice in his mind." The voice sighed again, Ronald didn't answer and just waited for her to continue to talk.

"Okay let's not bother on that matter. Hmm... where should I start? Oh, I guess I'll start with who I am. I am Luna, by the way, you didn't need to introduce yourself after I finished my introductions as I already know who you are. So let's start again from the beginning." Luna cleared her throat before continuing.

"Once again I am Luna, one of the guides that are made and sent to this world in order to guide some lucky people to achieve strong strength then send them to the celestial world. By the way, I am not responsible for your life, whether you live or die is not my responsibility, you only need to rely on yourself."

"Where is the Celestial world?" Ronald asked as he was very confused on what she said.

"Oh, you didn't need to know that now. The only thing that you needed to do right now was to train hard in order to become strong."

"Why would I be sent to the Celestial World?" Ronald asked again.

"Stop asking questions, you are too weak to know that. We didn't even know whether you will survive or not." Luna answered with an annoyed voice.

"Oh... then can I see you?" Ronald asked again but this time he chose his question carefully.

"You can't as I am a part of your soul.", Luna answered.

"Then If I die, you will die too as you are a part of me.", Ronald said in a victorious way. As he was thinking that he won this talk and Luna will help him to survive.

Ronald didn't know the dangers he might face but if Luna helped him then maybe he would have a greater chance to survive.

"Sorry, but I wouldn't die as I am just an Artificial Intelligence that is created for a purpose, so when you die I will just come back to the void and wait again there for the next lucky person to receive my guidance.", Luna replied him teasingly.

Ronald was down when he heard this.

"Then let's do what we need to do. First, Do you want to become strong?" Luna asked seriously, her voice now was different from her lively and playful voice.

So Ronald knew that he needs to answer this seriously.

He thought of this question on his head while Luna was patiently waiting for his answer. She didn't ask him to hurry, as this question was very important.

"Yes, I want to become strong.", Ronald answered in a firm toned voice. He thought of this question seriously. As an orphan at the early age of 10, he had already known how life works. When someone wanted something from someone, then there should be a cost. Though he didn't know what cost he would pay. But in order to live life comfortably, he needs to have a strong strength, as the main principle of this world was that the strong will eat the weak. So he wanted to become strong in order for him not to be eaten by the strong.

"Ronald you made the right choice, though this choice maybe full of danger, it also has a rich reward, as they say, greater danger yields a richer reward.", Luna complimented then she continued.

"Before I explain to you the other things about me and what could I do and could not do as your guide, I will first change your occupation. This will be very painful as we are not doing it in a conventional way so bear with it." Luna said as she emphasized the word "very" with a playful voice. She was back again with her playful personality. And before Ronald could say something, he suddenly felt an intense pain in his head. It was like something was forced into his being. Due to this everything went black and he fainted.

It was already evening when he woke up. Luckily there was no beast or any wild animal that came out of the forest as he was unconscious our he might not survive before he became strong.

"Oh... you're awake now. I thought you would be sleeping there forever.", Luna said with a happy tone.

"You should have hear my opinion before you do something to me. We can just do this at my house as it was safe there, what if any beast or any wild animal came out of the forest. I would have been dead by now" Ronald said with a blaming voice.

"What's that gonna do with me, I am just a guide.", Luna replied with an annoyed tone.

"But as a guide, you didn't have the right to force something to me. ", Ronald replied while speaking slowly.

"Okay, okay, you win, I'm wrong sorry.", Luna replied then went silent.

Ronald sighed and just walked home.

As he was walking Ronald checked his status screen again to ascertain whether what Luna said was true and to know what occupation he got. He wasn't sure if what Luna said was true cause he knew that changing occupation was very difficult. He had known this as he had gathered these pieces of information before he wasn't at the age of 15, in order for him to prepare and decide on what occupation he will he choose base on the skills that he will get in his coming of age ceremony. But this information wasn't put into use as he got an unknown skill that even the priest didn't know.


Name: Ronald Silvermoon, 15 yrs. old

Gender: Male

Title: -

Occupation: Beast Tamer

Race: Human

Lvl: 1

Hp: 100/100

Mp: 150/150

Sp: 100/100


Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Vitality: 10

Stamina: 10

Mentality: 15

Unassigned stat points: 5

Potential: 60/560

Exp: 0/100

Skills: -


Ronald was happy as he saw the change in his status screen. The " - " in the occupation part has changed to "Beast Tamer". He really did have an occupation now.

He didn't need to save some money and find a teacher to learn and change his occupation, also changing occupation would cost 1 gold and he will need to find the right guild in order for this changes to be done. For example, you would go to a warrior guild if you want to become a warrior, a magician guild if you want to become a magician, and an archer guild if you would want to become an archer. Those are only the common occupations that can be found easily, but there are occupations like the druid, forest ranger and many other occupations that are very rare, so their guild is also very hard to find. Maybe you can find them in the capital but that would be a long journey and would cost too much.

"I didn't know anything about the occupation beast tamer, but I guess it is a rare one. They say that rare occupations have a greater advantage than normal ones, but I didn't find any pieces of information about this, that will prove its claim. But then again, I now have an occupation, though I didn't know anything about it. I will just ask Luna about this tomorrow." Ronald said as he unknowingly let his thoughts drive his mouth halfway while thinking due to his excitement.

And so he went home with lively steps.