The Effect of the Diluted Divine Blood(1)

Ronald was about to asked Luna about the hidden stats but then he decided to look up on a whim and noticed that the moon was already shining brightly above him. Therefore Ronald decided to go home with Freya in his arms, hugging her gently and ask those question to Luna tomorrow. He wanted to ask Luna about it while leaving the forest but the situation didn't let him, as the forest was at its most dangerous state during midnight. He couldn't let his guard down and needed to concentrate his mind on his surroundings, as most beasts hunted at night.

Time passed slowly, An hour later Ronald finally left the Everlast forest while hugging Freya, who was now sleeping comfortably in his arms.

After leaving the forest Ronald let out a small sigh and started to relax his mind and then continued on his way home.

While he was on his way home, he saw a line of carriages with adventurers accompanying it, making their way to the village. He was very familiar with this group of carriages, as it was the carriage of the merchant who came to the village once every month to buy and sell things to the village.

Ronald decided to approach the group and as he wanted to go along with them. Even if he had already left the forest, it may still be very dangerous, as some beasts may sometime leave the forest in order to hunt for food and gather other resources.

After approaching closer to the group, he decided to greet them and say hello, but what replied him was a huge sword pointed at his head. Ronald was shocked by this and looked at the one who was holding the sword with fear that could clearly be seen in his eyes. He was flustered by this turn of events, he didn't do anything wrong so why would he point a huge sword at him. Holding the sword was a brawny looking man filled with killing intent that was being emitted out of his huge body. Though this killing intent was not as dense compared to the white winged tiger's final killing intent, it was still a killing intent, that will put pressure on the user's target. As Ronald's eyes met the man's eyes, the pressure that the man's killing intent made grew greater.

Ronald felt that everything became quiet, though it was not a good thing, as that would just mean that he was concentrating all his focus on withstanding the pressure. The killing intent had put so much burden on Ronald's body that it was pushing his body to the ground, but he ground his teeth and gathered all his strength to withstand the pressure. He withstood the pressure for some time, but he couldn't last very long as he has his own limits, luckily the killing intent vanished after a while.

Noticing that the killing intent pressuring him had disappeared Ronald looked down as he didn't want to meet the brawny looking man's eyes.

While still looking down and not moving, someone had approached him and softly hit his shoulder making him look at the one who hit him. Ronald saw a middle-aged man at his side with an apologetic expression. Different from the brawny looking man this man had an amiable-looking expression.

"Are you okay kid?", the middle-aged man asked Ronald.

Ronald nodded a little and went to look for the brawny looking man. He saw the brawny looking man making his way to the center of the group with an angry face. Seeing his leaving back, Ronald remembered what he had experienced and made a promise in his heart that when he got stronger, much stronger than that man he would do the same thing to him.

"Don't mind him, kid. He is just rather angry right now, as his only friend died on a bandit attack on the way here.", the middle-aged man said as he saw Ronald looking at the brawny looking man.

"By the way, you're from the village right?", the middle-aged man asked Ronald to divert his attention from the brawny looking man, as he continued to walk.

"Yes.", Ronald answered quietly as he was afraid that someone will point a sword at him if he was too loud and followed the middle-aged man.

"No need to be careful kid, as adventurers, deaths are the norm. Though the atmosphere may be a bit cold right now, they'll eventually move on when the time comes. Let's not talk about what happened to us, let me ask something about you, I am quite curious why are you still out in the forest at this time? I remember that you are the one who sold most of the good quality herbs to the merchant. You aren't gathering herbs at night, right?", the middle-aged man asked Ronald as he looked at the direction where the entrance of the forest was situated with reminiscing eyes as if he was recalling something.

Ronald also looked at the entrance of the forest and remembered all the hardships he had gone through today, and also the reward he got.

He looked at Freya who is on his arms and petted her little head. The middle-aged man also followed his gaze and saw the little tiger sleeping in Ronald's arms.

The middle-aged man was quite shocked when he saw Freya.

"Kid, is that a beast?", The middle-aged man asked as he didn't see Freya's little bat-like wings that were hidden behind her back, so he thought it was just a little white tiger cub but something was telling him that it wasn't an ordinary tiger cub.

"Yeah, this is my tamed beast, and she won't attack anyone unless I instruct her to.", Ronald answered immediately, as he was afraid that the middle-aged man will attack Freya.

"Oh, a tamed beast... tamed beast... tamed beast...", The middle-aged man murmured when he heard Ronald's reply.

Upon seeing the man's actions Ronald looked around and found out that they were already at the entrance of the village.

Seeing this, he immediately bid goodbye to the middle-aged man who was still murmuring as he continued to walk.

The middle-aged man woke up from his state when he heard Ronald bidding goodbye and waved his hand at the leaving young man.

Then suddenly he remembered what he was trying to think a while ago.

"Tamed beast... oh right... a Beast Tamer, what a rare occupation... Based on my experience as an adventurer, most beast tamers had a very eccentric personality, Hope that kid wouldn't become eccentric... I quite like that kid. Also, that kid has a strong mind, as he had withstood Carlo's killing intent. What an interesting kid." The middle-aged man thought as he continued to walk with the group.


When Ronald arrived at his house, what he did first was to gently put Freya on top of the table. And retrieved the diluted divine blood from his inventory. He remembered that consuming this blood will give the beast who consume it a chance to increase their rank.

While Ronald was just retrieving the diluted divine blood, Freya woke up with her eyes full of anticipation as she looked at Ronald excitedly.

Ronald was just about to show the diluted divine blood to Freya when he became surprised by Freya's action. As she immediately pounced on him and robbed the diluted divine blood and then consume it immediately as if she was afraid that Ronald would take it back.

Ronald wanted to reprimand her for her actions but a blinding light enveloped Freya's little body after she consumed the diluted divine blood.

Ronald became worried when he saw this, but Luna consoled him that Freya was fine and well. After some time, a series of notifications popped up in front of him.

- Checking blood compatibility.

- 81% compatible

- Starting mutation...




As Freya's mutation started, clouds filled the sky above the Oakheart village and then it started to rain. Surprising the villagers and other inhabitants in the village as the sun was shining brightly in the day, with no thick clouds in sight. They just thought that they were lucky as it happened during the night.

It started from a light drizzle and then slowly turned into a heavy rain with thunders and flashes of lightning appearing together.

"Luckily, there are no other beast tamers in the village as this event would really alert them.", Luna said with a relieved expression.

"Is there a problem with them realizing Freya's mutation?"

"Yes, a very big problem. When a beast undergoes some kind of advancement such as mutations, evolutions or ranking up, they will be enveloped by their own elements and the elements that they will develop or gain after their advancement. At this time, they will become very vulnerable to external forces that may interrupt their advancement which would be very detrimental to their future progress. Also, they may die while they were still enveloped by their elements if the process was interrupted in the middle, which will produce a type of medicine that will help other beasts in their own advancement. So in the future, you must ensure that you will let your beast advance in a very safe and secure place, far from any disruption, as that is also one of your responsibilities of being a beast tamer."