The Effect of the Skill <Devour - Skill>

In the northeast part of a small village, a huge battle was happening, all kinds of dead bodies littered around the once peaceful village, some of them are of humans, and some of them are of beasts.

But one of the most eye-catching view in the entire battlefield was where a cute and harmless looking little tiger was chasing a group of beasts, but that wasn't the part where it became eye-catching, as behind the little tiger were three mountains of dead bodies of beasts. They were of different sizes and types - some are big while some are small, some are of wolves while some are of pigs and other creatures. The contrast between the little tiger's cute appearance and the three mountains of dead bodies was too large. If both human and beasts didn't see how the cute little tiger killed all these beasts, no one would believe that a cute and harmless looking little tiger did it. This cute and harmless looking tiger was Freya.

At the start, Freya wasn't as active in the battlefield as of now. At first, she was only killing those who came near her and didn't mind the others if they didn't mind her, but as the battle goes on, Freya became excited. Red blood stained her white furs, but due to the sticky feeling she felt, she used her skill < Wind Magic - Wind Manipulation> to remove those blood stains and then continued killing the beasts around her. Seeing other beasts running for their life due to her presence, excited her to the point that it ignited her instinct to hunt in her bloodline.

As Freya was excitedly chasing and killing the beasts around her, she felt that something was wrong and looked around her only to see Ronald's perilous situation.

She directly left the group of beasts she was chasing and immediately rushed to were Ronald was. Then first beheaded the goblin using her skill but she failed to avoid the boar's charge as she positioned herself in front of Ronald after dealing with the goblin, protecting Ronald from other dangers. But she didn't see the boar charging at Ronald, so she was caught off-guard and was thrown into the air due to the weight difference. Though she wasn't injured physically, the boar injured her pride badly, from the start of the battle, even at the start no other beast had even touched her fur.

After she got her balance in the air, due to accumulated anger, starting from them injuring Ronald to the boar throwing her into the air, with her amazing speed she immediate arrived in front of the boar and used her skill wind blade and cut the boar in half.

Seeing the dead carcass of the boar, Freya looked at Ronald. Ronald was currently unconscious and breathing heavily, seeing Ronald's situation she immediately grabbed the hood of his armor and used her skill wind manipulation to push the air upwards at the bottom of Ronald's body, ensuring that Ronald wouldn't be strangled and then she flew away.

Seeing the cute and harmless looking little tiger, which in the eyes of the beasts was a great demon of slaughter, leaving the battlefield, the beasts in the area sighed and continued to battle with the humans. Now that the little tiger was gone the beasts was thinking positively of winning this battle and started thinking of the reward they would receive if they succeeded in destroying this village, but sadly after the little tiger left, a group of five humans came into the battlefield and started their own slaughter.


In a dark cave which was located deep in the Everlast forest, Freya dropped Ronald's body into a small river inside the cave, then dragged him back to the land beside the river. And immediately went out of the cave.

After Freya left, due to Freya's action, Ronald woke up.

Upon waking up, Ronald first saw the earthen ceiling of the cave, while looking at the ceiling, he remembered what happened to him. He wanted to look at his left arm, though he couldn't feel his left arm, he still wanted to confirm his thoughts. But to his disappointment, he can't move his body, even his head. The only part that he can move were his eyes and mouth.

"Ronald, did you know how stupid the actions you took was?"

Out of nowhere, a voice was heard in Ronald's head. It was Luna's voice.

Hearing Luna's angry voice, Ronald just kept silent and let her talk by herself.



After some time, with a loud *THUD sound, a huge body of a dead troll was thrown near where Ronald was lying.

Ronald's face was full of question, as he saw the one who threw the dead troll, it was Freya.

"You didn't even check the description of your new skills after you acquire them. You're really stupid."

Hearing what Luna said Ronald examined his status screen and checked the description of the two new skills he got in the lottery.


Disassemble - Active (lvl 1 - 0%): This skill will guide you on how to disassemble the carcass of a beast properly. Every 1 level will increase the duration by 1 min. Cost: 10 mp/minute

Devour - Skill - Active( lvl 1- 0%): Activating this skill will grant a possibility of getting a skill from a creature by eating it raw. Every 1 level increase will reduce the cost by 1 Mp. Normal - 90% , uncommon - 80% , rare - 50% , epic - 15% , legend - 1%. Cost: 50 Mp/min


Seeing the skill, Ronald was shocked. He had known how hard it was to acquire a skill. Even if one had many available resources, one still need to train hard to acquire a single skill. But Ronald just needed to eat a creature raw to have a chance to acquire a skill.

As Ronald thought of the description of the skill he suddenly thought of something.

"Uhm... Luna, Why are my skills not graded? Do I need to go to an appraiser to grade my skill?"

"Don't think of other things, first you should eat this troll to acquire one of its skill, you need the skill to live. You only had 47 minutes left to live. So don't waste your time and eat this troll, if you want to live."

As Freya heard Luna's voice, she grabbed one of the troll's arm and placed it above Ronald's mouth.

Freya was very worried for Ronald as she sat quietly beside him.

Ronald saw Freya's worried expression and thought of the promise he had made in his heart, that is to bring Freya around the world to see the wonders of this great world, but if he died now, he wouldn't be able to fulfill his promise.

Finding his courage, Ronald bit the troll's arm that was placed above his mouth. The sensation of eating something raw was a first time to Ronald.

Ronald felt the rough skin of the dead troll as he bit on it. Blood gushed from the place where he bit the troll's arm, which covered his mouth. He was very disgusted by the sticky feeling he felt in his mouth, but he still continued bitting it until he felt the softness of the troll's flesh. The taste of troll's flesh wasn't that bad, but the blood felt very uncomfortable for him. But he had no choice if he wanted to live he needed to continue eating while activating his skill.

After 7 minutes, the first notification came out.

- Congratulations, you have acquired the skill .

That was the first skill he got, but it wasn't the skill he needed. So he still continued to eat the troll's arm.

Time passed slowly, as Ronald continued to eat the troll's arm while Freya just sat quietly by his side, watching him with a worried expression.

Ronald's time to live was slowly dwindling, 45 minutes had already passed since he started eating the troll's arm and using his skill . He got two other skills during those 45 minutes, but Natural Regeneration didn't come out.

Freya expression was on the verged of crying, but she held her tears.

Seeing Freya's expression, Ronald didn't lose hope as he continued eating the troll's arm.

At last the last minute he finally got the skill he wanted.

- Congratulations, you have acquired the skill .

After Ronald saw the notification he was waiting for, he fell unconscious.


In a place where beast's corpses littered around the ground, a young lady was standing on a giant carcass of a dead beast. This beast was a Spirit Beast ranked beast, it had a height of 5 meters as it laid on the ground unmoving.

This Lady was Princess Arisa Wendelford who Roland met in the shop before the beast tide.

"Johann, did you find that guy. I need to punish him, he had annoyed me so much. I just want to hug that cute little tiger with wings that is with him."

"My Lady, I didn't find any signs of him in the battlefield. Maybe he had already died or maybe had already fled before the beast tide came to the town."

"If he died, then, that would be good, but what would happen to that cute little tiger with him? I hope it wouldn't die so that I can just find it, then rescue it. Then it will follow me."


The Princess said as she imagined things with a pretty smile on her face, setting those who were around her to stand there in a daze.