Worker Minion

Time passed slowly. By the time the worker ant finished hardening, the sun had already started to set.

After it finished hardening itself, the worker ant started moving its limbs and then started walking slowly before moving fast.

Ronald was very amazed at how fast the worker ant move, though it wasn't as fast as Freya, it was still faster than Ronald.

The worker ant was 1 meter in height, and 4 meters in length, it was black in color like Anteva, but with smaller abdomen and smaller mandibles. It nimbly moved around the trees, as if the thick branches that fell to the ground, the big rocks that were scattered everywhere, and the pits on the ground were nothing to it, it was like it was moving on a flat ground.

Ronald checked the stats of the worker ant and was amazed by what he saw.


Name: Worker Ant (Worker minion)

Rank: Savage Beast

Lvl: -

Hp: 100/100

Mp: 10/10

Sp: 950/950


Strength: 42(2+40)

Agility: 180

Vitality: 10

Stamina: 95

Mentality: 1

Skills: Worker Ant's Natural Strength, Greater Terrain Adaptability, Greater Stamina Recovery, Thought Transfer - Touch

Time Remaining: 14 days 21 hrs. 23 minutes and 14 seconds left

*Note(1): Stats are generated according to the queen ant's level.

*Note(2): Skills are generated according to the environment where the egg grew.



Worker Ant's Natural Strength - Passive: Grants 2000% additional strength.

Greater Terrain Adaptability - Passive: Increase 80% movement speed on every kind of terrain.

Greater Natural Stamina Recovery - Passive: Recovers full stamina within 30 minutes rest.


This ant's agility was greater than him, and with an additional 80% increase in its movement speed, he can only see a line when it moved.

"Anteva can I ride it?"

"Yes, you can."

Anteva replied to Ronald as she commanded the worker ant to come near Ronald.

Hearing Anteva's affirmation, Ronald immediately jumped on the worker ant's back. Though the ant looked weak due to its appearance, it didn't move or shake even when Ronald jumped on it.

Ronald sat on the ant's thorax which was the middle part of the ant's body and where its legs were connected.

"Anteva, How can I command it?"

"Just say it, and it will follow your command, as I am the one who controls it, I can hear and see what it saw and heard."

"Oh! Okay, Freya wanna come with me?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Freya just shook her head before she jumped and lay on Anteva's abdomen.

Seeing Freya's action, Anteva just sighed and stayed still.

The worker ant moved around for some time as Ronald rode on it before Ronald decided to go back to the cave they were staying, as he saw the setting sun on the horizon.

Ronald rode on the worker ant as they traveled back to the cave.

The group moved slowly, even though the worker ant can move very fast, Anteva can't. It was already night when the group reached the cave. After they arrived at the cave, Ronald gave all the carcasses of the beast he stored, that he collected since he stayed in the forest, to Anteva, for her to gain some life energy.


The next morning, Ronald decided to move to another area, as the beasts in this area became very difficult to find. But before he moved to another area for another hunting period, he wanted to go back first to where the Oakheart Village was once located, as he wanted to check the situation there.

But before leaving Ronald had first put Anteva inside his Beast Storage, as she moved too slow.

"Anteva, can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can clearly hear you?"

Even though Anteva entered the beasts storage, she can still communicate with Ronald through the worker ant.

"Luna, how do the beast storage work?"

"I had already told you. You are just too dumb to understand."

After Luna replied to him, she kept quiet again.

Ronald thought of what Luna said before, before he shook his head and sighed, 'Am I really too dumb, I thought I am smart, mother always said to me that I am smart, but I really can't understand anything that Luna said before.'


Freya who was lying on Ronald's head and Ronald who was sitting on the worker ant's thorax traveled for 4 hours before the ruins of the Oakheart Village appeared on their vision.

"What happened here?"

Anteva said, as she didn't know about where Ronald lived before, also, Ronald didn't tell her their destination, so she had no idea on what or where they were going.

"This is the place where I live since childhood, but three months ago, a beast tide attacked and ruined everything in the village."

Ronald said with a sad face as he remembered all the faces of his neighbors, especially his two uncles.

The worker ant came closer to the village, but before they entered the village, Ronald saw three humans coming out of it, they were wearing armors and had a sword on their waist.

As Ronald noticed the three, the three humans also noticed him.

At first, they thought that a lost beast came near the village, but when it came closer, they noticed that there was someone riding on it, so they didn't pull their weapons out, but they didn't put their guard down.

The three didn't bother talking to him as they just continued to walk while Ronald also didn't bother talking to them and just continued on his way to the village.

After Ronald entered the village, he was shocked, as there was a great difference between the outside and inside of the village. In the outside, it looked as if it was a ruined place, but the inside was a crowded place. It was like he had gone into the wrong place, but he knew that this was the right place, as he saw the sign of his uncle Bart's Butcher shop.

The houses and shops that were closest to the north gate had all been brought down, which also included his uncle Bart's butcher shop, for it to act as a wall for the new village.

The village was now very crowded with adventurers. There are people who were drinking while they are talking and laughing even if it was still morning. As the village didn't have any tavern, they were currently drinking on the sides of the street. Also, along the street was a line of stalls, some vendors were shouting and attracting people to look at their stall. The scene in front of Ronald was totally in contrast with what he had in mind, the village was totally crowded. There were also many new buildings in the southern part of the village, which was very unfamiliar to him, luckily the main road didn't change, so he wasn't lost.

After seeing and observing the situation in the village, Ronald decided to go to the place where his house was once located.

Ronald rode on the worker ant while moving on the crowded road, due to this, he became the focus of the people's attention for some time before they looked away. Riding a beast wasn't that rare, especially a savage beast ranked one, so the savage beast ranked worker ant that Ronald was riding was nothing to them, what caught their attention was Ronald himself as they deduced that Ronald was only about 15-16 years old. To ride a beast, one must let it surrender to them first, before they can ride on it.

Ronald looked around as the worker ant moved, but he didn't notice that there was someone who was secretly following him.


In one of the rooms on a newly made mansion inside the village, a man was currently sitting on a chair with a table in front of him, this man gave the first impression of a scholarly man. But if someone thought that he was really a scholar then they were greatly mistaken as he was one of the vice leaders of an assassin organization, he was called by all members as the , as he was a scholar before he became an assassin. He was currently looking at the person in front of him, who was fully covered in black clothes including the head.

"Vice leader, there is some news relating to that young man."

The person covered in black clothes spoke with a feminine voice. Everyone in the organization new that she was a female, but they didn't know who she is or what she looked like, but they gave her the name of .

"Are you sure it was him?"

"Yes I am sure, he looked really the same as the young man in the picture and he had a white tiger with bat-like wings on his head."

"Hmm... Where is he now?"

"He just entered the village, he was currently riding on a savage beast ranked ant."

"Oh! interesting... an ant beast."

"What's interesting about it, it is just a savage beast ant." The girl said with a disgusted tone, she may not be the strongest among the people that were currently in the village, but she had already killed tens of thousands of spirit beasts, so a savage beast was nothing to her.

"Hahahaha... you are underestimating him, what if I tell you that, an ant beast cannot be tamed."

"What? How is that?" The girl covered in black clothes was intrigued by what the man said.

"Ant Beasts are very different from other beasts as they live in groups called colony, and in that colony, there would be only one mind, and that is their queen."

After saying until that point, the scholarly man stopped talking, and just kept silent.

"So, you say, you should first make their queen surrender before you can ride on a single ant?"

The man just nodded his head and kept his silence, so the girl continued speaking.

"But before you can fight their queen, you need to fight the whole colony first."

"Yeah, and that was the reason why it was a beast that cannot be tamed, as the gain you would receive wouldn't cover the loss you would get."

After the man said this, the girl started combining all the information she got, before she shuddered.

After the man said this, the girl started combining all the information she got, before she shuddered.

"How did he do that?"

The girl asked with a shocked tone.

"How am I suppose to know?"

The man sighed before he continued.

"Tell the one who was assigned on the mission, not to move until he was ordered. For now, let us just observed him. Though the reward for the mission was great, it wouldn't cover the loss if it involved a whole colony of ants."

The man said as he looked on a piece of paper, on it was Ronald's face.


The girl said as she disappeared as if she wasn't there in the first place.