Benefits of Enlightenment

Thanks to the skill , Ronald's injuries healed quickly.

After Ronald was fully healed, he first checked Freya's situation, luckily the short battle didn't disturb Freya.

After examining the surroundings, Ronald got out of where he was hiding and went deeper into the forest and searched for a place to stay.


The night in the forest might seem to be very peaceful, but this peace was just an illusion and not the reality, as within the cover of the night nocturnal beasts went out of their home and started their hunt.

Inside a cave that was carefully hidden behind a huge rock and many kinds of plant, a young man, with a little white tiger with wings laying comfortably on top his head, was sitting on a rock and was staring at the meat that was being roasted by the fire that he made, this young man was Ronald. He was thinking about the things that happened to him these past days.

He started thinking about the time when Lily requested him to escort the two of them.

At the time when Ronald heard of Lily's request, he then started to calculate the pros and cons if he accepted her request and found out that there wasn't really any problem with him escorting them out of the forest. But he miscalculated some things during his calculations, he didn't involve the possibility of humans attacking them. He only thought that there is only a bunch of spirit beast left in the area, as all the lords within this area of the forest were already slain by some powerful adventurers. And if those spirit beasts decided to attack them, he would just let Anteva deal with them, so there wasn't really any problem with him escorting them.

But then he thought, 'Even if I didn't accept Lily's request, I would still meet them if they are really targetting me, but the difference would be is that at that time Freya would be there to protect me. But I can't always rely on Freya to protect me, I must try my hardest to grow stronger faster.'

Ronald's eyes burned with determination as he came to this thought before he continued on thinking of another issue.

'The next issue would be, why would they want to kill me?', Ronald thought hard as he tried to remember if he had encountered that man and unknowingly offended him.

But no matter how hard he tried, he still can't remember anything about him encountering that man and offending him, before he thought, 'Maybe I had offended one of the two people who was covering their faces. But I had stayed in the forest for the past three months and the night after I came into the village, I then immediately went back to the forest to continue hunting.'

As Ronald couldn't think of any possible reason, he then asked Luna, hoping that she might know something.

"Luna, do you have any idea why they are attempting to kill me?"

"I also don't really know, at first, when you entered the village, I had already noticed many people for some unknown reasons were secretly following and observing you from afar. This situation also confused me, but then I just thought that they were just observing and following you due to your unfamiliar face. But now, I realized that they were really targetting you."

"Then what should I do? Do you have any suggestions?"

"Just stay in the forest for now, and get stronger."

While they are talking Freya who was still on Ronald's head opened her eyes and yawned.

- Congratulations, Freya had completed her enlightenment.

- Wind Magic - Wind Manipulation lvl 5 > 7

-Wind Magic - Wind Blade lvl 13>14

- Wind Magic - Wind Barrier 7>10(max)

- Wind Magic - Wind Detection lvl 2>8

- Wind Magic - Dance of the Wind lvl 1>5

- Wind Magic - Aero Blast lvl 1>5

'Enlightenment really had great benefits' Ronald thought after seeing the notifications that appeared continuously.

After Freya yawned, she then raised her cute nose into the air and smelled the thick fragrance of a roasted meat, that was being cooked in the fire and started staring at it intently with saliva dripping on her mouth, which she didn't notice.

Although Ronald made a fire inside the cave, smoke didn't accumulate as there were some small openings along the walls of the cave where the smoke escaped into.

Seeing this scene, Ronald let out a short laugh and petted Freya's head.


Inside the guild master's room in the adventurers guild, a conversation was ongoing.

"Honey, I heard that the assassin group - crow, started making their move. Would Ronald be okay?", Grace asked with a worried expression.

"He would be fine, he was Selene's and that man's child after all.", Timothy who was the guild master of the adventurers guild and also Grace's husband said to her in order to console her, but it wasn't effective.

"That reason isn't enough, though I am sure that Ronald would become someone great in the future, but now, he is only still an immature young man who still had some naivety in him.", Grace retorted Timothy's claim with apparent worry on her expression.


As Grace continued talking, Timothy suddenly passed a piece of paper to her, which caused her to stop and fixed her gaze on Timothy then on the paper.

The piece of paper was the report made by the shadow guard assigned to observe Ronald and save him if needed.

Grace started reading the report, but as she read the report, her eyes grew bigger and bigger.

"Beast Lord? Is this report true? Does the little tiger on Ronald's head a beast lord? And not only does he had a beast lord ranked beast, but also a Carebara Diversa Queen? Honey, If I remember correctly, this Carebara Diversa Queen is an ant beast that was titled by the empire as one of the aggressive conquerors of land, right?"

Grace bombarded Timothy with questions, but he only nodded and sipped his coffee.

"This information must be kept as a secret. If one of those crazy oldies learned about Ronald having a Beast Lord ranked beast, then they will surely cause great trouble to him.", Grace said as she noticed the problem of Ronald having a Beast Lord ranked beast, though the beast lord ranked beast can protect him if he was in trouble, it can also bring some trouble to him.

"By the way, Honey, how did the shadow guard found about the little's tiger rank? When I was talking to Ronald, I also observed the little tiger on his head, but I can't see its rank and therefore just thought that it would just be at most a spirit beast."

Timothy still stayed silent and just passed a stack of paper to her and observed her reaction.

This stack of paper contained all the information about Ronald's encounter in the Everlast Forest, including Anteva's hunt, Freya's battle with the Earth Qilin, and Ronald escorting Lily and Arisa.

"Do you know the reason, why the little tiger entered a deep sleep after her battle with the Earth Qilin?", Grace asked Timothy due to curiosity.

"I also didn't have any answer to that question of yours.", Timothy said and sighed before he continued.


They continued their conversation until dawn, but Ronald had no awareness about the conversation that was happening within the adventurers guild, and he still didn't know that his every action was being monitored.