I am a Beast Tamer(1)

After activating his skill, Ronald immediately took a defensive position. Though he had gotten stronger due to his skills, he knew that he was not their match.

The first person who reached him was the man with a huge sword. He then waved his sword downwards as he used his skill.

"Heavy Slash"

As Ronald saw this, he immediately dodged the man's sword, as he knew that although his stats had been boosted greatly, he still couldn't receive his attack.

But after Ronald dodged the sword, a dagger appeared beside him targetting his neck.

Unlike last time, where the other two just waited at a place to ambush him, this time the two coordinated their attack with the man, as they were afraid that Ronald would escape again.

With the help of Ronald's passive skill and battle instincts, which came from his bloodline, he immediately noticed the man in black clothes' actions, and immediately mentally commanded to defend, then counter-attack.

Though he was in a defensive position, that didn't mean that he would just defend and let the three assassins attack him.

As the man in black clothes saw his dagger being blocked, he immediately felt an icy feeling traveled from the floating sword to his dagger then to his body, making his body feel cold, slowing his movements a little bit.

"Be careful of his floating sword, it has a frost effect.", discovering this abnormality, the man in black clothes immediately informed his companions.

Hearing his shout, Fengjun and the man with a huge sword, immediately became wary of the floating black sword. Although they became wary of it, they didn't stop attacking.

And Fengjun's dagger targetted Ronald's back. But then he immediately retreated, as he felt mana gathered in front of him forming into a ball and bolted towards him, luckily he had reacted quickly and successfully dodged it.

This was Selena's skill - Arcane Bolt.

"Watch out, this kid is strange. He can use magic too."

After he was attacked by Selena's skill, Fengjun immediately retreated and waited for the next opportunity to attack.

Ronald heard what they said, but he still kept his calm and calmly defended the man with a huge sword's attack.

They battled continuously for 10 minutes, but Ronald's defense never faltered. Most of the time, he dodged the man's attacks and received the other two's daggers if it were not targetted to his vital points, and rarely counterattacked. But as time passed by, the rate at which Ronald counterattacked increased slowly but surely, making his defense harder and harder to breach.

The three thought that Ronald was a very strange person.

First, Ronald seems to have a strong foundation in using the black sword than his knife, as the way he mentally moved the floating sword to defend and attack seems very smooth than his rough way of using his knife. So, they were confused on why was he using the knife and not the sword. If he used the floating sword, then his defense and offense would surely be boosted.

All people knew that using a knife is more effective at making an unexpected attack that would pierce an enemy's vitals, than using it at a frontal one. The knife had a short reach that made it harder to attack and a thin blade that couldn't be used to defend a sword as it may break. So, why would he use a knife and not a sword?

Second, the magic skill - Arcane bolt that was made of pure mana that appeared at an unexpected time.

At first, they thought that Ronald had some magic related attack skills, but as time passed by, they noticed that the mana used to form the arcane bolt and the ice attribute mana that brought the frost effect of the floating black sword came from two different sources, which felt very strange to them.

Thirdly, even though Ronald was now covered in blood and had many wounds all over his body, even his armor was badly damaged, his defense seems to be getting harder and harder to breach.

This three issues really troubled and confused the three of them, and with Ronald's silver hair and silver eyes, it made him look more strange and mysterious to them.

Time passed slowly. 20 minutes had already passed since the battle started but Ronald was still standing, but he was now breathing heavily. Although his defense was great, the pressure of battling three people, that had rich experience in fighting a human, was too great for him to bear.

He was happy though as he had learned many things on this fight.

The three people backed-off and surrounded him as they watched him breathing heavily.

"Honestly, you had greatly surprised me, kid. Surviving until now while receiving our onslaught was a great surprise to me. If you haven't offended someone you couldn't offend, you would surely become a great magic swordsman in the future."

As the man with a huge sword said this, he dragged his sword while running and wave it upwards and used a skill.

"Earth Wave"

The ground in front of him started rising as it moved forward to Ronald's position.

Seeing this Ronald knew that he can't dodge it, as he didn't have any energy left to do so but he still kept his calm and looked closely at the rising land coming towards him.

The three looked at the rising land attentively, preparing to attack if Ronald decided to dodge. But after some time, they immediately became stunned as Ronald didn't move even a single bit or prepare any defensive skill or made a defensive stance, he just stood there unmoving and let the rising land hit him.

The skill reached Ronald's position with a huge *BOOM sound and caused the dust to cover the area.

Although the three were stunned at what they saw, they started to relax as their mission was finally completed.

"Finally, I can go home and rest.", Fengjun said as he sighed.

"That kid really caused us a very hard time.", The other man in black clothes said as he sat on the ground to rest, but he still held his dagger.

"Let's go to the cave and find that little tiger and passed it to the guild to complete our...", the man with a huge sword said, but he was stopped as a shout was heard within the dust.

"Anteva, now."

As they heard this sound, a pair of huge mandibles emerged at the place where the other man in black clothes was sitting which pierced his back and cut his spinal chord instantly killing him.

The other two also received a sneak attack but reacted quickly. The man with a huge sword used his sword as he blocked the pair of mandibles that emerged from the ground. While Fengjun immediately jumped backward but as he thought that he had escaped the attack, something appeared behind him and tackled him from behind while he was still in the air. Luckily he had quickly turned his body around and used his right shoulder to receive the attack.

Though this action saved his life for the time being, this didn't remove the predicament they were in.

The dust slowly settled and they finally saw Ronald's figure sitting on a gigantic ant which was 5-6 meters tall and had a length of more or less 25 meters.

This gigantic ant was Anteva who had grown to her full size. Ronald's crazy hunting caused Anteva's crazy eating which caused her to achieve her current size earlier than what she expected.