Unusual Black Forest Wolf(1)

After Ronald used the Lifetime Slave Contract on Fengjun, he immediately asked Fengjun about the mission that was given to them, but sadly only the leader knew the accurate details of the employer, all he knew was that the employer was a noble of the kingdom.

Hearing this, Ronald immediately tried to guess who the employer was.

The only noble he met since his birth was Arisa's group, though he didn't know if all of them are nobles. But he was sure that Arisa and Gao Liuxian were nobles, and Arisa was even a princess. Ronald was sure about this, as he knew that only a prince or a princess would be referred to as his/her highness. And as for Gao Liuxian, it was due to the emblem that was on his armor, as only nobles of the kingdom, and known mercenary groups would have an emblem.

Through the given information, Ronald deduced that there was a greater chance for the employer to be on Arisa's group at that time, though there is still a chance that the employer wasn't within Arisa's group.

'Maybe the employer saw Freya when I was walking within the village and then became attracted to her, so...'

As Ronald was still thinking, he suddenly felt extreme tiredness all over his body, which cause him to lose his balance and fall. This was the side effect of using the skill .

'I forgot the side effect of the skill.', This was Ronald's last thought before he lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Fengjun immediately went to support Ronald, but Freya acted faster than him and gently placed him on Anteva's back.

After Freya was sure that Ronald wouldn't fall on Anteva's back, she immediately sat on Anteva's head with Selena.

Fengjun's eyes followed Freya from the very start then immediately noticed the little girl with silver wings sitting beside Freya on Anteva's head. Which really stunned him for a moment, as it was his first time to see a contracted spirit.

He was very sure that the little girl with wings was a spirit, as he had read some books about spirits and knew how rare they were.

A spirit wouldn't have any exact form before it was contracted, but they can be stored through the use of some magic and runes.

And after they became contracted to someone, and form their own body, natural runes would slowly start appearing. And as time passed by, the runes would eventually accumulate and form a rune shell.

When Fengjun first entered an auction within the capital, he luckily witnessed a low-grade spirit being auctioned which caused the nobles and rich merchants within the kingdom to fight a tough battle of money. There were even some nobles and merchants that came from the neighboring kingdom that entered the battle of money.

That is how rare and coveted a spirit was, even a low-grade one would attract many people. At first, Fengjun didn't know anything about a spirit, but luckily the auctioneer explained some things to the people within the auction before he started the auction of the low-grade spirit.

And when Fengjun saw Selena and the little runes that were being formed around her, he knew that Selena wasn't a low-grade spirit.

Although only a small part of the first rune had been formed around her, he can feel its intricate structure which was really different from the low-grade spirit that had been auctioned at that time. And also, Fengjun could see that Selena was more intelligent than the low-grade spirit that was auctioned, which indicated that it was at least a high-grade one.

Knowing all these things caused Fengjun to respect Ronald more, and thought that maybe the things that happened to him wasn't a tragedy but a lucky encounter instead.

While Fengjun was thinking, the ground shook for a moment before holes started appearing on the ground and from it, a group of ants emerged. This was Anteva's whole ant army, with the four huge major ants and 36 worker ants that were at least 1 meter in height, the whole army looked very menacing, even Fengjun's hair stood up upon seeing this scene.

Although only the four big guys that attacked them are of the spirit beast rank and the others were just at the savage beast rank, facing them would still be tragic, as these savage beast may just flood their group.

After the worker ants emerged from the ground, they immediately surrounded Anteva with the four majors closest to her while some worker ants were scouting the way.

After ensuring that Anteva was surrounded and protected, they immediately slowly moved.

Fengjun just slowly walked as he was still injured and needed some time to rest, but he just gritted his teeth and followed the group. But while he was walking, a worker ant coming to him and stopped by his side, then a voice of a little girl suddenly appeared on his mind.

"You can ride on this one."

Fengjun was shocked at first, but then he immediately looked around and noticed Anteva looking at him. And due to that, he knew that it was Anteva's voice that appeared on his mind.

Knowing this, he nodded to Anteva and thanked her before he got on the back of the ant, it was a fresh experience for him riding a beast. Although it wasn't rare to find someone riding a beast, taming one would still be hard, even if you bought one would cause you a huge amount of golden crystal card, especially beasts that were good as a battle mount.


After some time, they reached the cave where Ronald stayed the whole month.

Fengjun immediately jumped off the back of the worker ant and laid on one side of the wall within the cave and started resting, while Anteva just went to a pile of beast carcasses and started eating while Freya, Selena, and Ronald were still on her back.

Time passed quietly and slowly, three hours later Ronald woke up a bit before he decided to rest for the day, and continue hunting tomorrow.

The day passed by peacefully within the cave.


The next day, Ronald woke up early and was about to start preparing a meal for them, but he immediately stopped as he saw Fengjun was already preparing their breakfast, while Freya already woke up due to the smell of the cooked food.

The food wasn't different from the everyday food that they eat, but it was prepared differently. And through this event, Ronald knew that Fengjun wasn't only an assassin but also a cook that was trained on preparing food no matter where they were.

After eating his breakfast, Ronald immediately commanded Fengjun to go back to the village to find a place for them to stay and then gather some information about everything that happened within the village when Ronald was still staying in the forest. As for how they would meet, they decided to meet in the adventurers guild.

After everything was done, Ronald went hunting.