As Seras Victoria wakes up she feels a major headache, almost like someone was rewiring her brain.
"Bloody hell?" A girlish British accent comes out.
"Seras! Are you all right? You fainted while on duty. Do you remember anything?" A man asks with a concerned tone while she is trying to get up from the hospital bed.
"I'm ok Simon, thanks for bringing me here. My head feels like an entire bowling team is getting strikes." Seras says very weakly while holding her head.
"Haha, it seems you're really alright Seras. Don't mention it, it was my pleasure, literally." He says while making a lewd face.
"You're dead! I can't believe you said such a thing!" She yells while her face blushes and contorts in anger. Before groaning silently and holding her head again.
"Hahahaha, I'm glad to see you're doing all right. Get some rest and I'll see you later." He laughs while escaping out of the room.
'Hmmmmm. This is a weird feeling. I thought that 'He' would completely take over the body, but as it turns out we both combined and fused to make a different personality. I am Seras, but I am also Michael. How positively strange!' Seras thinks while making a mischevious grin.
She lies back down in the bed to get more rest when she feels something in her hand. She brings it up to her face and sees a folded paper. She opens it and starts to read the note.
~Hello! How are Michael? Oh, I guess I should call you Seras now? Anyway, in all the conversations we had, I realized I never told you how your new powers would work. Your item box is the easiest one to use as you just have to hold an object and consciously want it in a space. Your ability to teleport is slightly more difficult. It will be too much for a note, but I'll tell you that it is extremely similar to the ability Alucard uses to move through the darkness. The Omniscient Simulator is also a little different. Do you remember that blue screen you looked at when you died? You just have to think of that again and a screen will pop up in front of you. The screen will have a search box and you can input the situation and the simulator will predict what will happen in the timeframe you give it. It can be as short as the next hour, or as long as a century. The catch is that the longer the time the less accurate it will be, it is 100% for up to a week. For a century it's only 50% accurate. Anywho, have fun in that world and when you can control the teleport ability, come to me and tell me all about it. You're practically my only friend and I would like to know how you're doing.~
As Seras is laying in bed she grabs the television remote and thinks about placing it in her head. The remote control disappears and a completely white space appears in her head and she can 'see' the remote on the floor of the space.
She tries to think about taking the remote out and it comes out back in her hand. She believes that the process is simple and all it takes is a thought to do it.
'Such a weird feeling, the space is infinite but I wonder if time stops as well inside?' Seras thinks to herself as she grabs the alarm clock and wills it into her space.
A minute later she brings it back out and noticed that time indeed did stop and now the clock is a minute off.
"This is fantastic! I can store blood in here and it will never get old. It will always be fresh." Seras says in delight despite not being a vampire yet.
She spends another hour messing with the space In her head before realizing that she should be resting. She lays down and goes to sleep.
After a few more hours in the hospital, Seras leaves and walks towards her home. As she is walking, the people who she passes by are giving her weird looks.
'Hmm. Since I know that the vampire is here causing disappearances, should I out him now and get Alucard here sooner? This might affect the story too much, but I also don't want Simon and Eddie to die and turn into ghouls.'
Afterwards she gives a wry smile.
'I guess MY* personality is the reason for this uncomfortable feeling? How about I just try to not take them with me when I confront the vampire?'
After Seras thinks this, the uncomfortable feeling goes away and she seems a little happier, occasionally skipping to her house. As she arrives, she sees that the building is very old and has quite a few cracks in the walls. She doesn't care though as she takes out the keys and walks right in.
"Lets see, what should I have for dinner? In a week, all food is going to taste like complete garbage, so I should have some of my favorites. What could be in the fridge, lalalala"
As she is singing her jaunty tune, she finds that she has the ingredients for her favorite meal of all time. Fish and chips, with some spotted dick for dessert. She makes the most incredible smile and starts getting the preparations underway.
After about 30 minutes, the meal is done and as she is about to eat, she gets a very big feeling of loneliness and starts to tear up.
*Sobs* 'why did my parents have to die? I can't believe that after 10 years I am still crying this much. When I find those two assholes, I'm going to make them pay for taking them away from me.'
She thinks about using the omniscient simulator to find the people who killed her parents. she tries to put it out of her mind, but the more she tries not to think about it, the more she remembers.
As she thinks this the fork gets bent out of shape from how tight she is holding it. A little later she is done eating and cleans up before getting ready for bed to drift off to dreamland.
After 6 days of the same routine of going to work, investigating the disappearances of multiple women, and going home. Seras and Simon are in the station talking to each other.
"Hey Seras, why is it that with each passing day, you seem to be getting happier as more women disappear?"
"Hm? Well if you have to know, tomorrow is my birthday and I can't wait for it." She says with a smile.
"Really? How old are you?"
"I am 19, why?"
"Wait a minute, you're only 19? My god, what did you eat while growing up!?" He says while pointing at her chest.
In defense, Seras covers her chest with both of her arms while her face blushes.
"Shut up and don't point, they just grew to this size, ok!? I didn't do anything special!"
After a pause, they both laugh and continue their conversation.
"Plus, it's not all fun and games, these things are heavy and get in the way when I'm trying to shoot a gun." She says with a pout.
"Fine, fine. I'm sorry, it's just I thought you were a little older than that."
"Really, how come?"
"You really have to ask?" He asks while looking at her chest again.
"These make me look older, how?" She says in anger.
"Well, how can anyone expect a teenager to have such massive knockers!" He yells jokingly to which she hits him again.
After a few more minutes of banter, Simon and Seras get back to work and start focusing on the disappearances.
"Hey Simon? Haven't you noticed any similarities to all of the women who have disappeared?
"No? If I have, I would have told somebody about it and get a promotion."
As he says this the uncomfortable feeling in Seras' gut explodes no makes her since in pain.
"Are you all right, Seras? Do you need to go back to the infirmary?" He gets up and rubs her back which does alleviate the pain somewhat.
"No, no. I'm all right Simon. It's just that time of the month." She smiles weakly to try to put him at ease.
"Time of the.....oh! Sorry!" He says with an awkward smile.
"It's fine, it's been getting more difficult to deal with it the past couple months. Anyway, I think I noticed something that all women have in common."
As she says this the feeling goes away again and she sighs in relief and continues her thought out loud.
"Aren't all of them catholic? I know it's very common here, but out of the 37 women, wouldn't at least one of them be part of a different religion?"
After she says that, Simon's face goes pale and starts looking at the records in haste.
"Youre right, My God! You're absolutely correct Seras! How did we not see this before!?"
"Well, its not something unique and not every file just says 'Catholic' on it, this requires some research. Plus if you're not looking for it, it will be hard to notice."
"I'm going to go to the chief and tell him this!" He says while taking all of the files.
"Wait Simon! We need to figure out where they're being taken from, before we goto him. You know how that beaucratic asshole is!" As she says that she covers her mouth in shock.
"Seras? I have never heard you curse before, did the chief do something to you!?" He asks in quickly rising anger.
"No Simon, but I'm glad that when I call our boss an asshole, you're so quick to think it's him and not me." Seras says with a reassuring smile.
"Oh, well of course Seras, no matter what happens I'll always defend you." Simon says with a doting smile.
"Thank you Simon, well I think we should get back on topic." Seras says with an embarrassed expression.
"Where would all catholic women go? Isn't the answer obvious? The church!" he confidently says.
"Who at the church is doing this then? The priest?" Seras says with as much surprise as she can muster.
"Most likely, I mean think about, it's been a month since that new priest came and it's also the time that women started disappearing. How could we not have seen this!?"
"Now that we have a who and a where, I think it's time we tell the chief. What do you think Seras?"
"I agree."
The next day, the whole station is covered in an eery atmosphere and everyone has a scared expression.
"Did you hear that the new priest...."
"Of course I have, who hasn't!"
"I can't believe it's him, I mean he seems so nice."
"They always do, don't they? You have to always watch out for the people who seem to good to be true."
Everybody is speaking on the same topic when the chief comes out of his office and everyone quiets down.
"As you all have most likely heard, we have very good reason to believe that the priest that arrived a month ago is the one causing these disappearances. We are going to send a squad of 5 people to bring him in, if he refuses and fights back, we're going to send everyone here in to capture him. Is that understood!?"
""""""Sir, yes sir!"""""
"Good! Now we wait to hear back." He says as he goes back into his office.
'And so it begins. I can't wait until tonight.' Seras thinks with a smile.
"Seras are you ok? You seem a little weird."
"Of course not, Simon. This is going to be my first mobilization against a man who is taking and killing tens of women, who knows what we're going to see when we get there?"
"Hahaha, you're saying it like it's a sure thing that everyone is going to be going there. I doubt this man is going to put up much of a fight against us. It's complete nonsense!"
"Is it? I'm just saying that what if he is some kind of monster that can kill everyone in no time at all? What would we do then, what can we do?"
"What do you mean Seras?" Simon questions in a slightly annoyed tone.
Before Seras can reply, the chief comes out and yells.
"Everyone mobilize! This madman has killed the team we sent. We're going there to kill this motherfucker! I want to see everyone outside and ready to go by 1800!"
"""""Sir, yes sir!"""""
After about a half an hour, everyone is outside with bulletproof vests and guns holstered.
"Ok, people! It's going to take me 30 minutes to reach the church, by the time I get there, I want a full command center up and ready to use. Make it so that it is about 5 miles from the church. I also want communications ready to use as soon as possible. Understood!?"
"""""Yes sir!"""""
As all the squads are loading into the swat vehicles, Seras and Simon are already in theirs talking to each other.
"Hey Simon?" Seras asks with sweat beading down her forehead.
"Yes, Seras?"
"What would you do for a dream?"
"That's a weird question, but If I have to answer now, I would have to say it depends on the dream."
"A dream that you have had for years, one that will lead to a bad outcome for other people. Would you still want to reach for that dream?"
"Hmmmmm. I have to say that if it means that much to you, I don't think it matters what happens to other people."
"Really? I didn't expect that from you Simon."
"Well before my father died, I definitely wouldn't say such a thing. After though, the decision to not go when my body called for it. My instincts yelled at me to goto his house. When I didn't because I had other things to do, to help other people, that was the worst decision of my life."
"Listen to me Seras. Regret is the one thing in this world that can't be cured, in fact. It is possibly the worst thing a person can have. Over time it just festers and takes over your mind. It turns you into a monster. Whatever you want to do, do it without regrets!"
After a few minutes of silence, Seras begins to speak with a light hearted expression.
"Thanks Simon and I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for?"
"Nothing! Nothing at all. She says while sticking her tongue out.
'After hearing that, the uncomfortable feeling in my gut that was excruciatingly painful, just up and disappeared. It seems that it might be the old ME*'s personality trying to make me do the right thing, morally speaking.' She smiles happily.