Black Dragon Army(Part-4)

Antariksh simply shifted her head sideways towards left lazily as the spear missed her head as she simply grabbed it by her right hand and sending a kick to the attacker with enough force to turn the person into mist of blood as she sneered inwardly at that, 'Weak so pathetically weak that they should have been punished for being such a burden, and to send such weaklings to confront us are they mocking us, how dare they insult us by making us face such miserable…..', she let out a tired sigh as she cut down another who simply died in an extremely gory manner as the persons innards and blood sprayed around the place as she mused inwardly, 'Even with all the chaos the person who strutted in like a peacock did not even move and this people no beings all of them died so easily and spraying so much blood and guts but why?'