
Ryuu let out a deep breath as white smoke was released from his mouth, he was wearing only shorts showcasing his well sculpted body something he knew even the most handsomest man in his old world would see their organs to gain even the tenth of what his body was, he knew it and was damned proud of it. The dragon tattoo on his back formed all those years ago when he first started to cultivate was exposed to the world for everyone to see.

A knock on his door had indicated the arrival of a messenger as such he quickly put a robe on himself as he went to open the door, he knew what effect he had on female and some male as such it would not be wise for him to open his door bare-chested like that, as he opened the door he was greeted by a messenger who spoke to him in a reverent tone as he stammered out, "Go-go-good Morning Captain, the M-M-Major has asked for you to jo-jo-join the briefing room within an hour.", as the person spoke Ryuu noticed that his eyes glazed over slightly.