Igniting The Fires of War (Part-3)

"Where is Poontah? He and his team should have finished their scouting and would have arrived by now."

A large man with broad shoulders spoke with a gruff voice as he sipped from his goblet made out of a human skull.

"My Lord those newcomers are crafty, and it seems that the 'Sapphire Ash Clan' has also set their sights on them as well, as such I believe he is running interference, after all, we cannot let them steal our cattle before we got hold of them."

"Poontah better be doing something worthwhile then I do not like being kept waiting."

The person who spoke nodded at that as he spoke, "He is the child of the mighty 'Blessed Kudzu Tribe', he would rather die than bring dishonour to the tribe."

"I know that is why I entrusted the important mission to him, and I hope the newcomers have some spawns running around they are the most delicious and tender."