Sneaking Past (Part-3)

Xughez, sighed as he looked at his men, it had been some time since the news about the death of their Lord Zikris had reached his ears, and since then he was anxious as well as afraid, Zikris may have been a bit hot-headed but at the end of the day he was a lot better than the other two, at the very least he cared about his men not use them like some disposable chess piece, and now he is dead and he was told to wait before his unit would be divided between the two.

Since the time he had heard about Zikris's death, he had suspected something afoul at work but he could not prove anything not to mention he was sure that the moment he speaks about this suspicion, he would be dead, after all, many would love to take his place and his share of the loot as such he was forced to swallow his anger and keep his mouth shut.