04 Leaving House

All the insults thrown at the crestfallen Ling Tian were like thorns piercing his heart. He coldly looked at everyone and engraved their faces into his heart.

Ling Tian's Third uncle(Ling Xuan) let out a deep sigh and said, "Whoever brings this up again means he has something against me, let this be done. Xiao Tian not being Awaken Bloodline can only be said that he wasn't fortunate enough and nothing else. Xiao Tian, don't take it to heart, you can come to your Third uncle for anything. I have no say in immortal sects, but when it comes to normal sects, your uncle still has some ability to get in you. You can go with my son, Ling Yao. I have always planned to send him to a normal sect to train."

Ling Shan chuckled when he heard that. He scornfully said, "Ling Tian, I say go with the Third uncle. When you get there, you can tell them you were the trash that was rejected in Bloodline Awakening. They might really take you."

Ling Tian slowly raised his head. He looked around, glaring at all the surrounding relatives. When his eyes finally landed on Ling shan he said, "Ling Shan, mark my words. I, Ling Tian, will definitely Immortal. I'll also never forget how you and other relative insulted me and my family."

Ling Shan laughed when he heard Ling Tian's words but before he could say anything else, The Third uncle shouted at Ling Shan, " You wordy little brat! I'm going to waste you right now! Let see if you can still become an immortal."

Ling Shan's father suddenly looked pale. He hurriedly stepped in front of Ling Shan. "The Third brother, you wouldn't dare!"

The surrounding relatives all held a cold smile on their faces as they watched the events unfold in front of them

The Third Uncle laughed. He had a steely look in his eyes. In a low, deep voice, he said, "Really brother? I wouldn't dare?"

Ling tian's father quickly stepped forward to pull his Third brother back. "Third brother, listen to your second brother. You have a wife and kids at home, acting like this isn't worth it for you. I will forever remember what you have done for me. I am still Happy for Ling Shan from the bottom of my Heart but it's unfortunate that Xiao Tian couldn't Awaken his bloodline. we are still a family. we shouldn't fight with each other. Thank you for inviting us to this celebration. I have prepared this Gift for Xiao Shan before coming here. Please accept this First Brother. First Brother, Grand Father... We are Leaving now."

Ling Wong presented a wooden box to Ling Peng.

The third Uncle glared at Ling Shan's father. He then nodded at his second brother and proceeded to leave Banquet Hall with Ling Wong and his family.

Even from afar, Ling Tian could hear the relatives in the yard mocking him and his family.

Silence enveloped the inside of the Banquet Hall. Ling Peng Father of Ling Slowly Opened and the whole Banquet Hall enveloped by the sweet fragrant that made crowd curious.

"T... This... is 100 yrs old Ginseng" Ling Peng Said with Shocked Expression.

Everyone in the banquet hall was stunned after seeing the 100 yrs old Ginseng and Ling Shan's eyes were Glimmering with light after seeing the Ginseng.

Returning to the Eastern Courtyard-

Ling Wong frowned and waved his hand, his voice heavy as he said: "Don't mention this anymore. No one is allowed to bring this matter up in the future." However, in his heart, he too felt aggrieved.

Ling tian's father quietly sighed. It'd be false to say that he wasn't disappointed, but Ling tian was still his son. He finally broke the silence. "Xiao Tian, this is nothing, alright? There is nothing wrong with not being able to awaken bloodline. Listen to your father. Go home and study. Strive towards a good result in next year's district exam. If you don't feel like reading, go relax with your Third uncle."

Ling Tian's mother gave her son a loving look and consoled him. "Xiao Tian, don't do anything stupid. You're my son. If anything happens to you, I wouldn't want to live anymore. You have to be strong." As she was talking, tears rolled down her face.

Ling tian looked at his parents. He nodded and said, "Father, mother, rest assured. I will not do anything silly. Don't worry, I have a plan."

Ling Tian's mother embraced him. While holding him in her arms she said, "Xiao Tian, it's over. We will forget about this matter."

In his mother's warm embrace, Ling tian's wounded heart was slowly healing. He felt exhausted after the events of the Bloodline Awakening. Ling Tian slowly drifted into sleep.

He saw a dream. He dreamt that he was an immortal, flying in the sky with his parents and siblings…

He heard an ancient voice in his dream...

"Head to the East... If Heaven won't Let you move forward then Devour him... Make Heaven Your first Trophy of Glory..."

"Head to the East... If Heaven won't Let you move forward then Devour him... Make Heaven Your first Trophy of Glory..."

"Head to the East... If Heaven won't Let you move forward then Devour him... Make Heaven Your first Trophy of Glory..."

When Ling Tian woke up, it was late at night. He sighed lightly as he looked around at the familiar room. His heart was resolute. Before he left the house, he took a long, deep look at his sleeping parents. He picked up a pen and paper and wrote a letter. After taking enough dry food, he was on his way.

"I will not give up on the path to becoming an immortal. Father, mother Thank you... for what you have done for me. I will be back soon." Ling Tian's eyes were filled with resolve as he left the mountain village, carrying only a bag.