15 Experimental Room

If Ling Tian got careless, the Sect would not hesitate to take his life.

Even though he rescued the daughters of the sect Leader, thanks to the suspicion placed on him he was treated as such.

If this trend continued, they would probably soon resort to torture.

In that case, it would not be strange if he died.

(will I really be killed… here?)

Feelings of anxiety and frustration began to accumulate.

Did he make the right decision by saving Lan Yan and Lan Fei?

If he had ignored them, he would not have to suffer through such hardships.

This was the result of him getting caught up with his own feelings.

He just wanted to end the terrible incident; in the end, Ling Tian guessed he was just a selfish person.

"Humph, how's that? Feeling scared? If you're afraid to die, then tell us what you know." Interrogator

The interrogator ignorantly said that an arrogant expression causing Ling Tian to snort through his nose.

Seeing that, the interrogator hit Ling Tian in the nose.

"Who's the mastermind? From my superior's investigations, you and those thugs never came in direct contact with the mastermind but received instructions through a third party."

Ling Tian was already fed up with everything. He could not do anything but protest which only worsened his situation.

Thinking about it, Ling Tian thought he was a victim caught in the political crossfire occurring within the Sect.

If that was the case, everything started to add up.

Disposing of the perpetrators by poisoning their meals and leaving Ling Tian to fend for himself. Naturally, he would be interrogated as he was the only remaining link to the incident.

Ling Tian calmly analyzed the information he gathered so far.

Someone probably stood to gain from perpetrating the incident.

The mastermind was the most likely candidate since the thugs were disposed of to destroy any remaining evidence.

The losing side would fall into a predicament and try their hardest to extract information from Ling Tian.

For example, the mastermind could be the Sect Leader if he was a ruthless person who had no qualms about using his daughters as political chess pieces. But the chances of that were low.

Aside from the Sect Leader, a person who had the most to gain from this incident would have to be a highly influential elder or someone with great backing.

The interrogator remained paranoid throughout the interrogation and continued questioning Ling Tian. If things did not go well, faking his confession was a possibility.

"Who did you receive orders from? It was someone from the other sect, wasn't it? You've actually received combat training right?"

Without growing tired, the interrogator continued to question Ling Tian.

Carrying a stick, the interrogator tried to provoke him by hitting him on the cheek.

"… Peh."

Ling Tian spat out a mix of blood and saliva at the interrogator.

He could feel a bit of his resentment wash away.

Even if showing defiance to such a degree would not change his fate.

Without a command from his superiors, the interrogator could not kill Ling Tian.

"… YOU~!"

Enraged, the interrogator roared at Ling Tian. At that moment, the cell door opened.

Seeing the man who just entered, the interrogator immediately stood up straight.

"Your Excellency Wang Batian! Thi-This is…"

"Be at ease. How is his condition?"

The man who just entered was known as Wang Batian.

He was the second son of the Wang Clan. Wang Clan is related to the 3rd elder in the Celestial Sword sect.

Entering the cell, Wang Batian waved his hand at the interrogator and the interrogator muttered something to Wang Batian. He then turned his gaze towards Ling Tian.

"Ha~. As I thought, even with a bit of force he won't say anything. Such a rebellious attitude. With that kind of mental fortitude, I really wonder if he's just a child."

Wang Batian his hand on his mouth as he listened to those words.

"Because of that… Your Excellency Wang Batian?"

Judging by his expression, it seemed the interrogator wanted to ask something.

"my father's busy at the moment so I came in his stead."

Hearing those words, the interrogator was slightly shocked.

The interrogator explained the situation and Wang Batian directed his gaze at Ling Tian.

"Humph. Are you really the orphan who rescued the princess?"


Wang Batian's voice resounded within the cell.

Even though he was still relatively young at only around his late-20s, he could release killing intent no ordinary person could endure.

But Ling Tian just ignored his question.


Shouting, a guard standing beside Wang Batian closed in and struck Ling Tian.

Ling Tian shifted his body as much as possible to lessen the impact of the strike and directed an icy glare at the Guard.


When their eyes met, the guard involuntarily flinched.

"Interesting, even I can't make this vagrant youngster speak."

Wang Batian looked at Ling Tian while evaluating him. The two stared at each other.

"I see…"

After staring at each other for a while, Wang Batian muttered in a low voice as if he realized something.

"Fumu, take this boy to the Experimental room,"

"Roger! Right away, sir. Move!"

Following that, the interrogator yanked the chain attached to the choker on Ling Tian's neck and handed the chain the guard.

Ling Tian did not put up any resistance, but he was still roughly pulled along by the guard.