Portable Training Room Set!

"What? Like, you want me to hold you up?" Itachi responded,

"Yes. I want you to hold me up. I don't fall through the clouds. I'm a pretty fun guy, but I don't think I'd make be a pretty pancake."

With all the jokes out of the way the two got to work, every once in a while Kibo would have to return to the ground to recover.

During his first break, Kibo saw that Naruto and Sasuke had beaten each other to a pulp,

"Why won't you stay down!?" Sasuke yelled as he and Naruto punched each other in the face before they both fell to the ground.

"I win this one!" Naruto said panting heavily.

"Not a chance dweeb!" Sasuke said trying to sit back up, but it was no use.

"It's a draw, you can't move either!" Sasuke said before gasping for air.

"I got 41 hits, you got 40! So that means, I win!" Naruto declared, starting at the sky and throwing his fist in the air.

Sasuke grumbled in response before saying, "That just a technicality!"

Naruto gave a triumphant 'humph!' as he said "Then I won by a technicality!"

Naruto didn't care anymore, he closed his eyes, stood up, and raised his fist into the air while shouting internally, "I won in front of Hinata!"

Naruto felt proud and a little confused, he didn't understand why it was so important for him to win in front of her, because he didn't know what he was feeling.

Sasuke on the other hand cried out in his mind, "I lost in front of Sakura!"

Similar to Naruto, Sasuke didn't know why he wanted to save face in front of her, but the fact remained, he didn't like her seeing him in a pathetic situation.

Kibo, on the other hand, knew why they were being so competitive with each other. He watched as Hinata and Sakura running up to their future lovers and laughed thinking, "Maybe this is what it means to have soulmates."

Hinata pulled out a jar of expensive medicine and Sakura had some herbs that she saved from medical class lessons.

Karin then walked up surprising both Kibo and Itachi as she had used the Mystical Palm Jutsu to start healing their wounds.

"Karin? You can use the Mystical Palm?" Kibo said a bit loudly.

"Yes, my mom's been teaching me in her spare time. She said I had a talent for this technique," Karin answered with a graceful smile.

Kibo smiled as Sakura and Hinata asked if Karin could teach them as well.

"Aww! Sure! I understand what it means to want to heal the guy you like." Karin's hushed words made Sakura and Hinata blush.

Kibo and Itachi laughed as they managed to overhear Karin's whispering.

After a few hours of intense training, Kibo looked around the training cave and then stared at the highest cave entrance.

"I guess this place is just as good as any!" Kibo thought while looking for the perfect spot to place down his training room.

After heading up to the tallest hill; Kibo placed his Portable Training Room down beside it.

Two large double doors appeared and fused into the wall creating a huge flash of light. Everyone noticed the commotion and walked over to see what was happening.

Now that they saw a door that clearly wasn't there before, everyone showed a puzzled expression and started asking questions.

"Where did this come from?" Itachi asked.

"It wasn't here before," Naruto commented.

"What do you mean, Naruto?" Hinata asked.

"What are you guys talking about?" Sakura asked.

"It's just a door," Sasuke said with a blank expression.

Kibo smiled while trying to come up with a lie, but in the end, he just spoke the truth. Of course, that is while omitting some things, "It just...suddenly appeared as I walked by!" Everyone looked at him suspiciously, "What I'm telling you the truth it just suddenly appeared."

Seeing that he was sticking with his story they decided to just brush off the whole incident as a coincidence.

"Anyways I'm going in to check it out," Kibo said before he opened the door and felt a cool breeze hit him in the face.

Compared to the heat outside, the inside surprisingly comfortable, it was at the perfect temperature for human habitation.

There was a single hall leading into a large chamber with a massive dome-shaped room. At the center of the room was a comfortable looking circular wooden table surrounded by a circular leather couch.

Looking at the walls there were 4 doors that led to different training grounds.

The first had the Kanji for Physique hanging over it.

Inside the room was a single caged arena made of stone and metal. When one stepped inside, the mysterious arena would generate a clone of the challenger, only the clone would always be just a bit stronger than the main body.

However, it was limited to Tai-Jutsu and weapon combat, the clones were incapable of using Jutsus.

The second door had the Kanji for Essence written on it.

Inside was a lush Garden of Eden-Type bio-dome. It was filled with the power of Chakra that gradually seeped into those that stood within the room. Kibo felt like one could perform endless experiments using their Nin-Jutsu here.

The land also emitted a powerful Chakra-Type restorative mist. If they breathed in the mist, they could practice even longer than they usually should. It didn't recover their Chakra as fast as they could purposely expend it, but if they used a Jutsu in here and waited a while, they could recover enough to use it again within a few minutes.

The Third door had the Kanji for Mind on it. When they stepped through the doorway, they realized they had entered into a large and black empty void, and without warning, they vanished from each others' sides.

Each of them had entered a world of illusion. It was like a powerful Gen-Jutsu had been cast over them. However, it was a training device, so it wouldn't give them a challenge they couldn't overcome.

It scanned their levels of talent concerning Gen-Jutsu, then put them in a fake world where they would have to escape by noticing and dispelling the illusion.

Luckily Kibo and Naruto had their partners with them. With the help of their Dao-Beasts, the Gen-Jutsu was dispelled only minutes after it formed.

Kibo was surprised to see that Itachi had resisted the illusion but was more surprised by the change in his eyes.

Itachi had activated his Mangekyō Sharingan.

He wore an expression that showed he'd been in there a lot longer than just a few minutes. Itachi was placed in a world that very much resembled the original timeline, right up until he was forced by a stranger in a mask to kill the woman he loved.

Only when he activated the Mangekyō did the illusion cease.

Itachi looked over to see the others struggling, especially Sasuke. It looked like he was having a terrible nightmare before he shouted "NO!" and opened his eyes, revealing a Sharingan with a single tomoe in it.

He turned to see Itachi had broken out of it and smiled while thinking, "That's my Nii-Chan!"

However, when Sasuke saw Naruto and Kibo had escaped the illusion as well, he was a little shocked.

"I can understand Kibo escaping because he's Nii Chan's friend. But even that Naru-tard got out before me!"

For some reason, the illusory world Hinata was sent to, caused her to pass out with a bright red face.

The only ones left were Karin and Sakura. Both had quite the expressions on right now.

Sakura's was a lot more innocent, but the goofy love struck smile was a dead give away.

Karin's expression seemed to be a little perverse. Her face was bright red and her nose was bleeding.

"THAT'S IT! I'm waking her up!" Sasuke and Kibo said at the same time.

They sent some Chakra into them to disrupt the illusion when Sakura said, "Here Sasuke I practiced cooking a lot! I know you'll like it. Now say Ahh!"

Sasuke had steam coming out of his ears when he said "Sakura wake up!"

After Sakura learned what had happened she placed her hands on her face and hid behind Itachi again.

Seeing this happen, Kibo grew worried over what Karin might say. As he placed his hands on Karin's shoulder and shook her, Kibo used a quick jolt of Chakra to disrupt the Gen-Jutsu.

[1]She only got to say, "N~o. You shouldn't kiss me th. . ." before Kibo covered her mouth and said, "One of these days, you and I are gonna have a talk about how you know about all this adult stuff."

After explaining what happened, Karin responded by sheepishly hiding her face in her shirt while crying, "W~h~y?"

Naruto carried an unconscious Hinata out of the room, while Kibo closed the door behind them.

"Let's put Dangerous on this room," Karin said with a bright red face.

"We should put only one person at a time," Kibo added looking at Karin and Sakura's embarrassed faces.

When Hinata woke up she took one look at Naruto and passed out again.

"It's even worse now!" Naruto cried out while catching her.

The last door had the Kanji for Health on it. They entered the room to discover a bathhouse that resembled an open-air hot spring.

There were artificial skies and a dial on the entrance wall that could adjust the time of day. A wall separated the two sides into women's and men's sections. Even with the spring cut in half, both sides had a large space for adults to swim in.

Kibo didn't waste any time as he headed into the males' dressing room to take a bath. Seeing him do so casually, Itachi followed, then Sasuke, and Naruto.

They didn't sense any danger or threats so they stripped down and jumped in the water. The girls heard the boys' commenting on how good it feels, and after witnessing their fearless attitudes, the girls too decided to indulge in a nice hot bath.

While bathing, they all noticed the spring's restorative properties. The wounds they from training slowly healed up and their stamina quickly returned.

They even felt that any of the strain from the overuse of Jutsus, which often resulted in micro damage to their chakra channels, was slowly being repaired by the effects of the hot springs. Not only that, the bath was making their Chakra Channels even more robust.

"This is a great place!" Kibo said relaxing in the hot spring.

While he was chilling against a rock, Sasuke noticed Naruto seemed to be scheming something.

"What are you doing, you dweeb?!" Sasuke said as he walked up next to Naruto.

Naruto placed his finger against his lips and hushed everyone before whispering, "Since we're at a hot spring, we gotta do that thing."

Sasuke seemed to have turned pale as he stuttered out, "T.t.t...That thing?!"

Naruto shushed Sasuke and said, "Yeah. The grandpa Kage said if you visit a hot spring and don't do that! Then you're not a real man!"

Sasuke actually looked tempted when Kibo thought of the Tsukuyomi world version of Sasuke, "Don't tell me Sasuke's actually a closet pervert!"

"You know, Sasuke, if Naruto looks, he's gonna see Sakura," Kibo said making Sasuke flinch.

Itachi smiled and played along by saying, "And if Sasuke looks he's gonna see Hinata."

Naruto and Sasuke sat in the water and relaxed with a defeated expression on their faces.

"Yeah, who would peep! Only a perv would!" Sasuke said with his back turned away from the girls' section.

"Righ! I'm no perv!" Naruto followed up.

While Itachi and Kibo laughed, on the other side of the hot spring, Karin tried to get them to peak, but Hinata fainting at the thought ruined her plans.

After their bath, they all felt refreshed and ready to train again.

Meanwhile, at an inconspicuous location on top of a mountainous region, Orochimaru stood there, waiting for someone to make an appearance.

He was carrying a locked case and small incubator that was around the size of a duffel bag. Inside was the fetus from the earlier experiment.

Orochimaru was beginning to grow impatient when the person he was waiting for had finally arrived.

The man was tall and had long white hair that stopped below his hips. His eyes were blood red and his skin pale. The mystery man dressed in an over-sized high collared coat with three leather straps wrapped around it.

The mysterious Shinobi walked towards Orochimaru with a blank expression and said, "Sorry for the wait Orochimaru, I had to make sure you came alone!"

The bandaged up man's voice was deep and raspy.

"Not a problem Hiruko! Though, as fellow scientists of similar natures, I wish you would trust me a bit more!" Orochimaru said with a chilling voice.

"Can you blame me? The last time I saw you, the Hokage gave the order for the Sannin to kill me on sight!"

Orochimaru waved his finger while making a "tsk, tsk, tsk!" sound before saying, "Hiruko things are different between the village and me now. We don't see things the same way. But you understand. I was kicked out of Konoha for a similar reason. You couldn't imagine how happy I was to get a letter from you, old friend."

"Yes, I heard about that, and I only wrote to you because I heard you'd obtained something that interests me. Have you brought what I asked? I want both the bloodlines and your Mortal, Earth and Heaven Curse Mark." Hiruko said looking to the covered incubator.

"Depends if you brought what I asked for," Orochimaru responded.

Hiruko threw him a thick scroll with the words Chimera Kin-Jutsu across the surface.

After receiving it Hiruko asked, "Was this bloodline really able to blend the Uchiha's Sharingan rather than be born with one Do-Jutsu in each eye?"

"Yes. Something about the neutral energy of that particular kid's Hoshi bloodline is allowing the Sharingan and the Tengan to coexist. Unfortunately, there are issues with the clones' bodies. They break down after maturation."

"Curious, what about the other clansmen?" Hiruko questioned.

"Although his deceased clansmen have incredible physiques they weren't able to produce a Tengan," Orochimaru said with a depressed expression.

"It's to be expected, he's the first of his mutation. You should try his parents! Perhaps they are carrying the gene to allow the birth of the new bloodline ability," Hiruko said while checking the goods.

"The White Snakes Bloodline has been added to the subject. The three scrolls on how to create the curse marks are in there as well." Orochimaru explained as he handed over the incubator inside the bag.

After confirming the products were legitimate Hiruko placed the cover back on and began to walk away.

Before he left, Orochimaru asked him a question about their recent exchanges "I take it you followed my advice by switching out your ritual for the markings. Tell me how well did the technique work on the sacrifices I sent you?"

"My subordinates thank you for their new-found powers," Hiruko said as he continued to leave.

"When can I hear from you again?" Orochimaru shouted out.

"13 or 14 years should be enough time," Hiruko commented before he dissipated in a flash of smoke.

Back with the main characters, Kibo was flying while holding on to Itach above the clouds.

Once again, after numerous failures, the two attempted to walk on a cloud.

It was their 308th attempt and Kibo was really starting to wonder if it was possible to do, when suddenly, Itachi stopped sinking.

"I think I've got it!" Itachi said as he slowly moved his foot forward. His foot sank momentarily before his Chakra began to fluctuate in a random pattern.

Kibo watched carefully as Itachi's feet started to return to their original position.

Slowly inching his way forward, Itachi began walking out of the cloud and onto the surface.

"You have to constantly switch from going slow to fast with your Chakra manipulation. Although it seems to variate at random times, there's actually a pattern in all that chaos."

Kibo listening to Itachi's explanation began to understand, they talked back and forth about how to operate their Chakra for a few minutes before Kibo began to emulate Itachi's actions.

Finally, after years of failure, Kibo was able to stand on a cloud. Although he was wobbling about, Kibo could feel that his Chakra Control had finally started to improve again.

Bit by bit, the (Mastered) Sign next to his Chakra Control Perk on his status began to grow blurry. After an hour the outline for (Perfection) could be seen replacing it.

They used the training room daily to both train and recover. Every day they felt new gains and got even stronger than they thought they possibly could.

With constant sparing, Jutsu practice, Chakra Control training, mental training, the group continued on this cycle of repeated work until 8 years had passed.