Graduation Day Part 2

Kibo didn't even need the System Notice giving him the quest to know just who it was that walked through his classroom door.

[Quest: Beat up and Arrest Mizuki: Reward: 1,000 Sys Pts 1 Teleportation Relic.]

"Good morning students. As you can see, today we have a visitor. This is my long-time friend Mizuki. He's aiming to become an instructor at this very academy, so during our last couple of days together I hope you all will be on your best behavior."

"Yes! Sensei!" The class answered.

Afterward, the day carried on as they performed their graduation exam.

The students performed their best.

Naruto once again surprised Iruka by scoring perfect marks. After everything was said and done, the graduates received their forehead protectors and were told to meet up tomorrow to be paired up into teams.

Everyone in the training group agreed to go out to eat out to celebrate.

As usual, Sasuke and Naruto got into another argument on where to eat.

Kibo then shouted at them, "Would you two chill out!" before forcing them to use rock/paper/scissors to decide.

"No using the Sharingan! That's cheating!" Naruto said as they started.


Naruto won with scissors and they all ate at Ichiraku's.

After goofing off for an hour, they finished their meal and said their goodbyes.

Everyone split off into groups before heading home.

Naruto and Karin acted like perfect gentlemen and escorted their ladies home.

After they met up and finished thanking Chen Roshi for teaching them Martial Arts, Naruto asked Kibo something. "Hey Iruka wouldn't fail me out of spite would he?"

Kibo lifted a brow as he answered, "No! You know him better than that."

"That Mizuki guy said that Iruka was going to go to the Hokage and ask him to resend my graduation status; because he secretly hated me. Then he tried to tempt me to steal from the Hokage. He said that he'd tell me why Iruka Sensei despises me in exchange for something called the Scroll of Sealing."

"Oh, and what did you say?" Kibo asked, curious about what his Naruto would do.

"Luckily, I'm no spring chicken! I played along with him and acted like an idiot, all while I sent a clone to inform the Hokage!"

Kibo was about to say something when a silhouette quickly approached, it was none other than the Hokage himself, "Good! Naruto, Kibo, I'm glad you're still here. I need you two to come to my office."

Naruto who just had his shadow clone disappear was filled in on the situation.

Sarutobi wanted to have Shisui and Kibo to watch in on Mizuki, while Naruto handed over a fake.

Once he took the bait Mizuki would be charged as a criminal Nin and sent to prison. He told them he would set it as a C ranked mission, and they would be paid for accomplishing it.

Kibo and Naruto agreed and meet up with Shisui after receiving the fake scroll of sealing.

Naruto headed to the meeting location ahead of time while Kibo waited in a distant tree, watching Naruto from the shadows.

"Heya, Kibo! Been a while!" Shisui said waving his hand slightly as he appeared on the branch next to Kibo.

"Good to see you too Shisui Senpai!" Kibo said as he bowed.

The two spent some time catching up before Shisui said, "So you guy's managed to out another traitor?"

Kibo scratched the back of his head, "No, this time it was all Naruto. That moron Mitsuki actually expected Naruto to fall for his goading."

Kibo then explained what had happened.

"Hahh!" Shisui sighed before saying, "I didn't think Mizuki would leverage 'that' over Naruto! I wonder where he went wrong."

Kibo shook his head and said, "Maybe Mizuki has always been this way? He's just good at hiding his real personality."

As they were about to continue their conversation, the target had arrived and they spotted him approaching Naruto,

"So Naruto did you bring it?" Mizuki appeared from out of the foliage.

Naruto smiled as he threw over the fake scroll while saying, "Here ya go! It was easy getting that from the old man."

After Mizuki caught it, he placed the large scroll on his back and said, "Good, now you can die, you little monster."

Shisui was about to leap out and save the day when Kibo stopped him by raising his arm in front of him.

"Just watch!" Kibo said with a smile on his face.

Naruto then jumped into action, disappearing by using the Flicker and reappearing next to Mizuki's side.

With a single gut-wrenching punch, Mizuki was sent flying into a tree. Pain wreaked havoc on Mizuki's body before he coughed up a mouth full of air and tried to escape with a Jutsu. However, he found out that he couldn't properly control his Chakra.

"I sealed your chakra center! Well sorta...although it's only a half seal I made quickly, it will disorient your Chakra control to the point where you can't use it without learning to adjust to the alteration."

Shisui was surprised and looked to Kibo for an explanation.

"Well let's go get your prisoner," Kibo said, ignoring Shisui's pleading expression as he jumped down and walked towards Naruto and Mizuki.

"A trap!" Mizuki looked stunned before he continued to rant, "You actually told the Hokage! Didn't you want to know why Iruka hates you? It's because his parents were..." Shisui kicked him in the face knocking him out.

"Careful Mizuki if you said that, I'd have to kill you," Shisui said as he lifted Mizuki over his shoulders. He then gave a quick wave goodbye before he flickered away.

[Mission Complete! Reward: 1,000 System Points and 1 Teleportation Relic.]

"This was an easy one!" Kibo said as he smiled.

Naruto looked a little sad before he asked, "What do you think he was going to say about Iruka's parents?

Kibo tilted his head and answered his question with a question, "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Naruto looked to Kibo with a thankful expression before he smiled and said, "Thanks I'll do that!"

While Naruto took off towards the village to have a heart filled chat with Iruka, Kibo went home and sat under the tree in their backyard.

He began to meditate in hopes of opening his next gate.

Kibo's spine was charged with most of the Natural Essence and Chakra he had gathered over the past years.

"I stored 8 years of Natural Energy and over half of the Star Chakra that was supposed to go to my Dantian, all just to open the Gate of Limit. Why haven't I broken through yet?"

Kibo could hear Seiryu laughing as he began to speak, "You know, the Gate of Limit is special, right? Your body has a tremendous amount of potential. The greater the potential, the longer it will take to remove said limits. Opening the Gate of Life first wasn't a bad idea. However it also improved your body's already ridiculous parameters, but don't worry from what I've seen from the glow on your spine, you're nearing the breakthrough."

"Really?! Because my Chakra Growth has really suffered for this. It better be worth it,"

"Good things come to those who are patient, young Kibo. Honestly, though, I'm impressed. 8 years to remove your body's limiters is something, kid. Like you, I also chose to open my Life Gate and Healing Gate first, yet it still took me 4 years to remove my limit. You have Chakra boosting equipment, a good cultivation method, and it still took this long. You really are a monster!" Seiryu said this as a compliment.

Kibo smiled the whole reason he decided on opening such a troublesome Profound Gate, was because of what Navi told him "Stop!" moments before he almost chose to open the Gate of Wonder.

Navi said that if he unlocked the Profound Gate of Limit then he would even be able to absorb the Dragon Tears whole and his Chakra levels would be raised substantially in an instant. Not to mention it was better for his overall foundation.

Although he never felt weaker than Naruto, Kibo felt excited that he would no longer have to completely rely on his ability to constantly absorb Star Chakra, and sapping energy from Seiryu to keep up with the Uzumaki's overflowing Chakra Levels.

Once he pulled this off, he too would have such reserves.

Kibo sat quietly focusing on unlocking his 3rd Gate.

When Naruto had come home, he saw Kibo meditating in his usual location.

Iruka had informed him why Mizuki would have said such a thing, and he told Naruto that he didn't hate him, or blame him for the death of his parents. The two shared a very touching moment before Naruto left.

Seeing how deeply Kibo was into his training, Naruto decided to fill him in later. He walked inside and was greeted by Sachi's loving daily hug.

"Onii Chan! Welcome home," Sachi shouted as she dove face-first into Naruto's stomach.

Naruto laughed and hugged back before he picked her up, placed Saschi on his shoulder, and showed off his new headband.

While chatting back and forth, they walked inside to eat their dinner with the rest of the family.

Kibo was so focused he didn't even notice Naruto's approach. At the moment, a maelstrom of Natural Essence was raging inside his spine. So much so, that if a single person walked up to him and tapped a bit of Chakra onto his spine, his entire body would explode.

Kibo's body began expanding as it reached the maximum amount of energy that he could take. He quickly noticed that that feeling this limit gave him an opportunity to breakthrough the Profound Gate.

Redirecting the internal force, he sent the mass of the energy slamming into his 3rd gate, located on his spine.

When the Profound Gate of Limit finally opened, Kibo felt like he was experiencing pure ecstasy. His entire body was filled with an omnipotent feeling, almost as if every one of his cells had turned into pure energy.

Kibo opened his eyes as they now glimmered with a never before seen intelligence. If one looked into them for too long, they would feel as if they could get lost in their beauty.

The biggest change was to his Chakra pool.

Kibo felt an immense surge of Chakra swirling in his body; like it would break through his vessel and any moment.

[New Chakra Limit Mid Level Jonin and steadily growing.]

"Congratulation Host for Achieving Jonin Level Chakra; 5 Year Shop Unlocked!"

"Congratulations to Host for Unlocking your 3rd Profound Gate, the Gate of Limits: Allows the Host to break past the body's limits and handle massive stores of energy without risking bodily damage and Chakra overload. Increases spine's durability and flexibility to reach unparalleled levels."

"Congratulation to host, by absorbing massive quantities of Earth and Wood Natural Energies you now have access to 2 new sage forms. Star-Wood Sage Form and Star-Earth Sage Form."

Kibo felt ecstatic as he jumped up for joy, he decided to test out his new forms immediately. Once he activated the Wood form black tribal markings appeared around his eyes and cheeks, he could feel an incredible life force rippling under his skin.

Kibo could also sense every blade of grass, every plant living or dead, and the life force of every being that walked on them in 100 yards. Next, Kibo felt his body stabilize in the form rather than having the natural energy leaking out over time.

Only when he used a Jutsu did he feel some of the form's power wane, but was quickly replaced by newly absorbed wood nature energy. There was also a significant increase in the power of his Wood-based Martial Stances.

Kibo had a feeling if he knew any Wood Nin-Jutsus then their powers would definitely be amplified. He couldn't just use his Wood-based Tai-Jutsu skill here, he might end up destroying their entire house.

So, instead, Kibo decided to test the amplification level on his Earth Release Jutsu in Earth Sage Mode.

He deactivated his Wood Sage Form and activated his Earth Sage Form. Like before, his face was covered in tribal markings, but this time, they were different patterns and colors.

The grey lines were infused with the power of Earth Nature energy. He could feel every vibration on the ground as if it was like sonar. Kibo's body felt incredibly durable; as if he could tank a meteor falling on him.

Like his Wood form he felt that this form could increase the power of his Earth Jutsu, after using his Star Earth Armor, he felt the Earth aspect of the Jutsu had increased in power a little over 3 times its original value.

After deactivating the form he jumped on top of his house with a cheerful look on his face. Kibo looked over the Hoshi Clan's land and saw how much their population inflated.

Most of their funding came from Kibo's Chakra Cooking rights, and they still needed a large surplus of cash to expand without stopping like they are now.

He imagined once they stabilize their economy he would have enough spare money to slap the Daimyo with it, and the Daimyo wouldn't even be offended.

He looked at the item he gained from Mizuki's capture and was surprised.

[Teleportation Relic: Capable of setting two points in space, and can teleport to and from once.]

Kibo then looked to the 5-Year shop and his jaw dropped before asking, "Navi is this real? I'm not hallucinating am I?"

Kibo's reaction was perfectly justified as the 4 items that appeared in the shop were very special, but also unimaginably expensive.

Unlike his full-time shop, there was a timer on this one. The number and letter expressed how long the items would be available before refreshing the list.

The characters '5y Remaining' was blinking in the corner view of the shop's menu.

"Host is not imagining this. The 5 Year shop includes 3 random relics and one item or skill from another world. Be warned there is only one of each item in stock, the host will have to wait for 5-Years before you can access a new item to purchase."

Kibo felt giddy. Each of the Relics costs 20,000 per piece.

The three relics was, a Random Jutsu Relic, a Profession Relic, and a Double Point Relic.

But what he wanted far more than these three objects was the technique manual written in gold.

"Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū Complete Manual."

The God-Speed Man Slayer, Kenshin Himura's personal Ken-Jutsu. With this martial art, he dominated the end of the Edo period as the world's most renowned Sword Master, and now for 100,000 points, Kibo could purchase his skills.

Calming down, Kibo thought long and hard before he suddenly asked Navi, "Is there a place on the world map that is filled with Chakra Beast and no civilization or people around."

"This Earth is barely populated. There exist countless wildlands that meet your criteria," Navi answered.

"Can you pinpoint a location where there is mostly C and B ranked beast located?" Kibo questioned.

"Yes!" Navi said pulling up and marking a point on his map that was around a hundred thousand miles away from Konohagakure.

Kibo flickered throughout the city before he appeared next to the academy. Kibo place a marker on his seat and used the Teleportation Relic to send him to the 2nd marked location on his map.

Before Kibo was beamed away by the Relic, he smiled and said, "Tomorrow's gonna be a fun day!"