Venturing to the Land of Waves

After concluding the test, Kakashi had gathered everyone all around the post before he began explaining, "Congratulation all you guys have passed."

Everyone had cheerful expressions on their face when Yamato said, "Although we're passing you all, tradition dictates that we still go through the second half of the punishment."

Kakashi smiled while pulling out a rope before asking, "So, who lost the rock, paper, scissors game?"

Kibo and Sasuke walked up and sat down.

"Let's get this over with!" Kibo said as Sasuke nodded his head in agreement.

As the two were sitting, they forced to watch everyone else eat.

Sakura and Karin both came up to them with their meals and started feeding them.

Naruto, who was eating with Hinata, looked a little jealous. Suddenly the blond prankster grinned. Picking up a fried-eel sushi-roll with his chopsticks, Naruto leaned over and said, "Say a~h~h, Hinata!"

Hinata dropped her food and steam began to rise from the top of her cherry-red face.

Kakashi and Yamato, who were watching, turned to each other with a bland expression and peeved expression before saying, "Let's go get a drink!" at the same time.

Later that night, at the Hokage's mansion, Yamato and Kakashi quickly gave their report.

"So you say you're pleased with this team!" Sarutobi smiled mischievously,

"Yes. They managed to get the bells from both Yamato and me. Not to mention that their teamwork and ethics are flawless."

Sarutobi was surprised, he expected them to pass, but not to best the two restrained Jonin.

"They managed to get all four bells?" The Hokage questioned.

"Like Kakashi said, even though we held back, their teamwork allowed them to take down two seasoned Jonin. I was very impressed by their temperaments and how well they handled combat, although Naruto needs some work on his juvenile attitude." Yamato replied.

"Still sore about that eraser joke?!" Kakashi asked smiling.

"So what did you think of Kibo!?" Sarutobi asked,

"I have to say. I'm glad he's on our side. Konoha taking their village seriously from the start, and becoming their allies was one of the best decisions the first made," Kakashi replied with a serious tone.

"You know it was my Father who taught me of the first Hoshikage's battle. He told me that Madara himself said that he had never faced such a powerful physique user before. That compliment gave him a great amount of respect and fear."

The two listened in all seriousness, they too practiced the Pink Muscle Transformation technique so they knew how good a technique it was. But they couldn't help think of what other techniques the Hoshikage took to his grave, perhaps an even stronger body training art.

Sarutobi then leaned in and asked the two Jonin, "Do they have it?!"

"The will of fire burns brightly in those kids," Yamato replied.

"I think they'll grow up to be fine Leaf Shinobi," Kakashi added.

The next day they had their first F-ranked mission, which consisted of manual labor at the behest of their fellow Konoha Citizens.

While they were plucking weeds out the medical herb garden, Naruto could be heard grumbling as he ripped his way through a section.

"Aren't our skill's being wasted?" Naruto complained.

Kibo laughed and crouched down next to Naruto to help, "That isn't something the future Hokage should say. These villagers rely on our help, in turn, they pay us wages to support the Ninjas of their village. These actions seem small now, but if you want to become the Hokage. Earning people's respect by doing chores, isn't a bad start."

Naruto looked as if a light bulb turned on inside his head, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

20 Narutos appeared as he then ordered them to start working. Next, he turned around and made another 20 before saying, "Go pick up as many F-ranked missions as you can from the Hokage's office, and get to work."

"You got it, boss!" All the Naruto-Clones replied at the same time.

While the real Naruto got back to work himself, Kibo and everyone else started to do the same.

Soon tales of Team 7 antics became know all across Konoha. Naruto especially. He ended up completing 108 F-ranked missions over the span of a week.

Once he got into it, Naruto discovered that he liked helping the civilians, and seeing their thankful smiles after finishing the job.

Kibo slowed down once he'd reached 100. After earning an easy 1,000 system points, he decided to take it easy and enjoy his time collecting points at a constant rate.

Sasuke tried to keep up with Naruto, but Naruto's Uzumaki Stamina gave him the edge.

Hinata continued to work her hardest with Naruto, but whenever she got tired Naruto would take a break with her, giving Sasuke a chance to catch up.

Sakura and Karin were simply completing missions at their own pace.

Within a month of this non-stop work ethic, the village had never looked so clean and spiffy before, and after completing hundreds of low ranking missions, Team 7 was summoned by the Hokage.

They gathered in the Hokage's office to see the old man with a smile on his face. While looking at the kids in front of him, Sarutobi couldn't help but feel a bit of pride in his heart.

"I hear you've been working hard this past month! After some discussion with your team Captain, I've decided to give you all of you, your first C ranked mission." The Hokage was satisfied with how much they had done in such a short time.

Naruto had completed 322 F and 100 D-ranked missions,

Sasuke did 301 F-ranked and 88 D-ranked.

Kibo finished 285 F-ranked and 200 D-ranked missions, earning him 22,850 Sys Pts,

Karin performed 113 F-ranked missions and 45 D-ranked missions.

Sakura managed to do 211 F-ranked missions and 80-D ranked.

Lastly, with Hinata's hard work, she accomplished a record of 312 F-ranked missions and 91 D-ranked missions.

Naruto had his hands behind his head, and with an embarrassed and happy expression on his face. He then laughed before saying, "It's about time somebody recognized my greatness. So, what are we doing? Cutting down some stray Chakra beast? Maybe transport a top-secret document? Please whatever it is; don't say chasing Tiger again. I don't know how many more scratches to the face I can take from that cat."

As Naruto thought of that furred-devil, he showed a downcast expression as he hunched over in a gloomy stance.

"If lady Shijimi ever pays a C rank commission to capture her cat, then you'll be the first I call. But it's not that. The mission I'm assigning you to will be an escort mission. You have to protect a certain individual."

"Who is it, a princess, the Daimyo, some great lord?" Naruto asked excitedly.

Kibo laughed before saying, "Calm down! We'll find out in a bit if you just stop talking for a second."

Sarutobi nodded to a ninja standing at the door and said, "Show him in!"

"What's going on here? These are the guys? They look like a bunch of snot-nosed brats." an elderly wild grey-haired, bespectacled man with a well-trimmed beard, and dark black eyes appeared from behind the door.

He wore a sleeveless v-neck shirt with an obi, light tan checkered pants, and a pair of straw sandals. He also carried a towel around his neck and wore a Nejiri-Hachimaki, which was a traditional twisted knotted rope that wrapped around one's forehead. This was common practice in old Japan to show the expertise of one's craft, for the man in front of them it showed he was a layman construction worker at the apex of his skill.

As he hauled his large luggage through the door on his back, he looked at everyone in regret as he chugged down a bottle of saké before saying, "Especially that midget with the idiotic face! This is a joke, right? You kids aren't really Ninja, are you?"

"Haha! Which midget are you. . ." Naruto paused then looked around and saw he was the shortest one in the group. Although, because he ate better meals than before, he was only slightly taller than the original timeline.

"I'll Kill Him!" Naruto wanted to charge at him, but Kakashi picked him up by the back of his shirt and said, "No, bad Naruto! You're not supposed to kill the person we have to guard."

"I'm Tazuna, a famous and renowned bridge builder. Until I return home and complete my latest work you have to protect me even at the cost of your lives." Tazuna explained before chugging down more of his rice wine.

Naruto grunted and said, "We'll get the job done! Even if I don't like you. Dattebayo!"

"Alright, head home to prepare! We'll meet up at the Village Gates." Yamato said ending the conversation.

They returned home and we're given advice and love from parting from their parents. Naruto and Kibo had to deal with Niwa overstuffing their backpacks. Aka and Jun told the kids to be careful out on the road and to watch out for Rouge Nin.

Karin's mom cried and told her to be careful.

Hinata's parents gave her medicinal items and some extra clothes, in case it got cold. Hiashi told Hinata to never be alone with Naruto.

Sasuke's mother gave him a hug and encouraged him while they packed. Fugaku patted Sasuke on the head and told him to do good by their Clan. Lastly, Itachi poked Sasuke in the head and told him to trust his friends and remember his training.

Sakura's parents nagged her to take only the necessities. They worried for their little girl but showed more support than any parent. As Sakura left the house, they cheered her on with paper megaphones, wore 'you can do it' headbands, and saved around paper flags with Shannaro Fight On written on it.

After a few hours, the group met up. Shortly thereafter, Naruto could be seen running out of Konoha's Gate while yelling "Yahoo! Road Trip!"

Sakura shook her head before complaining, "What is he babbling about now?"

"Man, he's such a loser!" Sasuke said before sighing.

Hinata looked at Naruto and quietly said, "Excited Naruto is cute too."

"He can't help it!" Said Kibo, "It's his first trip outside of the Village, don't tell me you're not a little excited?"

Sakura and Sasuke let out a shy laugh while they both thought "Well it's not like I don't understand where he is coming from. I kinda feel the way."

"Am I really expected to put my life in the hands of this buffoon?" Tazuna said pointing at Naruto.

"While I understand your worries Mr. Tazuna, you shouldn't look down on any of these kids. All of them are full-fledged Shinobis who can take care of their business like the pros."

Naruto then looked over, crossed his arms, and grunted before saying, "You should be proud, old man. You have the future Hokage guarding you!"

Tazuna took one look at Naruto and said "You!? The leader of your Ninja Village!?"

"He was talking about me!" Sasuke said stepping up to Naruto.

"No! I wasn't!" Naruto said bumping heads with Sasuke.

"Well, at least they have aspirations!" Tazuna said before taking another swig of his Sake.

Along the way down the dirt road, Kakashi informed them of some general facts about the world they live in.

While he spoke, the group passed by a puddle that only a few noticed as suspicious. Kibo didn't wait for the hidden Ninjas to make a move.

With a powerful stomp, the two Ninjas bodies that were disguised as a puddle; flew out it in opposite directions.

The force from Kibo's stomp caused the two enemy Nin to start coughing up blood as they tried to make their escape.

Kibo, however, grabbed the chain that connected the two's weapons and pulled them together.

The enemy Nin flew into each other's heads and only saw a fist hit them in the face before they blacked out.

"Well done Kibo!" Kakashi said as he tied up the Ninja,

Yamato then smiled and nodded, when he turned to Tazuna and said, "Mr. Tazuna, I believe you have something you want to tell us?"

A bit of sweat started to drip down Tazuna's face, when Kakashi said, "These are Chunin that have been trained by Kirigakure; Shinobi of the mist are renowned for their willingness to finish their missions, even at the cost of their own lives."

"How did you know we were there?!" The captive mist ninja asked with a quivering voice,

"Kibo, would you care to explain?" Kakashi requested in response.

"It hasn't rained in months! Couldn't you guys find a better way to hide?" Kibo taunted, while Yamato pressured Tazuna.

Tazuna caved and told them everything. That the infamous Gato had targeted their land for some unknown reason, that he had an army of thugs, and an unknown Shinobi gang working for him. He even explained that the village was poor, and was unable to pay for the higher commissions.

"But if you all turn back now, I guess that'll be the end of me. I'll be dead for sure! My 10-year-old grandson and my lovely daughter will probably end up crying rivers of sorrow while they curse all the Leaf Ninja's of Konoha for abandoning me to a fate worse than death. Oh, wait, Gato and his men will probably slaughter the whole village, so we'll just have to haunt you guys as ghosts."

"We get it already! We still accepted the mission! We're responsible Shinobi, so we'll carry out our duties till the end. You'll get that bridge built safely! I swear on my Nindo that we will protect you no matter the cost." Naruto said bravely.

"You know kid, I may have misjudged you!" Tazuna said with a smile on his face.

"Naruto doesn't really call the shots here...but what he said is still true," Kakashi said patting Naruto's head.

"Ah HAH! You see my greatness after all old man. With Naruto on the job, no harm shall befall you." Naruto said boasting in a grandiose manner of speech. Kibo could almost see his nose growing as he bragged.

"I take it back. You're a snot-nosed brat after all!" Tazuna said taking a swig of his Saké.

"I guess I should head back with the prisoners! I'll speak to the Hokage and inform him of the change in mission difficulty. You guys go on ahead I'll catch up in no time," Yamato said with a sigh as he picked up the assassins.

Before he left, Kibo suddenly pulled out a stack of bills and said, "Hey Yamato, this mission's on me. Hand this to the Hokage and have it raised to an appropriate ranking."

As Kibo handed over the money he whispered something to him. Yamato's eye's opened wide for only a second before nodding his head.

"Kid?!" Tazuna said, shocked by his charity.

In response to Tazuna's expression, Kibo waved his hand and said, "You'll just have to give Konoha some discounts on construction work for when we hire you in the future."

Tazuna laughed before nodding his head and saying, "We don't normally offer discounts, but since your twisting my arm, I guess I have no choice."

The group continued on their journey until it came time to board a boat. Taking off down the river, they eventually headed into a small island near the land of waves.