Chunin Exams Part 1

The next morning after the Kage's conversation with the Jonins, Kibo had gotten a message from Kakashi to meet up the next day. They were to gather at the bridge near the school around noon.

After working his butt off for another day, Kibo woke up in a pile of crumpled up papers and research notes. He had spent so much time working on his studies and blueprints, that when looked outside, he realized it was long past time to get up.

After scrambling around and getting dressed to meet up with his team, Kibo took off down the street while shouting, "Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! See you later!"

Kibo was in such a rush, that he didn't realize he could have gotten a bit more sleep. Because he was so tired, Kibo had completely forgotten the fact that Kakashi never arrives on time.

Around 12 in the afternoon, Kibo met up with everyone and apologized for being late, that was when it hit him, "I should have stayed in bed."

Two hours later, Kibo was sitting half asleep against the wood railing. A bit of drool could be seen at the corner of his lips.

Seeing his condition, Sakura walked over to his side and asked, "Are you alright?"

Karin, who was gossiping with the girls seconds earlier, sat next to Kibo and placed her hand on his head, "He doesn't have a fever."

"Just a little sleep deprived is all!" Kibo declared as he stretched his arms and yawned. "I'm fine Karin, and thank you for asking Sakura."

"I have some family medicine that can help you sleep," Hinata followed up.

"You got to take better care of yourself, bro!" Naruto said while his hands were on his hips and his head swung side to side in a disapproving manner.

Sakura nodded and said, "For once, I agree with Naruto. Sleep deprivation is a serious issue."

Sakura then pulled out a folded piece of paper that had three mud ball-shaped pills in them.

"Here, eat this. It won't taste good, but it's extra healthy. They're my own creation of the Military Rations Pill, but without all the terrible side effects."

Kibo took one into his hand and swallowed, Sakura was right about the taste as Kibo couldn't feel his tongue anymore. However, the pill did its job as Kibo felt wide awake and fully stimulated.

Kibo quickly hopped to his feet and said, "Thanks Sakura, it's a shame I can't teach you Alchemy's Pill Refining Technique."

"Alchemy? Pill Refining? What's that?" Sakura questioned.

"They're techniques..."

Kibo paused. His eyes widened as he suddenly discovered that he could talk about his profession with her.

Looking at her, Kibo found himself surprised that Sakura had a talent for the Alchemy Profession gained through the relic as he thought, "I guess Sakura has the talent to learn Alchemy! This is great news!"

Kibo was happy to teach her, but he wanted to wait until Tsunade became her master and learned everything she could from the legendary Medical Nin.

"What kind of technique?" Sakura questioned, curious as to why Kibo's reactions were so telling.

Kibo laughed awkwardly before saying, "Um, I'll tell you later."

"Ok~ay?" Sakura said as she went back to chatting with Hinata and Karin.

With some free time on his hands, Kibo decided to meditate for a few minutes, or hours, depending on how much longer Kakashi takes to arrive.

As they waited, Naruto paced back and forth while shouting, "Every time! Why do we do this to ourselves? That tarty white-haired bast..."

Naruto didn't get a chance to curse Kakashi before the familiar voice called out from on top of a power line.

"Hey, guys. Sorry, I'm late. But I got lost trying to find this place," Kakashi said as he put his book away.

"You picked this spot!" Everyone shouted at the same time.

Yamato appeared before him and shook his head before saying, "We called you today, to give you these."

Yamato then pulled out 6 slips of paper and dropped them from the powerline.

"This is for the Chunin Exams, fill out the paper, and head to the location on the instructions," Kakashi added.

Naruto jumped up grabbing his application while saying, "It's about time!"

After everyone plucked their registration forms from the air, Yamato jumped down and said, "The exam begins in one week, until then feel free to come to us for training." Team 7 took the slips and thanked their teachers.

That night, Kibo looked out over the village and created 10 perma-clones before saying, "You know what to do."

The clones nodded their heads in affirmation before they flew into the horizon. Kibo looked up at the sky and hoped for the best as he went to sleep.

The next day, Kibo went to Yamato and asked if he could teach him Wood Release Jutsus.

Naruto went to Kakashi to ask for training alongside Sasuke,

Karin and Sakura went to the hospital to receive further training on their medical Nin-Jutsu.

Lastly, Hinata asked her father, and her Uncle to train her for the upcoming exams, and they agreed without a second thought.

The week had passed while they all worked themselves into the ground.

When it came time to meet up, Team 7 had gathered at the exam center.

As they made their way inside, they ended up on the second floor where a large crowd had congregated.

A young boy with a bowl cut hairstyle, black oval-shaped eyes, and bushy eyebrows, was being knocked around by a couple of Chunins in disguise.

The boy wore a single piece green track-suit, his Konohagakure head protector around his waist, both his arms and hands had bandages wrapping them up, and orange line striped leg warmers that almost reached his knees.

The boy stood back up after taking a knee to the gut and held out his hands as he said, "Please, we don't have to do this. I just want to pass."

Before the Chunins could hit the teen, a girl stood out in between them with her arms stretched out to their sides before shouting, "Stop!"

She had black hair balled up into two buns and short fringe-bangs framing the face and hanging over her forehead protector slightly. Her eyes were grey with deep black pupils that seemed to almost shine.

She wore a pink sleeveless qipao-style blouse with red sleeve trimmings and yellow fastening buttons. For leggings, she wore dark green loosely fitted pants, with her pouch adjusted to her thigh that was over some bandage wrappings.

"Please just let us pass!" The girl said as she tried to make a move for the door.

The Nin blocking the door quickly slapped her away.

Another student looked on at the situation while grimacing, "Man that's cruel!" under their breaths.

The Nin guarding the door looked out into the crowd and said, "What did you say? I think you misunderstanding the situation here. What we're doing is trying to spare you. The Chunin Exams are a harsh and difficult test. We should know, we've failed 3 times so far."

The other Chunin paused and looked over the crowd like he was judging them, "We've seen it all. Some people give up being a Shinobi, friends die or are crippled, some are even reduced to vegetables."

The man then closed one of his eyes as he said, "Besides that, a Chunin's job is as a team leader, the responsibility and lives of their comrades firmly rest on their shoulders, and yet you snot-nosed kids who still smell like your mother's milk think you're ready?"

A bit of killing intent seeped out of the two guard's bodies, making the crowd back up as they said, "We're saving ourselves the troubles by weeding out the weaker flies beforehand."

"Sounds good in theory, but you'd better let us through and drop your Gen-Jutsu while you're at it," Sasuke said accompanied by the rest of team 7.

Many people in the room were shocked as the guard stated, "So you managed to figure it out."

Suddenly, the room fluctuated like waves as the sign above the Chunins' heads changed from 301 to 201.

"Pretty good," The Chunin said with a grin on his face.

"It wasn't that hard. Everyone on our team is capable of that," Sasuke remarked as one of the exam guards moved to strike.

"Not bad, but seeing through it isn't enough."

The two positioned a kick at each other and lashed out.

However, before their attacks could land, the boy who was being smacked around earlier stepped in between them. Catching their feet, he looked at the two stunned ninja's and let out a breath of air.

Neji then made his appearance known as he walked up and said, "Lee, I thought you said we were gonna hide our true strength."

Lee wiped the blood off his face and stared at Sakura for a second.

"But..." He started to blush a little like the girl from earlier came up and said, "Here we go again."

Neji sighed as well as he turned to the girl and said, "Tenten I don't think we can stop him."

Lee then walked over to Sakura and smiled while saying, "Your Sakura Haruno right? I'm Rock Lee."

"Nice to meet you?" Sakura said with a strange smile.

Placing his hand up to his face, Lee gave a thumbs-up as he smiled and asked, "Would you like to go out with me? I'll protect you with my life!"

Sasuke stood in front of her and frowned, giving Lee a passive stare as he crossed his arms and looked down at him

Sakura gripped his shirt while replying from behind her boyfriend, "No way! Besides I'm dating Sasuke."

Lee drooped his shoulders over as let out a disappointed whine.

Neji and Tenten walked up to them and comforted his teammate. Alongside the rest of Lee's team were three members that Kibo didn't recognize from the Canon.

One of the boys was from the Hoshi clan his name was Akino, the other two girls were from the Tenma Clan Tulala, and Kinomaru from the Sarutobi clan.

"Good to see you again, Lady Hinata, Naruto," Neji said before he turned to Kibo and bowed.

"It was been a while Kibo Hoshi. Father asked you to come and visit again when you have the time."

"Neji Nii Chan!" Hinata bowed with a flustered expression.

"Been a while," Naruto said patting his shoulder.

"I'll stop by some time and play a game of chess with him again," Kibo said with a smile.

Over his years in Konohagakure, Kibo had made a Chess Set to play around with. It wasn't that he hated Shogi, he just got a little bored of only playing it all the time.

So to make up for his boredom, Kibo introduced the game to some of the other Ninja families. It was well accepted by both the Hyuga and Nara clans. He also brought out several other board games like Go and Checkers.

Neji looked to Sasuke and said, "You must be Uchiha Sasuke! I'm Neji Hyuga."

Sasuke shook his hand while the rest of the team introduced themselves.

As they walked away together, the guards who were standing behind the door, undid their transformation technique to reveal themselves as experienced 20-year-old Chunins.

"We got some good talent this year," Said the man with the bandage over his nose.

His partner nodded his head while saying, "Looks like we'll get to watch an amusing show for this exam."

Before they left the room, Lee turned to his group and said, "Go ahead without me. I'll catch up later."

After he turned his eyes to team 7 he jumped down off the railing, landing in front of the stairs. Lee then placed his hand forward and said, "I don't think you have what it takes to protect Sakura, I challenge you to a fight for her love."

Sakura's face paled as Sasuke's eye twitched.

Kibo walked forward and got in between them before saying, "Rock Lee, I know you want to test yourself, but even if Sasuke somehow lost, do you think she'll just fall into your arms."

Sasuke suddenly shouted out "I wouldn't lose! But he's right about that other part, Sakura wouldn't leave me."

The confidant look on his face made Sakura blush and Rock Lee cry.

Kibo placed his hand forward, mimicking Lee's martial stance and making the Bushy Brow go bug-eyed, "You know the..."

Kibo interrupted him by saying, "How about this, if I win I trim your eyebrows and give you a haircut."

In the anime, it was hard to tell, but looking at him in real life, Rock Lee was the spitting image of Bruce Lee from his Earth. A personal hero of Kibo's.

Like a star gushed fan, he even bought a manual on Jeet Kune Do. Back then it was just for fun, but since he came to this world he polished it well enough to use in combat.

Chen Roshi even offered some advice on how to improve it, and since Kibo was planning on giving the Martial Art to Lee in the future, he figured the great martial artist of his old world would be revived in the new.

Lee's eyes went wide at the notion. As he covered up his eye-brows and held his hair with his other hand he shouted, "Those stakes are too high. Besides, what would I get out of it in return?"

Kibo laughed as he showed off one of Chen Roshi's kicks.

After blocking and being thrown back a free dozen feet, Lee looked at Kibo with surprise, "That's. ."

Kibo lifted his finger and said, "If you win, I'll teach you the Leaf Dragon God technique."

Lee dissipated in a blaze of speed. Everyone was impressed, but not Sasuke. He didn't care how talented Lee was, Sasuke did not like having other guys hit on Sakura.

Not to mention, since he was well trained in Tai-Jutsu and had both Kibo and Naruto as constant sparing partners growing up, he didn't need his Sharingan to see his movements.

Karin looked on at his speed before she whistled and said "He's good."

Naruto then followed up, "But not good enough."

Lee had reappeared in front of Kibo. His body was position beneath him while his hand slapped the ground, ready to kick Kibo in the gut and knock him off his feet.

However, Kibo raised his foot and met Lee's attack before he could gain any momentum.

Their feet clashed together making Lee change his stance.

Konoha's up and coming green beast spun on his back and let out his foot to attempt a low kick.

Kibo jumped over him and the attack while grabbing Lee's shirt. Kibo then picked Lee off the ground threw him away while doing a front flip.

As Kibo landed on his feet, Lee landed on the wall and leapt from it, leaving a small hole in the wooden surface.

The young Tai-Jutsu Master moved into the flying straight kick as he called out, "Soaring Leaf Kick."

Kibo placed his hand out and caught Lee's foot before saying, "I see you've practiced the Pink Muscle Transformation Technique to Perfection. Guy must have paid a lot of money to hire a Raiton user. Though, master that technique with your body must have hurt without Chakra to help you heal. Tell me, has there been any change to the level of strain when you open the Hidden Gates?"