Nine Months Fly By

After everyone enjoyed the benefits of the Immortal Wine, Kibo sat back down and continued to chat with the rest of his family, his great grandfather and grandfather stood next to each other and smiled softly as the two elders stared at their greatest Heir.

After a night of constant conversation, Kibo and his wives returned to their room and went to bed with dreams of the future.

Karin and Shion couldn't wait to meet their children, Kibo's wives were so happy that they couldn't sleep well that night.

The next morning Kibo let his wives sleep in as he walked out to deal with the rest of his plans concerning the future progress of his village.

The first thing Kibo did was use his 5 Year Shop Request ticket to write down the next items to appear in his shop's slots.

There were only nine slots he could take up, so Kibo made sure to chose wisely, the first thing he wrote down two star Dragon Balls through seven, with only three remaining slots, Kibo ran his hand through his hair and wrote down the next items he wished to obtain.

Chaotic Sword God's Sword Ki Cultivation Manual, Complete Infinity Gauntlet, and Korin's Tower. (Dragon Ball Z Universe.)

Kibo watched as the document burst into flames and disappeared right in his hand; Kibo didn't feel any discomfort in his hands as the fire burned the parchment into ash, he only felt a slight tinge of heat cover his fingertips.

"I guess that means it went through," Kibo said as he headed towards the old Immortals.

He found them in the training ground, they were being taught by his Elderly Human Shikigami, Chiron, named after the wises Centaur in Greek mythology.

Seeing that their training was going well, Kibo went to check up on Madara, who was settling in with his new clan at Kibo's village.

Kibo walked into the Uchiha compound and was shown to Madara's room; when Kibo stepped inside the door to see Madara sitting next to his little brother, Izuna.

Kibo smiled and waved his hand, "How are you finding your stay here, Madara?"

Izuna's eyes went wide as he used his Sharingan to try and scan Kibo, his face turned pale, as sweat mixed with the chills rolling down his spine, Izuna gulped hard as he turned to his brother.

"You? Are you the one they call Kibo, the Immortal Shadow?" Madara asked staring him down without fear.

Kibo smiled and nodded his head, "I take it you've been informed about our planets future war and the secret behind Black Zetsu's origin."

Madara sighed, "Yes, to think that the Uchiha, have been manipulated into wars over the countless eons to do battle with their own family."

Kibo sat down and poured a cup of the Wine of Immortality, sniffing the scent made the two's mouths began to water, he passed the Wine cups over and said, "I know you have a lot to work through, but, know this," Kibo pushed his Immortal Energy outward and caused the two to almost fall down, "You can live here anew, I will permit you to revive only your direct family, no distance cousins, however," Kibo continued to force them both down to their knees.

"Do not mistake my kindness for foolishness, the only reason that I can act in such a manner; is because I am strong, and can force my wills on others, I won't deny that's what I'm doing now, but your clan has a habit of causing strife in the world, and you two will be the ones to atone for their sins, you will aid Obito in leading the Immortal Uchiha Clan towards future prosperity, and you are never to betray him!"

The two looked at one another and then back to Kibo, the Immortal Shadow standing over them then said, "If you do?" before he activated his New Heavenly Chaotic God Mode.

His entire body glowed similar to before, only this time, the markings running across his skin represented his collective Daos, one could see the symbols of his Dao Fruits tribal-like markings interwoven with his glowing platinum clothes. His hair and skin glowed with a slight silver-ish tone, and his Shintengan was out in full force.

The two Uchiha members stared into his eyes and felt their souls tremble with fear, their Sharingan deactivated as if they were suppressed, afraid to stand in the same room with the Shintengan glaring down at them.

"I've grown a lot stronger since my fight with Kaguya, it would be best if you don't test me." Kibo smiled and deactivated his God-Mode and said, "Take this as a threat, warning, or however you see fit, but all I wish for is peace, the earth needs to unite to face the oncoming storm, and we don't have time for petty acts of vengeance or power struggles, either we stand together and maybe stand a chance, or we fall together without being able to resist."

The two stared at him in disbelief, "You will revive our clan?" Izuna asked with shock in his voice.

"No, I've already allowed enough to return, going against the flow of the natural order has too many consequences, you can save your closest, but reviving numbers on the scale of an entire clan would cause a major disturbance in this planets Karma, when this happens, the planet will be met with some major form of tribulation, it could be an evil overlord that appear from the depths of space to destroy Earth, a creature could be born from the mass of negative Karma, or some giant meteor that would cause an extinction level event."

He looked at their confused expression, Kibo then let out a sigh before he continued, "Karma isn't an easy subject to understand, however, every action you commit to has consequences, for instance, Black Zetsu altered the course of your ancestors Karma by turning him against his family, and because of this, the two brothers fought each other eventually killing one another. " Kibo shook his head in disappointment, "The once positive thread of Karma turned rotten; their bond as brothers was stained by his betrayal and became negative Karma. In a way, this was the cause of your families curse, your ancestors constantly reincarnated and continued to shed each other's blood through constant manipulation done by Black Zetsu."

Madara lowered his head and laughed, "I was such a..."

"Tool? Fool? Moron? Self-Centered-Prick?" Kibo mocked, Izuna looked like he was about to snap, "Don't talk about my Nii-Cha..." Madara lifted his hand in front of his brother's mouth and then bowed bringing both their heads onto the ground.

"Please forgive my past transgressions! I swear to serve your village and Obito with all of my strength and vow to protect this world as part of the Immortal Uchiha Clan!" Madara truly felt like a fool, and he would be one no longer, as only a fool would turn down such an offer.

Izuna winced seeing his brother so humble, he was supposed to be the strongest, unbeatable, and skillful Shinobi ever to exist, however, low and behold, they were just children swinging sticks and throwing stones compared to Immortals and Gods, they were but puny beings that could be crushed on a whim.

Letting out a sigh he too made the same pledge, after all, he wanted to see his family more than anything else in the world.

Kibo pointed to their cups, "Now drink, say goodbye to the people you were before and change for the better, change for this world that needs your protection."

They raised their cups and sniffed at the wine curiously as Kibo downed and let out a satisfied, 'pwha' as he exhaled with red cheeks.

Madara and Izuna sipped the wine and instantly had their eyelids shoot open like lightning, downing the wine, the two felt a great change in their life force and even got tipsy as they let out that same, 'pwha' Kibo did earlier.

Licking their lips, Kibo explained that Izuna now had the lifespan of an Immortal, since Madara had become an Immortal through unnatural means, Kibo suggested he use a Tengu as his new partner and start over from scratch, he then explained the rules of the village, and even told them they were allowed to use the training grounds as much as they desire, however, they would have to pay for training resources through contribution points or money like everyone else.

After dealing with the Uchiha, Kibo moved into his Innerspace to have a conversation with all of his partners, he was greeted by the 4 Sacred Beasts who hugged him.

"Thank you for getting our revenge against that bitch!" Seiryu shouted as he laughed loudly.

"I'm sure our previous master would have approved of your battle greatly, never before could we have imagined that an Immortal can Slay a God!" Byakku slapped Kibo's back while joined his brother in laughter.

"Thank you for saving us, master Kibo," Suzaku squeezed Kibo's face between her breasts suffocating him.

"You have our eternal gratitude." Genbu bowed down while her snake tail was the one doing the hugging.

Kibo nodded his head and turned to the rest of his partners to see them staring at Kibo with glowing eyes, only Dante, and Vergil seemed unperturbed, Dante just smiled and clapped his hands in congrats and gave a few whistles, "Way to go Chief! That was an awesome match!"

Vergil grunted and nodded his head before taking a seat.

The Golden Crow and the World Bear nodded their heads in approval of Kibo's talent, while Fenrir smiled in anticipation for her revenge; if Kibo could kill a God as an Immortal, then perhaps he could kill an All-Father as a mere Elder God.

After they settled down, Kibo told them his plans for the future, "I plan to train here until I become a God, I only have around 17 years or maybe even less because of my actions in killing Kaguya, so just 17 years or so before the Gods arrive. Thanks to the time chamber, I can spend hundreds of years in training, and just maybe I'll become a God in time to fend off our enemies."

Seriyu sighed, "It's could take millions of years to become a God, but at the rate your progressing, I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to accomplish it in hundreds of years instead." Seiryu laughed.

Kibo joined them and poured them all a cup of his wine, his partners weren't too shy about drinking it either once they smelt it, even Vergil showed a rare smile of appreciation as he enjoyed the Wine of Immortality.

"You know, Beer is usually more my thing, but this isn't too bad!" Dante grinned.

Vergil shook his head and said, "Uncultered brat!" as he sniffed his cup and carefully cherished every sip.

After chatting with his partners for a while, Kibo left and returned to his office, looking at the pile of documents, Kibo created a handful of Perma-Clones to handle all of his paperwork, he wanted to free up his time, so running a village wouldn't take time away from his wives, "Well, what's the point of me developing the Perma-Clone if not for this exact reason," Kibo thought as he returned to his wive's sides.

For the next nine months, Kibo hardly trained, he was so busy taking care of his wives and settling in new residents, that he didn't have time to do anything else, although he made sure to feed his wives very rich training resources, they ate only the most potent Chakra Beast Meat, Kibo even went on a few hunts on the plantet of Fallen Demi-Gods to bring back some truely good resources, they drank sips of the Immortal Wine every day, and drank tea made from his stash of Heaven-Connecting Flowers, they even enjoyed the taste of the World Trees fruit, once their Godly-Roots improved Kibo could only wonder what would happen when they achieve when they reach god hood.

His wive's bellies had swollen up and Kibo could sense the life inside them ready to come out, the three of them slept together as he patted their bellies and spoke to his children, "I can't wait for you to come out, I wonder what you'll be like, just know that no matter what, your daddy loves you."

He went to bed that night with his wives resting on his shoulders, however, his sleep was short-lived, he didn't know if it was because of his wives being Gemini Souls or some other female superpower, but they both went into labor on the same day.

Kibo rushed his wives to the hospital via teleportation and called up Sakura, and Tsunade, "Hey, my kids are being born! Get dressed you have five minutes before I teleport you here?"