Chivalrous But Clumsy Little Princess!

"I am alright... Thank you!" the beautiful princess is smiling at Mikhail almost blinding him with her beauty.

"Sh*t!!! She is really beautiful! I wonder if she having a boyfriend now? Well, no matter she has it or not, I will be sure to snatch her from her boyfriend. Hehehe..." Mikhail Laughed evilly in his heart while looking at her once again from top to bottom once again.

Apparently, the beautiful little princess has long silver hair straight to her waist, her pair of round beautiful blue emerald eyes is so enchanting, and she is wearing a pure white Japanese kimono with long sleeve that enhanced her curvy petite figure paired with sexy mini skirt and alluring white stocking almost making Mikhail having a nosebleed on the spot.

However, Mikhail still restrained himself and gulped down his saliva once again in order to attract the beautiful princess with his cool personality.

The beautiful princess tried to stand up but it looks like her leg is injured and almost tumbled down once again. Mikhail is quickly catching her before she falls to the ground with grabbed her right hand and hold her waist with another hand.

Hmm... This is how the main character should catch his heroine right? But holy sh*t how could all the main character are not get aroused when they get this close with the beautiful heroine. Mikhail thinking while calmed down his crazily beating heart.

"Miss, where are you going? You still injured right now. If you allow it, I could carry you to your destination. Would Miss allow me to do it?" Mikhail said it and trying to smile as gentle as possible while sniffed the beautiful princess flowery scent as much as possible.

"No... I cannot go now! I must go back and save the people from the village!" The beautiful princess answered firmly with resolute gaze to Mikhail.

"Save the people from the village? What happened to that village?" Mikhail asked her while supporting her to walk toward a nearby tree then they sit down together.

"Those groups of spiders from before are attacked all nearby village and kidnapped all villager then bring them their nest! I must save them all!" The beautiful princess is looking at Mikhail with firm eyes.

So this is a kind of chain quest from a beauty to get her love. Okay, but I really got a really bad feeling about this. Mikhail thinking this while admiring the princess beautiful face.

"Oh, wait... Grimoire, could I use auto restoration form to heal her injured feet?" Mikhail asked grimoire telepathically.


Master could use it to heal others.

However, grimoire did not recommend that.

Because Master will be vulnerable until the restoration process is finished.

"Well... No pain no gain! Besides its only sprained ankle, it will not take long to heal, right? Since even the life-threatening injury could be healed in one night." Mikhail retorted grimoire.

Mikhail quickly using his shadow sword's auto restoration form to the beautiful princess sprained ankle. Shadow sword changed instantly from a ring form to its bandage form and wrapped the beautiful princess ankle.


SHADOW SWORD is in Auto Restoration Form.

The restoration process will finish in 5 minutes.

Restoration current progress : 01%

Who knows that two minutes later, another group of abyss spider coming once again. Their numbers are even less than last time, more or less ten of them now. However, Mikhail is cold sweating now because his shadow sword is still in the restoration process and cannot be used until it finished.

"Grimoire, could I fight them without using shadow sword? How could I defeat them without using shadow sword?" Mikhail asked grimoire for some advice.



Without SHADOW SWORD, you lost the power that given by SHADOW SWORD'S MASTERY too.

There are only two solutions now.

First, leave that girl and run away while that group of spider is eating her.

Second, buy some time until 3 minutes remaining restoration process time is finished.

Grimoire suggested for Master to take the first choice.

Mikhail gritted his teeth and quickly picking up the silver-haired princess then running away while carrying her with princess carry style.

However, it is like grimoire said without shadow sword, Mikhail lost the power that given by shadow sword's mastery too, so it was impossible to run like when he was chased by the demonic werewolf in the past.

"Sh*t!!! Is this what people said that heroes are usually died because of a beauty?" Mikhail complained to himself.

"Why are you run away instead of facing them? You could kill twice their number with ease before." The silver princess puzzled and asking Mikhail.

"Girl... Did you forget that I use my power to heal you right now? I cannot use my power to fight when I healing you and it could not be canceled either!" Mikhail explained while running madly from the group of spider but the distance between them is getting closer and closer and Mikhail already so exhausted right now without the support of shadow sword's mastery, his stamina is currently at NEET level that never exercises.

Sh*t is this the end? After fighting so hard all the time and leveling little by little, after defeating the boss level demonic werewolf, and now I am about to die in the hand of locust level beast! I am not willing... I AM NOT WILLING! AWAKEN MY SECRET POWER, MY GUARDIAN BEAST, OR WHATEVER IT IS NOWWWW!


"Eh... Is my secret power really awakened?" Mikhail is thinking and saw some unknown runes floating above his head. Mikhail smiled happily so it is true that facing the danger could awaken anyone sleeping potential.

Who knows that those unknown runes assembled on the top of silver princess right hand and formed a crimson dragon.

Well, the crimson dragon is really cool like in the RPG games but the size is so tiny, only as big as the silver princess palm.

Then the beautiful princess aimed the crimson dragon to the group of abyss spider behind Mikhail.


The crimson dragon shooting a fireball and the fireball hit the center of that group of abyss spider then exploding like a cannon bullet turning all abyss spider to ashes along with the ground beneath them.

Mikhail so surprised that he forgot to close his jaw and thinking. Sh*t... This silver beautiful princess is so badass!!!

"Uh... Miss, if you have this kind of power, why you did not use it before we run away? No... Why you did not use it while you are in danger last time?" Mikhail asked the beautiful princess confusedly.

"Oh... That is... I am sorry. I just forgot to use it." The beautiful princess lowered her head in shame with reddened cheek.

Believe me, if you are a man or an ugly girl, I would already punch your face right now until you have a pig face but well since you are a very beautiful girl and your reaction is really cute then I will forgive you right now. Mikhail is thinking this while smiling gently to her and nodding his head.