The World’s Apocalypse!

The scene keeps fast forwarding skipped all of Mikhail's NEET's lifestyle for two years. He watched anime, playing MMORPG, and chatting in social media every day in these two years.

Then Mikhail was acquainted with Laura through social media and they officially become a couple a few months after.

They dated for one year, but Mikhail keeps breaking his promises to date with Laura and always pick her up late. After that, the two of them break up and Mikhail shut himself in his own room for more than half a year.

"This is the time!" Mikhail is focusing his attention, observing the scene carefully.


Space anomaly detected!

Approximately, in 11 hours 47 minutes 21 seconds, a giant dimension gate will be forced to open!

Prepare the countermeasure immediately!

The grimoire in the bookstore's shed began to emitting the golden light and producing the ancient runes one by one that floating and circling around the shed.

"What? Dimension gate again? Is something coming? From what Catherine said 500 years ago, there is a giant hole opened up in the sky. Is it this dimension gate? But the time is not correct!" Mikhail is having a very bad premonition right now and looking toward the sky.

The scene fast-forwarding once again skipped 11 hours 47 minutes later 21 seconds.

"Holysh*t!!! What is that?" Mikhail is staring at the sky while opened his mouth widely in horror.

The beautiful night skies full of stars and a full moon that shining beautifully begun to cracking all over like a mirror. It was as if the skies above them are an illusion made from the glass.


Countermeasure spell set up finished!



When the crack in the skies started to spread around to another continent, there is some kind of grey barrier covering the bookstore. All the people in the bookstore completely stopped moving including all the moving things like television, air conditioner, electric fan, computer, clock, even the water that flowing out from the tap. The grey barrier is slowly expanding and covering Mikhail's hometown like a gigantic grey dome, freezing all the time inside it.

One second later after the gigantic grey dome created, the crack in the skies exploded creating a giant hole in the sky, a bright red light illuminating the world like a sun descending to earth. Then the gigantic flame broke out from inside that giant hole creating a huge crimson fire pillar incinerating everything that it touches.

"Damn!!! If that grey barrier is too late even only one minute, my hometown must be already no more!" Mikhail is shouting in shock and shivering.

The huge crimson fire pillar expanding rapidly and continue to burning all islands and continents for few hours. However, it doesn't mean that it already ends. The gigantic tsunami as tall as Mount Everest began to swallow everything on its path, wiped out all that it touch whatever it was.

The scene is fast-forwarding once again, showing several months later that some surviving beast began evolving into origin beast. It looks like origin energy is entered through that giant hole in the sky.

The worst part is all origin beast begins to hunting the human's survivor. The human survivor used every weapon like guns, rifles, grenade, rocket launcher, even missile to counter-attacking but all of it cannot even scratching the origin beast, bringing all humanity to despair.

Who knows that after one year later, there are many races descending from the giant hole in the sky! There are evil races like the undead, orcs, goblins, ogres, and many more. Fortunately, there are also good races like elves, dwarves, gnomes, and many others that helping humanity to survive.

"What good and evil races? How could the two of them come here at the same time? Something smells fishy here! " Mikhail is always a logic type person rather than believe something like good and evil, he is more believe if that 'good' races already planned to use humanity to help them for something in exchange of their help.

Actually, Mikhail guess is not far off from the truth. Many races started to search for something after they arrived in this world but the grey barrier prevents them to enter Mikhail's hometown. No one could detect, sense, or see Mikhail's hometown like it was completely invisible. If someone managed to walk in and enter the grey barrier they only walk bypass through everything inside whatever it was a wall, building, or people while they keep oblivious about it.

Mikhail keeps observing the scene to know all the truth, like where did all his hometown's people go, electricity that still running after the apocalypse, and his unscathed house.

After one hundred year passed, the grey barrier began to shrinking little by little. At first, it only shrank a few centimeters but the longer the time passed the faster it shrinking.

Two hundred years it is shrinking a few meters…

Three hundred years it is shrinking a few miles…

Four hundred years later, the time freezing barrier diameter only remain a few kilometers in diameter.

The problem right now is not that but every time the grey barrier shrinking, it releases some people that trapped inside it from the time freezing. The oblivious people become confused by their unfamiliar surroundings, like Mikhail when he first time opened his room's door. They started to wander around aimlessly then all of them devoured by the origin beasts one by one until no one left.

It repeats continuously like that until the giant demonic werewolf came, occupying the town, and making its nest in the cathedral after it completely devoured all the people inside it.

While the time freezing barrier continues to shrinking until it only covering Mikhail's house for several decades and completely dissipates. A few months later, Mikhail came out from his house and surprised by the world's apocalypse.


Mikhail is waking up while holding his dizzy head. It feels like he just finished riding some roller-coaster several times just now.

"Grimoire! How about the electricity? Why it still running under that condition? Also why my house is unscathed while the other building already almost crumbling?" Mikhail asked grimoire something that he did not understand.


It is actually a bit hard to explain. It is a phenomenon called time delay.

It is the same as how Urashima Tarou in legend. He also did not immediately turned old after coming back and only turned old after he opened the box.

The theory is almost the same as that. Due to the time freeze barrier stopped the time flow temporarily, even after the barrier dissipated, the times are still flowing slowly then after sometime it began to flow faster and faster until it catches up with the current time.

"So in the other word, if it catching up with the current time, the electricity will stop running, and my house will also look the same as the other building?" Mikhail asked the grimoire once again.



"Then did it also mean I will be turned into a mummy if my time catching up with the current time?" Mikhail is frowned and cold sweating while asking grimoire.