Rescue Mission Once Again!!??

"Request?" Mikhail got more and more annoyed.

'This information broker is clearly trolling with me and playing with his own words to confuse me.' This is what Mikhail is thinking now and Mikhail gaze turned more cold and sharp instantly.

"Please, do not feel offended young hero, Mikhail! However, the request of mine is actually a top secret that concerning the lives of many people that is why I must ascertain your identity first. My name is Galan Darwyn and you could call me Galan. Please, forgive my presumptuous action before!" Galan is politely bowing his head toward Mikhail with full of sincerity.

Mikhail quite surprised when he saw Galan bowing his head like that. Mikhail's anger began to calm down a little.

"What is your request? I will decide after hearing it first." Mikhail is asking Galan once again.

"Actually this request of mine would be really simple for you! It almost the same with what you have been done before!" Galan is laughing with excitement in his eyes.

"What I have been done?" Mikhail is squinting his eyes while asking Galan.

"Yes, we will save the abducted people like what you did before! But this time it will be a lot easier for you than before! " Galan is explaining to Mikhail.

"Abducted people? Where?" Mikhail is asking again.

"There is a slave house at the center of this blue city. There are many people including the people of my race abducted in there! I am planning to save them all from that place!" Galan is staring Mikhail with a serious expression.

"Rescuing people again? Great!" Mikhail is rolling his eyes and sighed in disappointment.

"No need to worry though! This time I dare to guarantee that it would be very much easier than when you save that abducted villagers from spider nest! I have all the information about that slave house including its complete map!" Galan tried to reassure Mikhail.

"Did we have any other people that helping us?" Mikhail rubbing his forehead while began to thinking some plan.

"I have three peoples that working inside the slave house, they will be our guide. I also hired ten mercenaries to protect all the peoples that we will save later! But I estimate that it still does not enough." Galan is lowering his head in disappointment.

"Why? Did they have that many strong people? Or there are so many people guarding it?" Mikhail becomes even more puzzled.

"Both of it is correct! That slave house is owned by Blue City lord. You could imagine how many soldiers and strong peoples that Blue City Lord has! That is why we should do it as soon as possible before night!" Galan is urging Mikhail while serving a tea to him.

"Should it make us easier if we act at night? Also why we must do it as soon as possible?" Mikhail frowned and asked Galan.

"Sir Mikhail, you really did not know but you and your girl are actually really famous in Blue City now. Many of City Lord's soldiers are searching for you two everywhere from morning until night. That is why we should rescue them at least at 12 am in mid-day while they are all out to patrol! As for your second question, it is because there will be an auction tonight. If all of them already sold off to different people, it would be too late for us to save them and it also impossible for us to rescue them later one by one!" Galan is explaining to Mikhail with a serious expression.

"Okay then! Bring me the slave house map now and I also need some items that you must be preparing right now! Bring me the paper and pen, I will write it for you!" Mikhail commanding Galan while keep constructing some plan.

"Oh yeah… How about that little girl that always with you? Should I inform her about it? She could be a great help to us!" Galan asked Mikhail excitedly.

But when Mikhail is thinking about it, the scene where Reina covered with blood and injury, almost losing her life coming to his mind then making his heartache and suffocating. He definitely would not let it happen for the second time.

"NO!!! There is no need to tell her about this! I am alone is already more than enough! You do not need to worry. Just prepare the items in that list that I give you in 5 hours!" Mikhail is shouting to stop Galan from informing Reina and assured him.


11.30 am…

Mikhail and Galan are sitting on the restaurant across the slave house waiting for the right time to infiltrate inside.

Then the two of them saw tens of guards that are wearing silver armor going out to eat some lunch in the tavern or restaurant. Even though it is not all guards that eating outside but it should be enough for decreasing their number for a bit.

Then Mikhail and Galan going out from the restaurant and walking toward an alley across the street beside the slave house.

Galan stopped at an iron door beside him and knocking it a few times with rhythm then the iron door opened up.

Galan and Mikhail enter the room through the iron door and find several people already waiting for them. Mikhail counts them, there are 13 peoples. 10 of them are wearing the guard's silver armor while the other 3 are wearing the servant's outfit.

"This is our new helper, Mikhail. Also, there is some slight adjustment to our plan but do not worry about it. All of your jobs are still the same as the previous plan. You all should do your part and let Mikhail do whatever he wants! Ok!!! May God would protect us and let this mission finishing smoothly later!" Galan is making an upright pose and put his left hand on his right chest then all other people follow his pose together.

They are all walking deeper inside and entering the kitchen. It looks like they entered from the slave house backdoor that usually used by the servants to throw the garbage out to the alley.

They keep walking until there is a big double door made of wood.

"After we pass this door, there will be no turning back! Let's go proceed with our plan!" Galan said this to everyone with firm and resolute tone.