Against the Two Boss Level Warriors At Once!!!

The smoke from the fire is quickly traveling through all corridors and hallways in the slave house. While Mikhail, Galan, and the others including the abducted peoples still walking slowly in the neat line on one of the corridors so they would not attract unnecessary attention yet.

"You all the guards over there, where do you want to go right now? The smoke is from the opposite direction, isn't it?" Another group of guards is walking toward them.

"Yes, we all know about it but Captain wanted us to guard the front entrance to block the culprit so they cannot run away out!" Mikhail is answering the one of the guard's question firmly and fluently without any sign of lying or stuttering.

Mikhail also already put on the guard's armor right now. He put it on the same time with all the abducted peoples.

"Ah… So it was like that! Haha… Sorry then to waste your time, you could continue! I and my group will go to the place where the smoke is coming from to check it! " The guard that talked to Mikhail laugh then they all headed toward opposite direction.

"Fuuuhh… That was close! I thought we would be discovered for sure! Fortunately, you are a good talker Mikhail!" Galan smiled while giving thumbs up to Mikhail.

"Let's go, it would not be long before they would realize our decoy! Lets us fasten our walking pace right now!" Mikhail is telling all the people with a tense expression.

"Do not worry Mikhail! The others should be also begun to create some riots at all around this slave house! So it would not be weird for us as a group of guards to run around in the hallways right now!" Galan is explaining to Mikhail.

Galan's first plan is actually creating several riots to distracting some of the guards then fighting their way out while protecting the abducted peoples. However, Mikhail's plans sharpened Galan's plans, even more, making all the guards become even more confusing and panicking while it also raising their survival chance without fighting greatly.

This time they are all did not plan to go out via the back door from the kitchen but from the front entrance directly. All the guards are on high alert doing something discreetly would only attract more attention and suspicion so it would be better to do it blatantly. Since it's already on all the people's mind and logic that no thieves would run away from the front door if they want to escape stealthily.

They all keep heading toward the slave house's front entrance through several corridors and hallways while the smoke keeps thickened. Many guards are running around fro and back looking frantic and nervous. It looks like the situation like this has never happened before in this slave house or in the City Lord's manor so all the guards here are not trained enough in facing this kind of chaotic situation.

When Mikhail, Galan, and the other almost arrive at the front entrance, Mikhail saw there are two peoples standing near the front entrance.

There is one with a big burly figure that more than two meters tall and his body are clad in heavy grey iron armor from his tip head to toe. He also carried a large ax as tall as him in his right hand.

The other one is wearing a pair of leather cloth and boots. His body is thin and skinny but it looks sturdy. He is also wearing a pair of the iron gauntlet with three sharp claws on it.

Mikhail's intuition is telling him a bad feeling when he saw the two of them and he subconsciously increases his vigilant but the two of them looks like ignoring Mikhail's group and Mikhail's group walk passed them easily.

'They let us pass just like this? Are my intuition is wrong? No that is impossible…' Mikhail turned his head to ensure that everything is really alright.

However, Mikhail widening his eyes when he saw the heavily armored man already took his stance from behind them then he swung his giant ax horizontally intending to cut Mikhail's entire group waist in two!

"SHITTTT!!! I WOULD NOT MAKE IT!!!" Everything seems to slow down and Mikhail's mind quickly thinking if he instantly equipping his demonic werewolf soul then run to save as many people's as he could, he could only save several of them at most.

There is only one choice right now! Mikhail quickly changed his shadow sword's ring into more or less three meters long staff and sweep everyone's feet with all of his power making all of them fall on to the floor.


The frightening sound of the giant ax slashing horizontally entered all the people's ear making them shuddered then the shockwave from the cleave sweeping all the people's on the floor throwing them backward for a few meters including Mikhail.

It is really fortunate that the more Shadow Sword level up the further its range would increase too. If the Shadow Sword is still could only turn into a two meters staff, then some people that farthest behind would be cut in two by now.

Mikhail's intuition is screaming like something dangerous would come to him. He is instantly equipping his demonic werewolf soul.

A few milliseconds later, Mikhail is reflexively tilting his head while lowering his body down then a sharp silver claw passing above his head cutting several strands of Mikhail's hairs in its path. He is quickly countering with a roundhouse kick toward his back but the thin guy already jumped backward quickly for several steps.

"F*ck!!! That was close! I almost lost my head just now!" Mikhail is sweating profusely and his spine felt cold.

"How did you know that we are the fake guards?" Mikhail is shouting to ask the two of his opponents.

"HAAAH!!! Are you idiot? How could we know that you are a fake or not? Pffft… Ahahaha!" The thin guy is laughing at Mikhail maniacally.

"I am tried cutting you all down because all of you dare to not bow in my presence! What's more, killing some tens of guards that we did not like is what we are doing every day!" The armored man is speaking arrogantly with a deep hoarse voice.

"What a pair of crazy homicidal maniac!!!" Mikhail is ridiculing them while gritted his teeth in anger.


Their mind maybe insane but please do not underestimate their strength!

The two of them are probably boss level warriors!

"WHAT THE BOSS LEVEL WARRIORS AND MOREOVER THE TWO OF THEM AT ONCE!!??" Mikhail feels like fainting right away when he heard that.