The Mysterious Stalker!!!

"That is elf guest badge. You must know that as a human, you cannot enter other races territory or they would execute you on the spot! However, with this badge, you could enter and exit elf territory freely without any problem!" Galan explained to Mikhail clearly.

"So awesome! This is far more valuable than fifty gold coins, isn't it? Is it really okay for you to give something this precious to me?" Mikhail is happy but he also did not want to burden Galan for it.

"Hahaha... There is no need to worry! You are already including as a young hero of elf, something like this is only a small token of gratitude! Do not worry I will send a message to told elf king about it so there would be no problem at all!" Galan laughed while assured Mikhail.

"Really... Thank you for this, Galan! Oh yeah... What did you mean races territory? So all races build some kind of country for their own races?" Mikhail puzzled and asked Galan.

"Country??? Ahahaha... What are you talking about brother? There is no longer any country right now in this era! There is only races territory! This is why you must be really careful when you traveling and be sure to not enter any other race territory! Many problems could rise just from it and it could easily make conflict broken down between races! Some races formed the united alliance, but it's only a pretext to not attacking each other because actually, all races are in the war with others right now! "Galan explained to Mikhail with the serious expression.

"So every race is in war and has their own opponent?" Mikhail frowned and asked again.

"That's right! Like my elves race is in the war with orcs, dwarves are in the war with goblins, and humans are in the war with the undead. The era is still in chaos now so you should be more careful!" Galan nodded while explained in more detail.

"HUMANS AND UNDEAD! Actually, I already very surprised that humans still exist until now with that opponents!" Mikhail ridiculed the fact about it.

"Ahaha... You better do not look down on your own races! The human race is really powerful you know! You all could easily enter on top three of the strongest race!" Galan laughed while explained to Mikhail.

"TOP THREE? SO STRONG! I thought humanity almost perished in the apocalypse!" Mikhail laughed when he heard that.

"Then you must be never had heard about 'The Holy Seven'!" Galan is speaking with eyes full of admiration.

"Holy Seven? What is that some kind of treasure? Weapon?" Mikhail tilted his head quizzically while asked Galan.

'The Holy Seven is the name given to the seven strongest humans! They are very strong and feared by all races! I already wrote more detailed information in the books that I give just now!" Galan is explained while pointed toward the books that are Mikhail held.

"How much stronger they are from lightning emperor?" Mikhail wants to know how Holy Seven's level and tried to compared them to Kevin level.

"PPPfffftttt... Ahahaha... How could you compare them? That lightning emperor is only a local warrior from the most remote city on the corner of the world map! There are countless warriors that stronger than him in all capital cities and Holy Seven are standing above them all! Some of Holy Seven rumored even already defeated several hero level warriors from other races! The strongest of Holy Seven, the Green Dragon Warrior already defeated the emperor level from other race once! Unfortunately, he is already quite old right now. Everyone is saying that his time would not last long anymore!" Galan shook his head in pity.

"The Holy Seven..." Mikhail smiled and gripped his hand a bit harder in excitement.

It is already a man instinct to become stronger than anyone else is. And the rivalries will become more exciting and intense with the stronger competitors. It is moreover so for Mikhail as a gamer, he always seeks for the best whatever it is like the best equipment, the highest score, and the strongest title.

Mikhail bid his farewell with Galan when the sun began to set down and walked back toward the shabby inn inside the alley.

However, when Mikhail turned to enter the alley, he felt that someone was following him from behind. Mikhail turned around to check his surrounding but he did not find anything.

"Am I wrong? Is it just my feeling?" Mikhail frowned while rubbing his chin to think.

"Just for insurance then... Let's playing safe..." Mikhail makes his decision and equips his demonic werewolf soul instantly.

His sense of smell and hearing were enhanced far beyond his limits. Each level of Shadow Sword's Mastery was not only increased Mikhail's power and speed but also increased the ability of the soul that he equipped. Right now, Mikhail's sense of smell and hearing were already surpassed even the original demonic werewolf that he met in his hometown.

Mikhail began to sniff around and found an unknown scent from behind him. Someone was really hiding at the corner of the street behind Mikhail but the most frightening is that he could not detect any sign of it

Mikhail began to walk slowly while using his sense of hearing to detect all movement on his surroundings.

Mikhail instinct was correct, that person was really tailing him. Each time Mikhail walked that person is also walked and each time Mikhail stopped that person was hiding at the corner of the street.

Mikhail sneered coldly than he quickly turned at the corner of the alley.

The stalker quickly ran followed after him, afraid to lost Mikhail's trail but when the stalker also turned around at the corner of the alley, Mikhail already waited for him there.

Mikhail swiftly placed his blood dagger onto the stalker's neck and began to ask "Do not move or your head will fall down on the floor!"

However, when he saw the one that followed him, Mikhail's eyes widened in surprise.

"It is you??? Why did you follow me here?" Mikhail asked while putting down his bloody dagger.