Lightning Emperor's Return!

The next day, Kevin and all his guards returned to Blue City, while escorting all the survivor villagers to enter the city.

"Miguel, bring all of the villagers to my mansion first, then give all of them some gold coins so they could buy their own necessities and a new place to start their new life here in the city." Kevin instructed Miguel while pointing to all the villagers.

"Yes, sir! By the way, your brother, Ron Rudolf has called for you to come to his place right now!" Miguel informed Kevin.

"Sigh… I know. I will go there right now! He must be fuming in rage right now and he will scold me for sure because I brought all the elite guards with me without his permission…" Kevin sighed when he thought about it.

"Captain Kevin, why must you keep obeying that spoiled brat? With your power and authority, you could easily take over the City Lord's title! No, that is what everyone in Blue City always wished for! That fatuous ruler would only ruin our city even more in the future!" Miguel frowned while he complained to Kevin.

"I cannot! My foster father already instructed me on his dying breath. That I must keep helping Ron to carry out his duties as the City Lord. Even if whatever will happen, I already swore to fulfill it! Say no more… Just do your job as you're supposed to do. I will go to City Lord Mansion now!" Kevin rode his red velociraptor toward City Lord Mansion at full speed.

"Sigh… It's really a pity! Someone as talented as Captain Kevin could only live under that useless fatty! It looks like Blue City's future will be darker later on!" Miguel sighed with a heavy heart when he thought about it while watching Kevin's back as he drifted away.

Kevin's past is not really a fortunate story.

One day, the previous City Lord, Ron Rudolf's father, Ruben Rudolf traveled with his wife and newborn son to another city using a carriage.

On their way, Ruben Rudolf met with another carriage that was being robbed by a group of bandits.

Of course, as an upright warrior he helped them, Ruben Rudolf reminded his wife to never go out of the carriage, Ruben then immediately got off from his carriage and led all of his guards to help the other carriage to fight with the group of bandits.

However, the bandit's group outnumbered Ruben's guards greatly and they were also very strong. Their fight was well matched and very earth shattering but in the end, Ruben managed to defeat all the bandits, while victory also cost him all his guard's lives.

Ruben checked the other carriage, but he found nothing but corpses inside. However, when Ruben wanted to leave, he found a little child hidden behind the carriage's seat. This little child was very young, maybe only six years old. This kid, would not be able to survive if Ruben left him alone. So Ruben decided to bring the little kid along with him towards their carriage.

When Ruben entered his own carriage, he found that there was a bandit inside. He slashed at his wife with a saber while his wife hugged her baby tightly and shielded her baby with her back. Ruben got enraged and instantly beheaded that bandit then he quickly approached his wife.

His wife's last wish is for her child to always live happily. Ruben promised to his wife's dying wish instantly and his wife passed away with a beautiful smile on her face.

Ruben brought his own son, Ron Rudolf along with his adopted child that he named Kevin Rudolf back to his Mansion in Blue City.

Due to his guilt, Ruben always spoiled Ron. Whatever he wanted, Ruben would always give it to him right away. Whatever Ron requested, he would grant it immediately.

On the contrary, Ruben always educated Kevin strictly. He would give Kevin many books and a tutor. Which left Kevin almost no free time to play or rest other than sleeping. Every morning, Ruben trained Kevin's swordsmanship harshly and would only stop until Kevin cannot move or stand up anymore.

Ruben Rudolf's idea is actually really simple.

He never told or pushed Ron to study or train and Ron always played around happily. Everything is like what his wife wished before.

He also already knows that if he keeps spoiling Ron like this then he will become a useless person in the future.

Then the answer for this is simple. He just needs to raise another talented person that could aid and help Ron in the future.

That is why Ruben trained Kevin like crazy. Ruben also kept sharpening Kevin's wisdom and intelligence with all the books that he could find and the best tutor that he could hire.

Everything is proceeding smoothly as Ruben Rudolf planned before. Kevin became an amazingly talented individual, skilled in both the sword and pen while Ron became a useless arrogant person.

Then in his last breath, Ruben asked Kevin to always be loyal to his true son, Ron Rudolf.

Ruben also asked Kevin to always help Ron to carry out his duties as the City Lord, whatever happens.

He also asked Kevin to always support his son in any situation and made him always happy.

Kevin swore that he would fulfill all of Ruben's last request, made Ruben die in peace with a smile on his face.

It's all good but Ruben miscalculated his own son's twisted personality.

After Ruben died, Ron turned into a little tyrant over one night and raised the Blue City's taxes three times more than the amount before.

No matter what Kevin warned, Ron would not listen to it.

Ron even began to build slave house and brothel on the center of Blue City then he began to secretively kidnap many beautiful girls all over the Blue City and sell them in his slave house and brothel.

Kevin already warned Ron harshly for that but Ron always decided to turn deaf on everything Kevin said.


Kevin got off from his red velociraptor, then entered the City Lord's Mansion. He entered the living room where Ron was already waiting for him.


"Did you know that, just because you brought all the elite guards out of this city, all of my slaves got robbed??!! You idiotic fool, always acting against my will! Have you forgotten what my father wishes you to do??!!" Ron slammed the teapot onto the ground while shouting at Kevin.

"I already told you before. There are many groups of abyss spiders attacking all the nearby village, but you refused to help them at all!" Kevin frowned while he answered.

"Ahhh… Forget that for now, I do not want to hear your petty reason! Prepare all the elite guards immediately, we will go to catch that thief now!" Ron commanded Kevin.

"Do you already know who did it? Why didn't you catch them by yourself?" Kevin asked Ron.

"Of course I already know it! If not, how could I bring you to them? Tsk…So stupid! How could my father expect so high from you! Their names are Mikhail and Reina! You must kill the man whatever the cost, but do not touch the girl!!! You only need to catch the girl and give her to me! Hehehe… I will be sure to take reeeaaalllly good care of her!!! Scrupp…" Ron gnashed his teeth while talking on how to kill Mikhail. But he drooled each time he talked about Reina then he quickly wiped his drool with his sleeve.

"What? Mikhail and Reina!? They are heroes that helped us save all the villagers from those abyss spiders!!! That's impossible! They are not thieves! They probably only wanted to release all the slaves that you kidnapped from all over Blue City! NO, I WILL NOT CATCH THEM!!!" Kevin refused while he shouted toward Ron. Kevin is really smart with only a little clue, he could already guess the situation.


"You f*cking adopted bastard, who dared to always defy my commands!!! Do you already forget your own promise, that you swore to my father before he died??!! You are supposed to always support me and make me happy, right??? Do I look happy right now??!!" Ron slapped Kevin with all his strength while shouting out loud angrily.

"YOU BASTARD SHOULD JUST SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH AND FOLLOW MY ORDER IF YOU REALLY WANT TO UPHOLD YOUR PROMISE!!!" Ron pointed his finger and poked Kevin's forehead several times in anger.

Kevin's eyes were bloodshot and his hands clenched together tightly to the point where his nails pierced his skin. Gritting his teeth, Kevin held back his urge to slap Ron's back because he chooses to contain himself when he remembered his promise with his foster father

Kevin assembled his elite guards once again in front of Lord City Mansion according to Ron's wishes. Then Kevin began to gather all the information from the slave house's guards and constructed some plan for some countermeasures.