Equal Contract?!

"Wha… Did she just destroy the egg?" Mikhail frowned and he keeps stared at Lumina and the egg. Even though he did not like the egg keep following behind him but it did not mean that he wanted to cruelly destroy the egg and slew the unborn child inside it.


Uh… No, Master… That egg is really mysterious. Even Grimoire do not know whose egg is that.

That cracking sound was made by that little girl's leg. It must be very painful.

"Uhhh… Lumina, are you okay?" Mikhail approached Lumina that crouched down while holding her own leg.

Lumina nodded expressionlessly but Mikhail noticed that her sweat began to flowing down. It was obvious that her broken leg is very painful but she keeps holding it up like it was nothing.

Mikhail sighed and he immediately using his shadow sword's auto restoration form to heal Lumina's broken leg while thinking 'Usually when the child got this kind of injury, they will scream in pain and crying, even an adult will at least shouting in pain. How could a child like Lumina behave so mature like this? Just what happened to her childhood to make her behave like this?'

It only took less than one minute to heal Lumina's leg completely. It seems that auto restoration form healing effect got even faster when its level higher.

"Uhh… Guys… Look at the egg! The egg started to crack!" Reina was shouting and pointed to the egg to warned Mikhail and Lumina.

However, when Mikhail and Lumina turned around to see the egg, they met with a blinding light that hurting their eyes and it forced them to close their eyes.

After the blinding light died down, Mikhail slowly opened his eyes and stared at the egg that has been hatched.

"What… The… Hell… Is… That? Do not tell me, that is…" Mikhail stared in shock and confusion.



Master you really are hitting a jackpot right now!?

All dragon races are already in immortal class! Even though its only baby but it's already possessed the strength equal to immortal class!

But… How could its egg end up in this lower plane? Also, its fur is black?! Grimoire never saw or heard a black dragon before, even in the high plane before…

The baby dragon was very cute. Its form did not like Chinese long snake dragon but it is like a western dragon with a pair of bat wing on its back and its size is only as big as a puppy. Also, its color is dark black like night sky from its head tip to toe.

The baby dragon meekly rubbed its pair of eyes with its pair of tiny paw then it's opened its clear black obsidian eyes and stared at Mikhail for a few seconds.

Another feeling of déjà vu flooded Mikhail's feeling and he immediately felt alarmed by the tiny black dragon.

However, how could the mortal Mikhail withstand the tiny black dragon that already enters immortal class since its birth?!

Before Mikhail could even move a muscle the black baby dragon already landed on the top of his head and kicked down Momon that sat on the top of Mikhail's head then it quickly bite Mikhail's neck until it bleeds.

"OUCH?!" Mikhail was screaming a little when the tiny black dragon bit his neck. He quickly raised both of his hands to his neck to catch the baby dragon but it already jumped to the top of his head.

Mikhail slid both of his hands from his neck to the top of his head and he manages to catch the black baby dragon on his head but when he tried to pull it from his head, the baby dragon tightened its grip on Mikhail's head.

"Aw... Aw... Aw..." Mikhail felt a splitting headache like his head ready to explode anytime. At this moment, Mikhail understood how much pain Sun Wu Kong felt when his golden circlet shrank.

He quickly released his grip on the baby dragon and his splitting headache also gone.

"SH*TTT!!! What wrong with this baby dragon? I did not have any problem with it, didn't I? Why it keep latching on my head like a leech?!" Mikhail gritted his teeth and grumbled.


Uh... Master, there are a good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?

"Sigh... Then the good news first, please... Sticking with this damn baby dragon is already a bad new!" Mikhail rubbed his forehead while sat on the ground in frustration.


The good news is when the black baby dragon bites your neck, it forcefully established the equal contract with Master. So congratulation Master, you successfully gained a baby dragon pet.

The same like that little critter over there, all of the beast... No, all creature divided by five stage.

Baby stage, child stage, juvenile stage, adult stage, and peak stage.

That little critter just recently entered child stage and upgraded into the boss level.

For this black baby dragon, it may be already reaching the immortal class but since it still a baby, it still cannot fight yet. However, once it entered the child stage, it will be an invincible existence in this entire lower mortal plane.

"Really? Woah... SO COOL!!!" Mikhail's expression immediately brightened up and he grinning happily.

"Oh... So the bad news?" Mikhail stopped grinning and asked seriously.


Umm... Please keep calm after hearing this news Master since this situation only momentarily and in the future, it can easily be changed.

"SPEAK?!" Mikhail had a bad premonition when he heard Grimoire's response.


This is about "equal contract" even though there is "equal" word in it, it does not mean Master and the baby dragon is in equal status right now.

The meaning of "equal contract" is the stronger one will become the "Master" and the weaker one will become the "Servant".

Well... Since the baby dragon is already in immortal class so it becomes a "Master" for now, as for Master...

Grimoire did not have the heart to continue to explain to Mikhail.

Mikhail had almost spurting several liters of blood and fainted on the spot when he heard about the information from Grimoire. So just now he officially demoted to become a servant of this black baby dragon!?

"You must be kidding with me, right?!" Mikhail's face became pale and he asked in disbelief.


Master does not need to worry. As Grimoire said before, it is only temporary! Once Master successfully entered the immortal class, Master will officially become this black dragon master! Look at the bright side, in the future, Master will become a full-fledged dragon warrior!

"Then tell me all about this 'equal contract'... I doubt that this is only about Master and Servant title, right?" Mikhail asked suspiciously.


As I expect from my Master! So smart and quick on uptake! Then Grimoire will explain it all in detail.

First, the "Master" can order the "Servant" anything and it cannot refuse or contradict the "Master" order.

Second, there is an invisible connection between "Master" and "Servant" so they can communicate with each other disregarding the distance.

Third, if the "Master" died then the "Servant" will die too but if the "Servant" died then the "Master" would not be affected by it.

When Mikhail saw the term "equal contract", he nearly lost all his will to live.

"What's wrong, Mikhail? Did something happen when the egg hatched?" Reina puzzled and asked Mikhail.

"It is really strange. The egg hatched but the inside is empty..." Lumina also puzzled.

"Eh... What happen? You did not see the ... came out the egg?! The ... Eh... Grimoire what happen?" Mikhail tried to explain but some kind of force forbids him from saying anything about the baby dragon.


It looks like the black baby dragon banned Master from saying anything about its existence. The baby dragon also had some kind of prohibition that shrouded it, made it invisible to the people other than Master.