"They are coming"
"I already told you, they are they"
"What do they want?"
For the past 9 years I heard the same thing over and over again, I am already tired of it, but, at the same time, I think is the only thing that keeps me from hanging myself, its quite strange.
Whatever, this whole situation is strange anyway.
For the past nine years I have assisted to therapy, all the people I have known here stopped going sooner or later.
All of them, except me.
"So, Lara keep repeating the same thing today as well?" Asked the lady in front of me.
Her name was Emily, she was a young psychiatrist with beautiful short-blond hair and blue eyes. Quite the beauty indeed. Emily may be the only person who has ever listen to me without telling me that I am a complete lunatic or a liar. Maybe she does think it but don't say it loud, I am grateful for that thought, so I really appreciate this short hours were we talk, three times per week; she remains me of my sister in some way.
"Yep, as always, I already give up on the idea of having a normal life, I am crazy anyway"
"I don't think you are crazy, in fact, I think the opposite" Said Emily with a smile
"Hmph? What are you saying, now you sound crazier than me" I said with a wryly smile
"Ha,ha, well you see, we have this inviolable rule in psychiatry, crazy people never admit they are crazy, in other words, only a healthy person would admits that he or she is crazy"
"You are just mixing words, do you really believe I have someone talking to me everyday, saying me the same thing over and over again for the past ten years?"
"You know what?" Said Emily while approaching to my face.
She was so close that our noses could almost touch.
"I do believe you" Said Emily with a serious tone of voice.
"Because I have known you for the past ten years, in all this time, I came to a conclusion"
She pocked at my head with her index finger.
"You aren't crazy, not one bit"
After that, she smiled kindly and backed up to her chair. I touched the place she had pocked at me and then feel a warm that I haven't felt in a long time.
"Thank you"
I couldn't say anymore, I didn't know what else to say, so I will only say the words that comes from my heart.
Emily didn't say anything, she just smiled.
"I am not crazy, huh"
Lying on my bed, the words of Emily crossed my mind over and over again.
I sat down on my bed
"Don't say anything, just listen"
Before Lara could begin her speech , I interrupted her.
"We have been together for 10 years, since you came to my life, everything has been one bad thing after another, to me, you are like a curse, a curse that I didn't deserve"
"…." Lara remained in silence.
"However…. If someone asked me….. I don't regret it, not one bit...…..if you weren't here, My sister would have died that day ten years ago... I don't know how you knew it nor I do care... I only want to say.....thanks for coming" I said from the bottom of my heart.
Its was true, I really do feel that way, I don't regret anything I did that day, yes, I killed my mother, I would never forgive myself for that, but, I save my sister so If I could go back in time, I will do the exact same thing without a second thought.
After a few minutes, Lara didn't say anything, so I just lie down once again in my bed.
"Well, I wasn't expecting anything anyway" I thought.
Suddenly, I heard a Lara saying something new for once.
"Contract?" I asked
"Its beginning….." Said Lara
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
Before I could ask anything else, a guard came in.
"Hey! You have a visit" Said The guard.
"Who is it?" I asked.
Only one person came to visit me and that was my sister, she always comes by the end of the month however…
"We are 15TH …. " I thought.
"It's not the same pretty girl, its somebody else, you will go or not?" Said the guard.
"...yes" I said.
Somebody visited me?
I became curious, so I followed the guard towards the guess room, when I got there, I saw a single man sitting in on one of the tables, he was a young man with neat hair and glasses, he gave the aura of a business man. I sat in front of him and the guard backed up, he didn't leave thought.
"Who are you?" I asked
"….You are Noah Wegner?" Asked the man.
"Nice to meet you, my name is Arthur" Said the man while extending his hand.
I unconsciously grabbed his hand.
"I wanted to ask you a few things, I am a reporter,I became fascinated by your history, do you mind If I ask a few questions?"
"History? What history?" I asked.
"The history of a small kid, for defending his family, end up in reformatory" Said Arthur.
"There is nothing much to say, I already told everything to the police back there"
"Just a few questions, it will be quick, I promise" Said Arthur.
After several times, I agree to answer a few questions, I didn't have, much to do and I didn't have anything to hide anyway.
"So, the attackers were reported several times for kidnapping and murdering crimes, several families came to the court to testify for you, even now those families are grateful for what you did, did you know?"
"No, I didn't know"
"Do you have anything to said? "
"No, I don't particularly feel anything about it, I did what I did because I wanted to, not for anybody else, just for me"
"Ohhh….. Well, that's quite the point of view you have there…. Anyway, you have been condemned to 15 years, do you feel that this result was unsatisfactory given the fact that what you did was on self-defense?"
"No, I feel it was fair. In fact, I wouldn't mind if they give me life imprisonment, what I did was murderer, even if those scums deserve it, I don't have the right to say who lives and who dies, and you seem to be forgetting about something, someone else died that day, someone close to me" Si answered.
"...I am sorry" Said the man.
"…..Its that all?" I asked
"Wait, just one more question and I will finish"
"One more, I want to sleep"
"Sure, this will the last one….. People have always asked how a thirteen something year old boy could beat down a grown up man with a knife….. In your declaration you say that a voice inside your head give you the power, is that correct?"
"yeah, but it was all just nonsense of the mouth of scared little boy, I don't expect anyone to tale it seriously"
"Well, there are some people that believe you know?" Said the man while opening his arms.
"Then, they must be crazy" I said while standing up.
"I don't this so"
"After all"
Said the man while standing up.
"You are not the only one who can talk to Lara"
When the man said that, my mind went blank