Prometheus, he was known as the man who gave the fire of knowledge to humans in the Greek Mythology.
"Emily!" Shouted Arthur while attacking with his mantis's legs.
"Stay there Noah, it will be over soon!" Said Emily while her eyes turned red.
She made a cross with both arms before letting them go
Suddenly a pair of flames wings grow up on her back, and she went forward to meet with Arthur's attack.
If there is something I must say is that….. Those wings looked pretty badass.
The two sides collide!
"Fuck off!" Shouted Arthur while pressing Emily with his mantis's legs.
However, Emily didn't even blink.
"Ignited" Said Emily.
Suddenly, from her hands, the flames began to spread towards Arthur!
"Shit!" Shouted Arthur while retreating.
"Where are you going?" Said Emily while chasing with her wings.
"Ignite" Said Emily once more.
This time small balls fire appear in front of her wings , one from each side, then they bombard Arthur.
"You!" Shouted Arthur while trying to evade the incoming fire balls
Fire ball after fire ball, Arthur did his best to evade them, but eventually…
One of the balls hit its target. Arthur's back was hit by the fire ball and huge burn mark could be seen.
"E.M.I.L.Y!" Shouted Arthur while being in pain.
"Give up, you are not match for me anymore. "Said Emily with a cold voice.
"You…*cough*... you aren't a level 2 parasite anymore!" Shouted Arthur while coughing blood.
"That's right"
"I see *cough* ..... it seems that we have to update the wanted list…" Said Arthur while standing up.
After he turned around to look at me.
"Noah Wegner"
Then he turned to Emily.
"Emily Huster"
"Two parasites, one at level 3 and the other one with unknown strength, sure enough, this trip wasn't wasted." Said Arthur with a calm smile.
"I see…I was wondering why were you so weak... now I understand, seems that you already knew I will be here" Said Emily while retracting her flames
"Je,je… that's right…. It's a shame thought, you and the parasites worked so hard to keep this plan as a secret , but we were one step ahead, as always" Said Arthur.
However, something was occurring while this conversation was taken place, the body of Arthur was….. Melting?
"What…..what are you?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Well, I am more than sure that the lady over there will explain, however, I don't mind telling you since "I" am going to disappear anyway... You see, I …. And so as she" Said Arthur while lifting his already melt right arm aiming to Emily.
"Come from the future" Said Arthur while making a creepy smile.
"The…..future?" I asked
"That's right... not too long from this date, we will...visit this planet.....and when that…..over…..for you….fucking bags of...flesh…..he…he….he" Said Arthur while melting away.
Emily just looked at Arthur while making an annoyed face, then she turned to me.
"It seems that I own you an explanation, however, now is not the time, follow me" Said Emily while backing up her flame wings.
"O…ok" I answer without much thought.
Its kind of hard… I mean….. What did I see a few moments ago?
A man with mantis 'legs.
What I consider my only friend suddenly turning in the human torch.
I have so many questions that I even know where to start, so my only choice was to follow Emily.
After we escaped from the prison , Emily took me to an old apartment, it was quite far away from the reformatory, at least 30 minutes by bus, in all the way Emily didn't say a single word.
"Come in, you have to excuse me for the mess, I haven't been here in a long time" Said Emily while opening the door.
"Don't worry" I said while entering the house.
It was a simple apartment, with a small living room, it was obvious that nobody used it since it had a lot of dust.
"Sit down, I will make some tea….. I hope the kitchen still works" Said Emily.
I sat down in the couch, it wasn't that long, however, it's been a while since I saw something that wasn't a regular bed and a white wall.
After a few minutes, Emily came with two cups of tea.
"Here you go" Said Emily while passing me one of the cups.
"Thanks" I said while grabbing the cup.
"Its good"
"Really? Then I am glad" Said Emily while making a small smile.
After finishing my cup Emily stay still without moving….. before long, she opened her mouth.
"This day marks the begging of something huge on earth" Said Emily.
"What do you mean?"
"Of course…. You don't see tv so you don't know, but today is the day that human kind makes their first contact with…. THEM" Said Emily while emphasizing the word them.
"THEM….you mean people like Arthur?"
"That's right, THEM , although we already know their names, we call then them even where I come from, quite ironic indeed" Said Emily.
She grabbed the watch on her wrist and press it, suddenly a huge image appear in front of me, indeed, it was an holograph.
"2029, January 21th, Humanity makes the first contact with THEM"
Suddenly the image of an old man appears in front of me.
"This is doctor Oliver, he was the one who discover the arrival of THEM, he and a group of people on NASA received a message from the Virgo constellation and give the world a big notice, we aren't alone"
"2060, March 10th, Humanity received their first visited of THEM" Said Emily.
Suddenly an image appears, it was the image of what its seem to be a UFO, a huge one, in the middle of New York city. After that, another image appear, it was the image of a man with glasses and suit, however, this man seems familiar…..
"Wait a minute! That's!"
"Yes, that's right, this man is the ambassador of THEM, Arthur, this year, humanity will establish their first colony of THEM on earth"
The image disappear, another image, it was another image of Arthur talking in a conference room, this time a lot of people were present.
"This conference took place on 2060 April 2th, Arthur made a lovely speech about cooperation with humans in the ONU, at the end, he proposed a treaty, they will send a colony of THEM to the earth to show good faith, and we will send a colony of humans to them. 190 countries in the world give a friendly welcome to our neighbors, only Russia and USA didn't give their approval on the treaty, nevertheless, with all the world against them, they compromise and give their approval … what a bunch of idiots" Said Emily.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because this treaty…. Marked the beginning of the end to human kind" Said Emily with a serious face.