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Wu Wen Mountain

As for why there was no poison mist there, Ye Mo knew that there was a huge formation in this mountain range, but he couldn't really see it.

Ye Mo knew that it would be impossible to break this formation with his current power, but he also knew that it must've been left there by someone a long time ago. He didn't need to break it.

After a while, Ye Mo still found some old spirit herbs. After all, this place was too broad. Even with the great picking every five years, it was impossible to pick everything.

Ye Mo didn't have a place to store these herbs, so he decided he would go back and start making pills as soon as he'd collected enough.

Ye Mo sunk into the endless herbs and lost track of time. He didn't know how many herbs he had collected.

"This should be enough, I should get back quickly and make some pills," Ye Mo looked at the fully stacked herbs and said to himself.

After this time, Ye Mo also knew that there was another layer of poison mist deeper into the mountain after all. After passing through that, he would probably reach the core part of Wu Wen Mountain. That was where had Yun Ziyi said the Jia Lan Flower could exist.

But after taking a look there, Ye Mo saw that this layer of poison mist was much stronger and would never weaken. No wonder no one could go in there, how could Yun Ziyi even know that there might be a Jia Lan Flower in there? Perhaps she had been lying.

Ye Mo estimated that he had been there for two or three months already, so in order for Mu Xiaoyun not to worry, he decided to only go in quickly and immediately come out.

Ye Mo dashed in as quickly as he could, but he felt a strong resistance again, this one much stronger than outside. Hence, Ye Mo was as slow as a snail.

One hour later, Ye Mo was sweating. He had been walking for an hour, but all he saw ahead of him was still that endless poison mist. What worried him the most was that his armor started to corrode.

Ye Mo had put a lot of good materials into his armor, yet the more he walked, the faster the armor was being corroded.

Should he leave? Ye Mo thought about it but immediately rejected the idea. He didn't even know if he would be able to still leave that easily, but even if he would, when would he be able to get the Jia Lan Flower if not now? If he left now, his effort to beat that last poison mist layer would have all been for nothing.

An hour later, when Ye Mo felt that his armor was about to be completely dissolved, a large patch of green appeared before his eyes.

Finally! Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and his attention was immediately caught by what was in front if him. This was an ancient spirit herb garden! The herbs in there were all very old. Some had even died naturally. Perhaps the ones alive weren't even the originally planted ones.

Ye Mo noticed the spirit herbs and was completely stunned; Nine Leaf Lotus, Zhou Huan Flower, Double Leaf Luo Lan, Purple Black Blue Carrot.

Ye Mo was absolutely breathless. What was this? Although he had never seen these in real life, he had seen them in books. Ye Mo never had thought he would be able to see the real deal one day.

Ye Mo's hands were shaking. These were herbs used by high level cultivators, by old monsters at the golden core and nascent soul stage.

Ye Mo scanned the outside of the garden and finally saw some Jia Lan Flowers too. They were very precious to him, but they were just a random unimportant grass on the outskirts here. It didn't even have the right to be in the actual herb garden.

Ye Mo carefully approached the entrance of the garden and stood still for a long while. After making sure there was no problem, he bent down and picked up three Jia Lan Flowers. But as soon as he did, he felt a certain strong pressure appear. Ye Mo wanted to retreat, but that strong suction force rendered him unable to move. A black mist then encroached him, and Ye Mo immediately disappeared from the spot.